The Age of Rebirth: In the last days, Jiaojiao wants to stick with rough guys

Chapter 297 Mr. Feng was complained about by his grandson

Chapter 297 Mr. Feng was complained about by his grandson

Chapter 297: Mr. Feng was complained about by his grandson

At this time, the phone suddenly rang. Mr. Jin picked up the phone with some hesitation, but the words that came from inside made him unable to sit still.

"Xiuyuan, something happened to Tiantian."

An Xiuyuan rushed over and grabbed the phone, his voice trembling.

"What's wrong with people?"

Although I felt a little sorry for my brother when I heard that the injured person was Xiangji, I was still relieved. My daughter-in-law is my precious Jin Qiaoba, who would have been frightened even if she was not injured.

"Has it been transferred? Well, okay, I'll go back right away."

An Xiuyuan didn't have much time to talk to these people, so his words were blunt and rapid.

"Grandpa recently took his cousins ​​to Qiu City to look for me. My uncles made the rounds when they needed to, and kept a low profile when they couldn't. Grandpa He, please don't push He Mingqing up in a hurry. Just follow Mr. and everything will be safe. As for Feng, Well, Mr. Feng just needs to keep a low profile, there isn’t anyone in the Feng family who can push him forward.”

Both Jin Lao and He Lao tried their best to hold back their laughter. How could this kid tell the truth? The direct line of the Feng family does not have many talents. Feng Chuwen, the only capable third child, is not willing to be contaminated by these. He lives a very selfish life. .

Feng Lao was so angry that he vomited blood. Grandpa refused to admit it and even told the Feng family's plight in public. He wanted to scold him but left without giving him a chance. What kind of fate did he have?

"Hahahaha, Lao Feng, you have to swallow the evil you have done. Why don't you consider going with me to accompany Xiu Yuan. Maybe if you cultivate a relationship, you can have someone to take care of you in your old age."

"Fart, I have three sons and three grandchildren and no one can support me in my old age? Humph, if I don't go, the Feng family can still survive for decades."

Although Mr. Jin gave the advice in jest, it was the most kind reminder. However, everyone has different goals in life and takes different paths. I hope everyone can be well.

"Okay, take Xiuyuan's words to heart. He may not have a chance to come back for a long time after he leaves. Everyone, take care of yourselves."

"When are you going to leave?"

"I'm going to see my husband tomorrow and leave immediately. Xiuyuan didn't remind me once or twice that I'm leaving. I don't think there will be peace in Piao City anymore. I'm old and have no ambitions, so I'd better retire to a stable place to retire."

Mr. He nodded in agreement. The three of them were in different departments, and there was really nothing to go up in Lao Jin's path.

"Then I hope we can sit together and drink tea and chat in a few years."

"Okay, Qiu City welcomes you, hahahahaha."

When An Xiuyuan went out, Wei Zi was waiting in the car. He jumped in the car and set off without stopping. There must be no train leaving today and he would have to drive back overnight.

"Brother Yuan, don't worry. The news came that my sister-in-law saved Xiang Ji. I didn't expect her to be so brave."

"I never want to see such bravery in my life. By the way, how is Xiangji's injury?"

"It should be fine, no one mentioned that kid anyway."

An Xiuyuan closed his eyes weakly. The two days were really exhausting. Thinking of his wife, he felt guilty. She hated hearing the word "sorry" the most. She didn't even know how to apologize when she went back this time. Open your mouth.

Dong Jin has been in the dark. He was dragged out of the car and locked in a room without even taking off his hood. No one said a word to him. He kept tapping his legs with his fingers, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, there was a clear knocking sound outside the door. He quickly listened carefully. After two consecutive times, Dong Jin raised the corners of his mouth and relaxed his body.

Zheng Sui received the order and went to the place where Dong Jin was imprisoned. He stood at the door and adjusted his collar. They belonged to different departments but the nature of their work was very similar. The methods of interrogating people were exactly the same, so all the subsequent processes were familiar to both parties. Yes, it is very difficult to seize the breakthrough.

The door was opened, and a human figure could be vaguely seen in the dark room. It was impossible to allow one person to be interrogated. When facing a "big shot" like Dong Jin, five people came at once. The lamps were lit and tables and chairs were brought in.

The moment the hood was pulled off, there was a dazzling light. It was obviously yellow light but it was still uncomfortable.

"Comrade Dong, this is the second time we have met."

"Haha, it's you. Both times seemed to be the times when I was most embarrassed."

Last time, he fought with Feng Xinxue, and this time he looked even more embarrassed. This kid was destined to control himself.

"You are more familiar with the process than I am, so you just skip the first step?"

"Well, last time I saw An Xiuyuan giving someone an injection, I didn't expect it would be my turn this time." "Then let's get started. Maybe the dose will be increased."

Dong Jin smiled indifferently, watching the needle pierce his arm, closing his eyes as if enjoying it.

"Everyone, get ready to start."

Zheng Sui opened his small notebook, which already listed numerous questions.

"Does the organization behind you have a name?"

"What organization? I only work for the country."

Zheng Sui raised his eyebrows and nodded, putting a cross behind the question.

"How did they first approach you?"

"I came in recruiting soldiers."

"Well, what was your first message?"

"Does the first family visit report count, hehehe."

The record-keepers looked at each other and answered more than a dozen questions, but Zheng Sui was the only one who was still asking questions patiently and step by step.

"Your family has contact with the organization."

"No, no."

"Well, how many people are there in the organization behind you in the country?"

"No, I don't know."

Zheng Sui raised the corner of his mouth and glanced at the person next to Dong Jin, who inserted the second needle that had been prepared long ago.

"Does that organization have a name? Or what is its code name?"

"Name, codename? No, I don't know."

"You know, if you think about it carefully, do you always carry the word "Yu" when sending messages?"

"do not know."

"They like to use very ancient armor-piercing arrows. Have you seen them?"

"Arrows, ancient arrows."

"Yes, there is a blood tank for bleeding when you are stabbed. The blood will not stop until it dries up. Your only son Dong Youzhi may have been abducted by the organization and bled."

Dong Jin shook his head vigorously, this was his final struggle.


"Yes, your only son is bleeding and being tortured by the organization. You should be angry and quickly find a way to save him."

"Yes, save people, my only son."

"You have to negotiate with the organization and use your chips to exchange for your son."

"Change? Hahaha, isn't my son in your hands? He is safe."

Dong Jin shook his head again, and Zheng Sui was stunned for a moment by his suddenly sober words, and then he also laughed.

"Comrade Dong is really powerful. Two injections are more than a normal person can bear."

"An Xiuyuan used three injections last time, but he walked out alive and well."

"In that case, let's take the third shot. Thank you for the reminder. After all, the last interrogation of An Xiuyuan was confidential and no one knew what happened."

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