Chapter 195 Watching the Fun in the Meeting Room

Chapter 195 Watching the Fun in the Conference Room
Zeng Tian went to the left and the others went to the left, and she went to the right, this idiot also went to the right.

"do you remember me?"

"Don't remember, please get out of the way."

The silly hat also brought his face closer, stretched out his fingers and poked hard at his own face.

"Me, Chen Xiaodong, we were classmates for a few days ago."

"Get out of the way, and I'll call you a hooligan."

Chen Xiaodong remembered how badly he was beaten up last time, and if she was asked to call hooligans in the work unit, it would be over.

Zeng Tian took a blank look at the idiot and left, and if her man saw it, he would have to beat him up.

When he returned to the meeting room, the meeting had officially started, Zeng Tian walked in stoopingly, put the cup on the table and started recording with a notebook.

"Hey, look at the person lying on the window as if looking at you."

Shi Lin elbowed Zeng Tian, ​​and pointed his chin in the direction of the window sill.

"Don't worry about it, you idiot."

"I know him. Director An is diagonally across from that man's father."

Zeng Tian glanced at it and then continued to lower his head to record, all he could hear was the topic of the meeting.

"Our Qiu City has always been a well-known industrial city in the province and even in the whole country, but the total income has dropped by more than 20.00% for two consecutive years.

But why?Is there no order?There is a shortage of materials across the country, but you can't produce them.Have you ever wondered where the main problem is..."

Zeng Tian looked at her man's back and knew that he was absent-minded, at least not listening carefully.

"Why can the tractor factory use its tractors all over the country, why can't every factory in our city be the leader?"

"Let me think about the reasons now. What I want are actual reforms and real progress. At least one should come out, right?"

Feng Jishan glanced at An Xiuyuan, in fact, he was looking forward to this person doing something surprising.

"Director An, I heard that when you were in the county, you worked with your deputy factory manager to develop the latest thresher. I wonder if you have any better ideas recently."

"I have some ideas, but it will take a long time to put them into practice."

"Oh! Can you tell me now?"

"The initial idea is a large vertical lathe that, if built, could produce key components for heavy equipment."

Although it is very general, it can always make people look forward to it, but discordant voices are absolutely indispensable.

"Director An's thinking and practice are very different. If everyone thinks with their brains and can succeed, why use those scientific researchers?"

An Xiuyuan looked at the source of the voice, Chen Lishi's deputy, and the father of Chen Xiaodong who was beaten by him before.

"Look at what Deputy Chen said, which scientific research achievement is not first conceived in the mind. It is always better to have an idea than no idea, and you are the deputy in charge of agriculture, so don't hit everyone in the field you don't understand Positivity."

Han Zhongke was the first to speak. What he disliked the most was that he was a trash who didn't understand farts and was pushing around every day.

"You! Han Zhongke, don't forget your current level, is this the tone you should talk to me?"

"Why, can't you even tell the truth now? How much does Deputy Chen know about industry to blow the confidence of a person with ideals without restraint?"

The dispute between the two became more and more intense. Everyone was watching but no one tried to stop it. Feng Jishan was the only one who could speak but he was still listening seriously.

And An Xiuyuan also listened with gusto, and drank tea leisurely.Han Weisong was just about to pass water to his father so that he could continue his efforts.

"Hey, do you know who will win this quarrel?"

Zeng Tian didn't want to answer this question, so why guess?She finally knew who Han Liuqing sounded like when he got angry, which was definitely inherited from her father.

"Actually, the leader of my family has to quarrel with Mr. Chen every time. It's strange to say that Mr. Chen is obviously not an opponent. He still commits crimes at the hands of my leader every time. It's just a bit difficult for my voice, and I have to be hoarse for a few times every time I go back. sky."

"Maybe it's an enemy, I'm born to be difficult to deal with."

It was the first time Zeng Tian saw two big men quarreling, although it was not as intense as a woman's quarrel, but it was absolutely heartbreaking.

An Xiuyuan turned his head and saw his daughter-in-law watching the excitement, so he handed over his own cup, which contained jujube tea, which he really couldn't get used to.

"Wait in a hurry, we can leave in a while."

"Don't worry, it's rare to watch something lively."

Feng Jishan had seen enough, and only spoke after taking a sip of tea.

"Okay, let's all be quiet. Since Director An has an idea, we must support it. If you have any difficulties, just ask me."


"Also, in the past two years, we have been emphasizing the streamlining of the return-to-home policy, but we haven't reached the extreme. Anyway, in the past two years, the profits of the factories have not been good. They all go back and return to where they meet the policy requirements, leaving enough Productivity is just fine..."

After talking for another half an hour, the meeting was finally over. Anyway, the overall idea is to streamline personnel and increase production value.Zeng Tian rubbed her waist and just stood up when she heard the words to ask her man to stay.

An Xiuyuan handed the briefcase and car keys to his daughter-in-law, and he could lie down in the car for a while.

Only Feng Jishan and An Xiuyuan were left in the conference room, and he took out a photo, which was sent to him by someone who cared.

"Director An, this photo is your help."

An Xiuyuan glanced at it and shook his head, He Mingqing was quite fast.

"I can confirm that the person in this photo is five points similar to my wife at a glance, and it should be my youngest son who has been lost for many years.

But what makes me hesitate now is that he is already a member of Fengshifeng's family, and he is married to the daughter of a respectable family.Wouldn't I be blocking his future if I wanted to get him back? "

An Xiuyuan tapped his finger on the table, it would not block his future, because the relationship network he built with great difficulty cannot be destroyed by others, even if it is not his own biological child, he will not give up.

"If what I expected is correct, the Fengshi family should also know about it. What you have to consider now is whether you can let go of this relationship when they find you?"

"What do you mean, they will let me give up?"

"Of course, people who have entered Feng's house have no reason to let go."

Feng Jishan understood, the other party told him not to get involved or recognize relatives, so just pretend it was nothing.How is that possible, since An Xiuyuan is not his son, he must not miss another one.

The rest is not what An Xiuyuan considers, let's make a fuss, it's none of his business to make a fuss again.

Zeng Tian got into the car and lay down on the back seat, put a lot of baby warmers under his autumn clothes, and he felt warm all over after a while.

Suddenly the light on the car window was blocked, and when I looked up, I saw a man in his thirties whom I didn't know.Rolling down the window of the car before asking the other party, he smiled and handed in a letter.

From the beginning to the end, he left without saying a word, looking at the sonorous and forceful writing of his name on the envelope.

After watching Zeng Tian quickly take out a notebook and write down a few words before getting out of the car, her pace is getting faster and faster, it can be seen that she is a little anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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