The dim light created a terrifying atmosphere in the dark corridor. The black cat stood on the handle of the lamp inside, looking at the human being in front of him suspiciously.

It was true to tell her where the head nurse was, but Black Cat didn't think the human could see the door, or open it.

And now, it saw this human being come out of this door with its own eyes.

Walking here is like taking a walk.

The blackness in the black cat's eyes dissipated, replaced by puzzled ignorance.

"Why can you go in and come out?"

In human terms, it means coming and going freely, which does not conform to its cognition.

Wen Ying was not angry when she heard what the black cat said, but asked instead, "Why can't you go in?"

Who knew that the black cat pursed its lips and stopped talking.

Just staring at Wen Ying like this, it seemed to feel bored, it turned around and planned to run away.

Wen Ying didn't stop it.

Watching the black cat disappear, Wen Ying left the castle, sat down on a stool in the yard, and reviewed all the current events.

The death of the cockroach monster seems to be a big blow to the head nurse, but it doesn't seem to be a big blow?
At least when I went over there to see the head nurse, the head nurse had lost her stance of fighting her desperately.

The note I got seems to have something to do with the head nurse.

Is it important?
If the head nurse is called Zheng Yao, then who dares to shout the name of the head nurse in the mental hospital?

Is it a distinguished guest, or the director of the hospital?

Or something else with a scary background.

Stomach is growling, Wenying is going to ask the cafeteria to make some snacks, she can't work here, and waste her own snacks, right?
Thinking of this, Wen Ying got up and walked towards the basement.

Wen Ying was a little dissatisfied with the fact that the cafeteria was in the basement.

The site selection is too poor, resulting in a bad environment in the cafeteria. How can the diners be in a good mood?
Since the cockroach monster died completely, the staff in the cafeteria treated Wenying like a distinguished guest.

What Wenying ordered came up soon.

But the employee had a bitter face, as if he was about to cry.

Seeing that Wenying didn't look like she was going to ask him something, the cafeteria staff could only leave crying.

Naturally, he didn't dare to take the initiative to disturb this big boss!
That is an existence that even the supervisor dares to obliterate!

Wen Ying was enjoying afternoon tea alone, and several people walked in at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Four men and one woman.

The woman looked at Wenying timidly. Standing behind the four men, she stuck her head out.

She looks a little delicate, not a beauty, but a normal person.

The woman was wearing a long floral dress, which was a bit long, covering her legs completely, and her long hair was randomly pulled up and tied into a messy ball head.

When she reached out to grab the skirt, Wen Ying seemed to see a flash of bruises.

But soon she lowered her arms, put her hands behind her, and looked at Wen Ying.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Ge. This is the Huaguo name I gave myself. You can call me Brother Zhao."

The leader took the initiative to greet Wen Ying.

With something in her mouth, Wen Ying pointed to the place next to her, motioning for him to sit down and talk.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Wen Ying's attitude, Zhao Ge found a seat and sat down.

The remaining three men and one woman were still standing there.

Wen Ying glanced at them, "Aren't you sitting down? There are so many places here, aren't you tired from standing?"

Zhao Ge smiled when he heard Wen Ying's words, "The beauty really has a kind heart."

The others did not respond to Wen Ying, so Wen Ying stopped talking and focused on eating her afternoon tea.

Seeing the afternoon tea in front of Wenying, these people couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

We are all human, why is there such a big difference?
Here, what they eat is similar to pig food.

No, worse than pig food!

But why is this woman in front of me able to eat food from the human world?

Even added afternoon tea?

This woman can't be the biological daughter of a big boss in the mental hospital, can she?

Of course, if this is the case, they themselves don't believe it.

I just don't know what cards this woman has, so arrogant.

"Don't know what to call it?"

Zhao Ge asked again in a good temper.

Wen Ying pointed to the afternoon tea, and then pointed to herself, "I don't like talking and being disturbed while eating."

"What are you! How dare you talk to Brother Zhao like that!" Before Zhao Ge could speak, the people behind him couldn't help it.

