The emperor's turbid eyes fell on him as if they had substance. The size and scrutiny contained in them were overwhelming to ordinary people even when he was sick and weak. Ordinary people would probably show timidity under such sharp eyes. , but Shen Anqiu didn't seem to be affected in any way.

The emperor withdrew his gaze and sighed longly.

"You know, I don't want to see you and Yun Qingyin together the last thing. She can have any identity, but she has that identity."

"I don't understand what the emperor means."

The old emperor smiled and said, "If you really don't understand, why do you frequently interact with the Lu family, a well-known medical family? However, you should also know that even with the Lu family, the secret poison cannot be completely solved. It's not that The Lu family does not have that ability, but the secret poison has a special antidote, which no antidote can replace."

Shen Anqiu slowly raised his head, his attitude was colder than ever before, "Why are the emperor and ministers talking about this?"

"Shen Aiqing, I know that you must hate me very much at this moment, but this is something I can't do anything about. The existence of Prince Dingnan's Mansion makes me uneasy."

Perhaps thinking of something extremely disgusting to the old emperor, his face darkened, as if the Dingnan Palace mentioned was such a hateful existence.

"When I first found out the identity of that girl, I sat alone all afternoon, and then ordered people to find the long-extinct secret Gu, a mother Gu and a child Gu. At the chrysanthemum appreciation banquet reported by the Queen Mother, they went smoothly. I planted seeds for my seventh prince and that girl. In fact, at that time, I had already chosen the seventh prince to become the crown prince. I poisoned them both, but I never wanted their lives. I even agreed to Dingnan regardless of previous suspicions. The daughter of the royal family will continue to sit on the throne of the future queen."

The old emperor looked as if he was very tolerant of Dingnan Palace.

Shen Anqiu didn't have any strong reaction after hearing this, "It seems that Dingnan Palace wants to thank the Emperor."

The old emperor snorted coldly, "I was not only tolerant to Prince Dingnan once or twice. On the contrary, Prince Dingnan made further progress every time, and looked less and less towards me as an emperor. Over the years, if I hadn't noticed in advance, , I’m afraid Dingnan Prince’s Mansion has rebelled long ago.”

Shen Anqiu was silent.

The old emperor continued to talk a lot, mostly about his suspicion of Prince Dingnan's palace. After he finished speaking, he returned to the matter of the poison, "Shen Aiqing, I am poisoning just as a precaution. If If Prince Dingnan’s palace really wants to rebel, it’s better to have a check. As long as you agree to help my prince revitalize the court and secure the throne in the next two years, when the time comes, someone will naturally deliver the antidote to you.”

"How can I not obey what the emperor said?" Shen Anqiu smiled slowly, "If His Highness the Crown Prince knew that the Emperor was considering him so much, I believe he would be grateful to the Emperor. However, I am a little curious. Is His Highness’s wish just to stabilize the imperial court?”

"Shen Aiqing." The old emperor warned coldly, "Just do your part. As for the rest, you don't need to think about it."

"Really?" Shen Anqiu said, "The emperor asked me to assist the prince, but he refused to tell the truth. He really didn't have the sincerity to drag me down. Even if I want to do my best, I'm afraid sometimes I am not motivated."

The old emperor narrowed his eyes, "It seems that Shen Aiqing feels that the antidote is not worthy of this sincerity."

(End of this chapter)

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