Chapter 320
The black cat panicked, it didn't want to die.

Looking at Wenying, the kobold naturally noticed, "This human is your accomplice, right?"

"You guys, grab them both!"

In an instant, those npcs surrounded Wen Ying and the black cat.

Wen Ying sighed, "Xiao Hei, what's the use of all this? Don't you know that in this situation, what he wants most is not your innocence, but to find a scapegoat."

The black cat looked at Wen Ying in confusion, "You can testify that I didn't eat those foods, you can testify for me."

Wen Ying didn't understand whether the black cat was stupid or something, "Is it useful for me to testify for you? Now we two have been designated as accomplices of stealing by you, the dog head. He won't believe my words, and he is not willing to go." Xin, after all, if the thief is not caught, he will be punished. It seems that the punishment in the mental hospital is terrible, right? So you are destined to be his scapegoat, how could he allow you to be innocent? "

[I thought only our world was full of conspiracies and calculations, but I didn't expect such places to exist? 】

The kobold stared at them, "Don't quibble, the evidence is solid."

"Stop! Don't touch me." Wen Ying said to the person who wanted to catch her, "Do you know who I am?"


"I'm the cleaner in the mental hospital!"

Numerous npcs, "..."

I understand, this mental state is most likely a neurosis, how can it be a cleaning staff.

"If you arrest me, who will clean the sanitation in our mental hospital? I know that recently a guest from the dean came to inspect our hospital. If there is a problem with sanitation, who will be punished? Everyone can't escape the responsibility! "

The kobold frowned, as if it really was the case.

At this juncture, hygiene must be guaranteed.

"Lord Dog Head, I, I, I can clean up together!" the black cat said hastily.

But the black cat's answer made the kobold think of another way.

"You're dead, so of course someone else will clean up!" The dog's head looked at Wen Ying with a stern look.

Wen Ying sighed, and looked at the black cat, "Xiao Hei, you really have more success than failure! You say you, I am almost successful, you come to say this, now it's all right, we both will be dragged To be buried alive."

The black cat looked at Wenying angrily, "Didn't you say that we are friends? In your human world, friends share blessings and share hardships, right? Are you lying to me?"

Wen Ying shook her head, "Xiao Hei, you are wrong, do you know what a friend is?"

"What is it?" The black cat thought about various answers, but felt that he remembered correctly, it must be what it said!

This human doesn't consider it a friend!
Hypocritical human beings!
Never trust humans again!
"Friend, that is to stab your friend twice when you have nothing to do, and stab your friend twice when you have something to do. This is the true meaning of a friend. Human culture, you have learned too little."

[Laugh!Dr. Wen's explanation is so incisive!Isn't this the true meaning of friends! 】

[You can stab your friend twice if you have anything to do, isn't this the modern version of a friend?A few days ago, an incident happened here. I said that a person was in trouble and needed money but no one helped him. Finally, he told his brother that his brother gave him 5 yuan. Because of the relationship between the two, he did not write an IOU.As a result, three years later, the brother had an accident at home and needed the money, but the borrower made various excuses saying that he had no money and could not pay it back, but the brother saw with his own eyes that he took his wife to the gold shop to buy a pair for her. A new necklace, more than 1.

After being discovered by him, this person still asked his brother why he forced him in front of him?Is there an IOU?Why do you say that you transferred tens of thousands of yuan to him?Cursing and cursing turned into denying that he had borrowed money, and going to sue his brother for defrauding him!
If God doesn't deal with this kind of person, God is blind!

It turned out that his brother found the record of the original transfer and sued him as evidence.

These days, brotherhood is bullshit! 】

[I couldn't take the word girlfriend seriously before, but now I can't even take friends seriously? 】

[Speaking of girlfriends, what I watch the most is the drama of a man whose girlfriend steals her girlfriend. I really can't look straight at it! 】

[Parents can sell their children for money, what else in this world is worthy of our trust?Don't trust anyone but yourself! 】

[Comrades, you can always trust Dr. Wen's live broadcast! 】

[Upstairs is correct!We will always believe in Dr. Wen's live broadcast! 】

[It is recommended that everyone watch Doctor Wen’s live broadcast to ensure that they can wake up in the world! 】

[Doctor Wen's live broadcast is a masterpiece of sobriety in the world! 】

The black cat looked at Wen Ying in a daze. Human friends, did you explain it like this?
Had it been misunderstood all along?
Now, does it want to apologize to this human being?

