Chapter 27 Zeng Tian's Life Is Bad
Chapter 27 Zeng Tian's Fate Is Bad

In An Xiuming's heart, there is nothing his mother dare not do, even if the incident is so big this time, it doesn't matter, as long as the third child is willing to protect it, it can still be resolved.Although he didn't know why the third child had such a high prestige in the village, it didn't matter as long as he opened his mouth.

As soon as the captain mentioned the shooting, Mrs. An collapsed on the ground in fright. With her hands tied behind her back, she could only cry and beg for mercy.

"Captain, I really know I was wrong. Please forgive me for the sake of my third son. I will never embarrass my daughter-in-law again, please."

But the captain and the others obviously didn't want to brush this matter aside. After all, this old hag was very arrogant in the village, and even the village chief couldn't hold her back.

"Xiuyuan is not doing well this time. Buying and selling women and children is a crime that our country has always cracked down on. If this incident passes like this, we will all be cover-up criminals."

"I didn't sell it, I really didn't sell it."

"It's too late if you don't sell it, even if you have this idea."

The branch secretary, who had been silent all this time, knocked heavily on the table and glanced at everyone present.

"My suggestion is to send her to the police directly. Even if the village is not rated as advanced, there will be fewer scourges. It is because we cover up every day that she is so rampant."

The black face sang so stunned everyone that the village chief didn't know what to say for a moment, after all, he had the least real power among the three.

"Come on, lock me in the next room first, no one can let her out without my order."

This time the branch secretary was ready to treat her properly, and the team leader nodded in cooperation.

"Don't catch me, I was really wrong, the second child hastened to find the third child, and asked him to come back and save me."

Mrs. An was dragged and locked up next door by several old wives. An Xiuming was so frightened that he sat on the ground and wiped his tears.But An Xiucheng was sweating anxiously. If his old mother was really sent to the Public Security Bureau, their house would really be over. The third child would never be able to take care of them anymore, maybe he wouldn't even have enough to eat in the future.

"Mother, don't be afraid, I'm going to find the third child right now."

Seeing that the second child also ran away, An Xiucheng didn't know what to do for a moment, so he could only run out with him, and he didn't even know how to beg the village chief.

The village chief looked at the two brothers who ran away and shook his head helplessly. It would be nothing if Lao An's family lost the third brother.

The branch secretary asked the rest of them to leave too, and the three of them sat in the office and smoked for a while, speechless.

"You say that Xiu Yuan has such a family of idiots."

"I feel that Xiuyuan is different this time when he comes back. He obviously doesn't want to care about the people of Lao An's family."

The captain curled his lips, what a young man.

"It's a time when everyone is troubled. Look at how Xiu Yuan has been dragged down by them these years. If you want me, I will take the initiative to separate the family."

"What are you going to do this time?"

"Stop him for a few days first, and wait for Xiu Yuan to come back to see his opinion."

The branch secretary was also helpless, it would not be so easy for another person today, and it is still for An Xiuyuan's sake to say a thousand dollars and ten thousand dollars.

"How is Xiuyuan's daughter-in-law?"

The village chief sighed when he mentioned Zeng Tian, ​​this girl didn't know if her life was too bad, if she suffered from her mother's family, she would still suffer from her life at her husband's house.

"Since we arrived in our brigade, we have been tortured a few times, and our health is already bad, and now it's even worse. I'm afraid that she won't be able to give Xiu Yuan a baby."

The branch secretary also sighed, who doesn't marry a wife to have a baby, and Xiu Yuan is 26 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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