Wen Ying tilted her head and glanced at him, as if looking at a fool, but she still didn't speak.

At this time, afternoon tea is more important than fussing with these idiots.

"I'm talking to you, are you deaf or dumb! Do you know! If you put this attitude before, you would have died a million times! Don't toast and eat fine wine!"

"Where are the flies?"


The man with an unclean mouth had his upper and lower lips pierced by the chopsticks thrown by Wen Ying!

The upper and lower lips seemed to be nailed together, Wenying clapped her hands in disgust, and said in a low tone, "Mr. Zhao, if you plan to give me a bad blow, you should leave as soon as possible. I have a bad temper."

The man rolled all over the floor in pain, trying to pull out the chopsticks but dared not.

What if he loses too much blood and dies here?
He could only look at Zhao Ge for help. Zhao Ge stretched out his hand, grabbed the chopsticks with a quick movement, and pulled them out forcefully, "This is the price for talking nonsense. In front of this beautiful woman, you all don't talk nonsense." Talked, you know?"

Zhao Ge's voice was flat, but several people shook their heads slightly and nodded.

"Beauty, the people below are ignorant, since they have already been punished, why not let it go this time?"

Although it sounded like a question, Zhao Ge's expression sounded like an order.

Zhao Ge didn't seem to care about the bleeding man at all.

"I'm here this time... beauty, can you introduce yourself?" Zhao Ge seemed a little distressed as to how to address the woman in front of him.

"Doctor Wen." Wen Ying didn't hide it, nor did she directly say her name.

"Doctor Wen? Beautiful doctor? God, we have never had a doctor in our team."

Wen Ying had a faint smile on her face, waiting for him to continue the performance.

"Doctor Wen, I see that you are a straightforward person, so let me tell the truth, I came to you this time because I wanted to cooperate with you, this horror dungeon is a bit nonsensical, and we haven't figured out how to clear this mental hospital until now. "

Wen Ying looked at the people behind him, "How many of you are in your team?"

Seeing what Wen Ying meant, Zhao Ge immediately shook his head, "No, no, there are ten people in our team, not everyone can join our team, and the boss of our team is Smith."

This seemed to be the second time Wenying heard the name Smith.

When Zhao Ge said this name, his expression was proud.

It seems that this name is an absolute deterrent to him and even to others!
He stared at Wenying, hoping to see a look of shock and surprise on Wenying's face, but...

"From what you've said, Smith should be a very powerful person, right?"

Zhao Ge nodded, and the others followed suit.

"Since you are so powerful, why ask me to cooperate? Isn't this superfluous?"

Several people were choked for a while.

The woman who had been silent behind her suddenly said, "Doctor Wen, you haven't heard of Smith's name, have you?"

She had a strange feeling that this woman seemed to have never heard of it.

No one has ever been so calm when hearing the name Smith.

When other people heard the woman ask this question, they thought it was impossible.

How could anyone not know Smith's name?
"I really don't know. Is he handsome and rich?"

Several people,……

His look was a bit indescribable.

"Doctor Wen, this is a terrifying world. This is not the world we live in. Handsome and money are useless here."

Zhao Ge's deep voice carried some warning.

"But I only like rich and handsome guys." Wen Ying looked at the person in front of her with some grievances.

"Come here, tell her, if she doesn't join us, then you will understand what will happen to you, right?"

Zhao Ge looked at the woman in the team, who was called Wenrou.

It is indeed very gentle.

Gentle and trembling, she walked up to Wen Ying step by step, almost crying.

When I want to talk, I hiccup as soon as I open my mouth.

Zhao Ge and the others looked at Wenrou dissatisfied, Wenrou understood what they meant.

She has no value at all, and they don't recommend disposing of her.

Looking at Wen Ying gently, "I, really don't want to join our team? I, our team is the strongest here and... hiccup~"

"I remember someone saying that there are no other girls in this group of players except me, so why are you in their team?"

Gentle trembling body, tightly closed mouth, not speaking.

how come?
She also wants to know, but she can't say it.