The kobold looked at the man talking nonsense in front of him, and smiled angrily, "Black cat, you are still counting the money after being sold? There is no need for a stupid black cat like you! Be obedient Be taken away!"

Hearing the words of Mr. Kotou, the black cat became angry.

Is this human being deceiving itself too?
Meow!Meow meow!

Meow meow meow!
Wen Ying slapped the kobold in the face, "How can you talk nonsense in front of Xiao Hei? When will I sell Xiao Hei? Who can I sell Xiao Hei to?" Could it be that there are patients in our hospital who like to keep cats? And no one gave me money, why don't you make it up for me?"

"Human! You are courting death!" No matter what Wen Ying said, the slap made the kobold furious.

When the Son of Heaven is angry, millions of corpses are buried!

Lord Goutou was furious, and all the lights in the corridor flickered!
The terrifying atmosphere deepened, and the cry of a crow was inexplicably heard.

"Human, I will sew your mouth shut and use your head as a stool! Let everyone see what happens when you resist me!"

I have to say that the kobold is the leader of this group of npcs, this method is really powerful!

The body of the kobold suddenly appeared in front of Wen Ying like a flash, and the dog's head was pressed tightly against Wen Ying's face, only a centimeter away from each other.

Wen Ying's expression changed drastically, and she quickly backed away.

You know you're scared, right?
Kobolds like to admire the look of fear in humans.

"Bad luck, bad luck, I almost got stuck on my pretty face by this dog's face. I warn you, dog head, if you come here again, I will really be rude!"

It can be seen that Yingying's reaction, in the eyes of the kobolds, is fear, indiscriminate words, and bluffing.

So, he flashed now, he likes to see the expression of human beings dying in fear, it's so interesting.

Just when the kobold's head was sticking towards Wenying's, snap!
A louder voice resounded through the first floor.

The kobold never thought that this stupid human would react so violently!
His whole body was blown out, hit the wall of the corridor and fell down.

Wen Ying looked at the kobold who fell on the ground in a panic, "I told you not to come near me, don't come near me, why didn't you listen? Don't you know that there is a dog head on your dog's head?" Is it a virus or a bacterium? What if I infect it? And you smell like urine, it’s okay if you can’t smell it yourself, so don’t bully me!"

Black cat, "..." Brave human beings!
All npcs: "..." Ferocious humans!
He actually slapped Lord Goutou away with a slap!

That's Mr. Dog Head!

When the kobold heard Wen Ying's words, his face turned red with anger, obviously he was extremely angry!

Originally thought that this human being reacted subconsciously because he was afraid of him.

But listening to her words, she actually thinks he stinks!
I think he is disgusting and has viruses and bacteria!

How dare this human being!

How dare you say that about him?
"Black cat, don't listen to his nonsense, the smell on his body can suffocate people to death. You ate my small dried fish, and there is only the smell of the sea."

"So where did you get the dried fish?" The kobold gritted his teeth and looked at Wenying, his eyes were full of knives, wishing he could stab the human to death.

"Human, do you know that you angered me? Answer honestly, otherwise, you will receive the most severe punishment!"

This time the kobold stopped flashing and walked towards Wenying step by step.

"You want to steal my dried fish?" Wenying looked at the kobold in shock, "Do you think that what you want is gone, and you want to replace it with my food? Let me tell you, it's impossible! These small dried fish belong to my friend! Without his consent, I will not give you anything!"

Wen Ying's words obviously hit the kobold's mind.

As long as some food from the human world can be presented, his punishment can definitely be reduced.

That's why he didn't attack Wen Ying immediately.

"Where is your friend? I can open the Internet and ask your friend to come to me and answer this question."

