Chapter 299 The corpse still ran away
Chapter 299: The body still ran away

Chen Qisheng didn't care about Zheng Sui's directness. He laughed as if it was his signature and weapon, and reached out his hand first.

"Comrade Zheng, I only dared to come here after receiving an order. Who doesn't know that you can't come in and out at will? I don't dare to enter without orders."

Zheng Sui took the envelope, opened it and looked at the signature and seal first. Haha, this is not the order seal of the directly subordinate department at all.

"Take your people and leave now, or both the person who stamped the seal and you will be held accountable."

"Comrade Zheng, isn't this making things difficult for me? If I don't complete the order, I will be held accountable, and none of the brothers behind me will be able to escape. I can't bear this responsibility.

Moreover, they are just taking away a dead person, so there is no need to embarrass us. "

Zheng Sui said nothing, raised his hand and more than twenty people rushed out from behind him. This was the only strength here. But I can still fight with the group of people in front of me, but I am afraid that they may have some backup plans.

"Stop them, and whoever breaks in will be killed."

"Comrade Zheng, what are you doing!"

After saying that, he turned and went upstairs. Now he was even more doubtful about the authenticity of Dong Jin's death.

Chen Qisheng's face also darkened. Before he came, he thought he would be rejected, but he didn't expect it would be hard. Looking at the dozens of people armed with live ammunition, he turned his head and glanced at the people behind him. They were not all of the same magnitude.

Zheng Sui ran to the second floor and saw the people lying on the ground with eyes wide open. The scene when he rushed into the rescue room made him even more desperate, and he screamed downstairs with anger in his heart.

"Take them all down!"

Zheng Sui immediately went to make a call. He needed reinforcements. He had limited time and had to track them down. He suddenly wanted to split himself into eight parts.

Chen Qishan downstairs was very cooperative and took the initiative to put down his weapon and accept supervision, but his eyes never left a certain room on the second floor.

After everything was taken care of, Zheng then checked all the traces in the rescue room. Judging from the traces, all the conflicts were from indoors to outside, and the number of people was only one less than Dong Jin, which shows what the result was.

"Damn, you cunning old fox."

At the same time, all levels above learned the news. Some were angry, some were calm, and some were gloating about the misfortune.

"Lao He, have you heard?"

"I heard that, I have sent people here to look for him."

"Then I'll send someone to find him too."

Mr. Jin thought that everything was a foregone conclusion, but he really didn't expect that something like this would happen as soon as his grandson left.

"No, you leave as planned and don't get involved in the situation in Piao City anymore."

"But, I can't let you face it."

"I've thought too much. As long as I ensure my own safety, what else can Dong Jin do who can't show his face?"

Mr. Jin hung up the phone and thought for a moment, why is his old friend so sure?
"Dad, I feel like we should leave as planned. Our Jin family is always a marginalized person, even if we want to help, it will be the same."

Boss Jin was a little anxious. After all, his nephew had repeatedly promised to leave immediately before leaving.

"Huh, don't you think I'm a cultural person? I just leave and I'm useless as a scholar."

Boss Jin shook his head helplessly. Others were not doing it for his own good. The older they got, the more willful they became.

An Xiuyuan wished he could fly the car like a plane. When Wei Zi was tired, he started to fly directly, and the three-day journey was reached in one and a half days.

Standing at the door of the safe house in Cailin County without eating or drinking, his eyes were bloodshot. When he heard his wife's energetic voice, all his worries were put back in his stomach, and he knocked gently on the door.

"Brother Yuan!"

Zeng Tian was sitting at the door of the kitchen watching her mother-in-law rolling out noodles. When she heard the shouting, she immediately ran out. When she saw the unshaven man, she swooped over.

"My ancestors!"


Amid everyone's exclamations, An Xiuyuan skillfully caught the person and held him tightly in his arms. He buried his face in his neck and smelled the familiar smell, feeling extremely relieved.

"I scared you again."

"It's okay. You'll get braver with practice." "I'm sorry."

I apologize too much. It seems that these three words are all I can say. I’m so ashamed!

"The three most annoying words are the words that make you fall out!"

"Hahaha, okay, I won't talk about it anymore."

He put the person down carefully and looked at his mother, making her also frightened.

"Is everything okay?"

Jin Yunbi originally thought about her son's involvement in her daughter-in-law, but ended up forgetting everything with just a greeting.

"Okay, everything is fine."

"That's good, thank you all for your hard work."

This is said to the brothers. After so many years of ups and downs, I have never said a greeting. This is also due to the changes in my daughter-in-law's life.

"Brother Yuan is really not used to this sudden visit."

"Hahahaha, I learned it from my sister-in-law."

Zeng Tian was so shameless that he allowed them to tease him, dragging the child's father with him and leaving. If he didn't quickly take a shower and rest during this time, he would be a loser.

"Mom, let's make a bowl of noodles for Xiu Yuan first."

"Okay, Mom will do it right away."

The two of them returned to the room and were intimate again. The furnishings in the room were simple and they could only sit on chairs and talk to each other.

"Are you still going to Piaoshi?"

"If I don't go, I might not go again for many years."

"Then let's go back to Qiu City?"

"Go back, but I have to go back first, and you may have to stay until the New Year."

After all, the Chinese New Year will be here in just a few days, their first New Year together.

"I will come over to spend the New Year with you and your children."

"Well, then I'll prepare something you like to eat."

"Hot pot would be great, my mouth is watering just thinking about it."

Zeng Tian sighed and glanced in the direction next door feeling helpless.

"Guo Yong said that there are people living next door, and Cailin County is not as good as Qiu City. Try to eat food with little taste at home, otherwise you will be jealous."

"Then let's eat behind closed doors. We won't be able to stay for a few days anyway."

An Xiuyuan didn't care what these neighbors thought. He could just clean up the meal if they had any objections, but he couldn't wrong his wife over food.

"Then I have to prepare well and get all the ingredients out of the way before you leave."

"Okay, leave everything to me."

After being called out for some trouble, An Xiuyuan lay down and fell asleep two hours later. During this time, he also had a small meeting with Guo Yong and others.

"Tiantian, I forgot to ask your grandpa and your dad just now, and I don't know how the city is doing."

"It should be fine, otherwise Xiuyuan wouldn't be able to sleep."

"Oh~~ Yes. The Jin family has witnessed several ups and downs in the past. Old acquaintances and friends have disappeared one by one. I don't know how long the Jin family can survive."

Zeng Tian pursed her lips and reached out to hold her mother-in-law's hand. She didn't know how to comfort her. After all, no one could stop the changes of the times.

"Mom, Grandpa has a lot of experience and sees things more clearly than others. He might have thought of everything we can think of, and now that Xiuyuan is standing by his side, everything will be saved."

"Oh~~ I hope, I miss them so much all of a sudden. I don't know if Xiuyuan's father has a place to eat, or if he knows how to dry the quilt at home. It's cold and damp in Piaoshi in winter."

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