Chapter 47 Material Loss
Cheng Weiyao, who returned to the temporary resting place, grabbed Wen Chengyun's arm and spoke eagerly.

"Ma'am, take care of your home, I'll lobby."

Wen Chengyun's long eyebrows were frowned. The exile team stopped temporarily to rest. It was located halfway up the mountain. If the rocks on the top of the mountain slipped, the entire exile team could be buried in place and ascended to heaven.

With previous experience, he would rather believe what Cheng Weiyao said, and immediately went to talk to the officials, and Wang Gang made a decisive decision.

Cheng Weiyao is a woman who has two brushes on her body, especially when facing a crisis, she has a bit of a prophetic taste...

However, before everyone could pack up, the rocks and trees rushed to the temporary resting place mixed with the howling wind, and the sound of landslides and cracks was close to their ears, and the people who were dubious at first realized that they were busy.

"Father, pack your bags! There's nothing in there for the rest of the journey!"

"I know, take care of the child and mother, and leave the rest to me!"

The men are strong, and most of them are responsible for protecting the luggage of each family, while the women are holding the children, leading the elderly, and running away in a hurry.

The exile team, which had been evacuating in an orderly manner, was in chaos because of the appearance of the exiles, and everyone was exhausted. Naturally, there was no feeling of pity and care for outsiders who accidentally fell at such a critical juncture.

"Don't run around! Take your bags!"

Wang Gang had already led the officials to a safe place. Seeing the mess, the crowd tried their best to reprimand them, trying to restore order, but they just couldn't move their mouths.

Now that he has escaped from the dangerous situation, there is no reason to go back again. He is already in exile to be punished. At this time, his own life is of course more important than his responsibility.

"Little sister, pack your bags, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Cheng Weiyao pursed her lips when she saw the stampede. The girl who fell down was really pitiful. She had answered a few words with herself before, but she really couldn't help but put her bag into Wen Liyu's arms , turned back and rushed into the crowd, picked up the girl and ran away.

Gravel and mud kept falling on her body, Cheng Weiyao could only feel that the scythe of death had chased after her, and her heart was beating violently. Fortunately, at the last second when the mountain was completely cleared, Wen Chengyun had already placed the imperial concubine in a safe place, and turned back to meet Cheng Weiyao a handful.

"You don't want to die! Our family is not related to her, there is a saying that protects oneself wisely, don't you understand?"

Wen Liyu was terrified by the scene just now, she was relieved and gave Cheng Weiyao a slap in the face.

She has also seen the relationship these days, Cheng Weiyao dares to speak and act, it is understandable to protect the calf, and it is understandable to protect the family at ordinary times. This is all fraternity to outsiders, endangering her own safety.

"Didn't I come back safely? You don't want to scare the child anymore. Look at this child who is only as old as Cheng Ming and watch her die?"

Cheng Weiyao put down the girl who was still in shock in her arms, the child blinked, and then cried out dully, looking for parents while crying.

The parents were also big-hearted, they just cared about the husband and wife fleeing for their lives, thinking that the other would take care of their daughter, so both of them made a mistake. If Cheng Weiyao hadn't acted righteously, the girl would have been buried in the ground by now.

The girl was crying pitifully, Wen Liyu's heart softened, she curled her lips, and had no choice but to give up, anyway, Cheng Weiyao came back safely, so she didn't say more.

The shaking of the mountain stopped, and the mountain road was silent, and everyone began to pack and count the rescued materials.

"My dear mother, you really can't do a little work, and this bag is broken in sevens and eighties. Can you tell me how to get there?"

"Oops! I was busy holding the baby just now, and forgot to take the medicine box. My mother, you and the baby must not get sick in the future..."

As the inventory and liquidation deepened, voices of complaints came from various households one after another, and Cheng Weiyao focused on Wen Liyu: "Where is the luggage I handed over to you?"

"What did you say, it's dead and heavy, the baggage was broken in a hurry, maybe something is missing..."

Mentioning this incident, Wen Liyu's eyes became a little unnatural, her luggage was full of clothes and jewelry, and she could carry it around, while Cheng Weiyao's was just a sundry bag, heavy and heavy.

She is a dignified princess, when did she ever carry such a heavy bag, and she dragged it on the ground in a hurry, but she didn't expect to come back and see that the bottom of the bag was worn out...

Seeing Wen Liyu's careless eyes, Cheng Weiyao had a bad feeling. When she walked up to the obviously smaller package and opened it, she couldn't help calling it a scam in her heart!

This is more than a little thing missing. If the supplies are lost, the road to exile will be difficult!Passing by the county this time, I don't know how far I have to go before I have another opportunity to purchase supplies.

Cheng Weiyao's livid face quickly caught Wen Chengyun's attention, he stretched out his hand and patted Cheng Weiyao's shoulder to appease her a little pale face: "Madam, don't be angry, Ayu didn't do it on purpose, I will compensate you for her." No, the next time I buy supplies, I will buy them..."

Being comforted by Wen Chengyun's kind words, Cheng Weiyao didn't feel like having a fit, but she just sighed faintly, Wen Liyu's hands and feet, this brother is so sorry, when will this sister-in-law really grow up...

But as soon as they escaped from the tiger's mouth, the officials yelled at everyone to go on the road again, and several serious criminals were arrested and beaten by the officials until their noses and faces were swollen.

Wang Gang is a smart man. As soon as the disaster started, the felons fled as if they had made an appointment. Although they couldn't tell what the landslide had anything to do with them, the charge of trying to escape alone was enough for them to have a good time. Pot up.

Cheng Weiyao knew that although the landslide was a matter of time, the hammer tree venting anger of several felons before was not a small incentive.

What she knew better was that the originally planned mountain road could not be walked, not to mention the risk of another landslide if she continued walking along the mountain road.

"My lord, you can't walk this mountain road."

Just as Cheng Weiyao was about to open his mouth, Wen Chengyun had already interrupted the yelling of the officials. His eyes were firm, his tone was decisive, and he had no intention of discussing with others.

"You kid, is this the tone you are talking to us? You can't leave if you say you can't leave? What kind of onion do you think you are!"

Chen Ertie put on a straight face, and while talking, he planned to come over to clean up the limelight.

"Wang Gang, I said this road can't be taken!" Wen Chengyun didn't pay attention to the insidious villain Chen Er, but wanted to directly negotiate with the leader Wang Gang.

Cheng Weiyao tilted her head, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, did the cheap husband get enlightened?

(End of this chapter)

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