Wen Ying stretched out her hand and pointed at the black cat, "Didn't I say that the black cat is my friend? You don't believe that?"

Black cat, "???"

So this human really considers it a friend?

Suddenly felt guilty, it almost misunderstood this human just now.

He almost shot at this human being, it was really stupid!

meow meow meow~
The hair of the black cat frowned and bent down again.

The kobold didn't want to think about these detours, and looked directly at the black cat, "Black cat, do you agree to take out your small dried fish and present it to the guests? If you agree, your punishment can be reduced today."

Black cat, "..."

"I agree." The black cat shook its hair in fear.

"No, you don't agree, and neither do I!" Wen Ying looked at the black cat sternly, "I gave you the dried fish! It can only be yours, and it must not be taken away by others ! Otherwise, my gift will look ridiculous! My dried fish must only be eaten by you!"

"Human, are you kidding me?" The kobold is not stupid, he has already seen it.

The air pressure around the kobold dropped rapidly!
It's like trying to freeze the surrounding space.

Wen Ying stared at the kobold with wide eyes, "Yeah, I'm kidding you, did you just find out? I thought you'd already found out."

Bang bang bang!
The sound of a light bulb breaking!
Crash, fragments that fell to the ground.

This is the first time Wenying has seen such a powerful monster.

At least it was more powerful than the monsters she had seen before, and it caused such a great impact and damage to the surrounding environment with her thoughts.

Those npcs ran away one by one!

When the black cat was about to run away, it glanced at Wenying, who stood there blankly, as if frightened.

The black cat made a sound towards Wenying, as if trying to wake her up.

The black cat also ran away after meowing.

The lights in this space were still flickering after all the light tubes and bulbs were broken.


Mingming raised his bare head, and suddenly a large electric fan appeared, the kind hung on the roof.

It often appears in horror movies. The old electric fan makes a creaking sound and looks like it may fall at any time.

The fall of an old fan means the loss of a human life.

Sometimes when the electric fan was shaking, a bloody head would appear on it.

And so on, this kind of horror element appeared in front of Wen Ying's eyes!
It still appeared out of thin air!
This kobold's ability is really not small!
Not a bad surprise for her.

Seeing Wenying looking at the fan that might fall on her head at any moment, the kobold was very satisfied.

Waiting for her to be smashed into a puddle.

[Good guy!It is said that art comes from reality!Unexpectedly, the elements in these horror ghost movies really come from reality! 】

[So, those directors who made horror films have seen such scenes? 】

[If the fan falls, someone will die. Dr. Wen will be safe, right? 】

[I think it must be this dog-headed monster that will go wrong! 】

[Will the next second be the picture of the kobold hanging on the fan?After all, judging from this plot, other npcs dare not appear, so the elements on the fan must be supported by himself? 】

"Are you afraid of humans?"

"It's a pity that your fear came too late, don't even think about running, you can't escape my domain! Today you will definitely die!"

Territory domain?

This is the first time Wenying heard this word.

According to her understanding, the domain should be a range surrounded by the kobold's aura.

Within this range, as long as there are no monsters or people who are not as powerful as the kobold, they will not be able to escape his domain.

So the kobold is extremely confident.

"Humans, I will give you one last chance. Take out your food, and I can keep your whole body. Don't you humans pay attention to death and bury it whole? I can give you such a chance."

"People are dead, why do you care about the whole body?" Wen Ying was puzzled and mocked, "You haven't learned enough human culture, you can't draw a tiger but you can become a dog, have you heard that?"

"So, you would rather die than take it out?"

Wen Ying shook her head, "It's better to die than to live. I'll teach you this word for free today. You will have to pay for it next time. According to the price of our human world, if I teach you once, you have to pay me 1000 yuan. You see I have given you 2000 yuan now, why do you still keep thinking about my little fish? Do you think I am the kind of person who betrays my friends? I can’t just give you what belongs to my friends just because you are good Bar?"

Just when the kobolds were about to intensify their terror, the humans continued, "But I can reward you with a pack of spicy sticks."

 Chapter 319 has been blocked, and it can’t be published even if it’s modified. Let’s ask the editor tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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