"Doctor Wen, there is no need to ask these boring questions, right? You and I, including everyone, want to survive in this mental hospital, but yesterday, fifteen players died on the third floor, aren't you afraid that the next one will be yourself?" ? As long as we cooperate and you tell us the information you have, we will definitely be able to pass the customs!"

Painting cake?

Wen Ying was a little amused. Have the cakes been painted in front of her, a psychiatrist these days?

"Do you know what my profession is?"

"What is it?" Zhao Ge didn't understand why this woman asked such a question, isn't she a doctor?Just nonsense?

"I'm a psychiatrist. I can infer what you're thinking just by looking at you, your eyes, and your face. If you're not from Huaguo, you may not know. I'm a psychiatrist in Huaguo. But it's a big name."

The expression on Zhao Ge's face gradually sank, "Are you kidding me?"

Wen Ying spread her hands, she told the truth, why don't these people believe it?

"If you have any powerful tools to contact people in your country in the outside world, you can ask if I'm kidding you."

Zhao Ge's face was livid, and with just a few simple words, do you want him to waste a prop?
Is this woman stupid?

In this psychiatric hospital, the number of people who own props is at most one hand, which ones are hidden like rare treasures, and they must be used where they are most needed.

What's more, I won't tell others that I have props.

"Okay, Doctor Wen, I believe you are a psychiatrist, can you cooperate now?"

Wen Ying smiled, "We need to be honest and honest when we cooperate, and we need to know ourselves and our enemies. It's okay for me to be alone. I don't know anything about your team's situation. Isn't it appropriate to talk about cooperation like this?"

"Doctor Wen, I can take you to meet the people in our team right now."

"Let's go then."

Wen Ying got up and planned to follow them with a neat attitude.

This series of actions made Zhao Ge startled.

No wonder everyone said that this woman was crazy, and she didn't play cards according to common sense.

As for whether he is crazy or not, Zhao Ge doesn't care.

To be honest, among those who are capable, which one has no temper and which one has no eccentricities?

This actually shows that this woman may be really capable, or hold some secrets that they don't know.

Wen Rou stood beside Wen Ying, but she was about one meter away from Wen Ying, so she didn't dare to approach.

He followed them with his head down.

He stopped outside a dormitory door.

The door was pushed open from the dormitory. There were four bunk beds inside, but there were seven or eight people sitting there.

"Brother Zhao, you are back."

"Brother Zhao, it really has to be you!"

"Brother Zhao makes a move, is there anyone who can't take it down?"

These people were joking one by one, but Wen Ying didn't take it seriously.

Looking at these people in the dormitory, as well as Zhao Ge and others, the number obviously exceeded the number they said.

Seeming to know what Wen Ying was thinking, Zhao Ge took the initiative to explain, "There are three people who want to join us, but they haven't succeeded yet, and they are in the assessment period."

When Zhao Ge actually opened his mouth to explain to Wen Ying, the others all opened their mouths.

"Brother Zhao, don't you have a crush on her?"

"She is really pretty, and there are not many women in the dungeon now. If Brother Zhao runs out, can you reward us?"

In front of Wen Ying, someone said that.

Since entering this dormitory, Rourou found a corner and sat on the ground, buried her head between her legs, neither spoke nor looked up.

"There are so many of us, I'm really tired of this gentleness, now I have another one, thank you so much Brother Zhao!"

Clap clap clap clap!
Continuous applause rang out in the lively dormitory.

The people who were slapped were all the people who sprayed dung with their mouths full just now. On the side of their faces that were slapped at this time, there was a red palm print.

Burning pain.

"It doesn't matter if you don't speak human language, I can teach you how to speak human language."

After Wen Ying finished fanning, he stood aside and said lightly/
Even a fool can see the problem.

They couldn't catch up with the speed of this woman just now, her strength is also ridiculously great, and her skill...

Could it be that there was a hard stubble this time?

But hasn't it always been like this before?

After the girls brought back are tired of being played by the bosses, they will be rewarded to them.

This time, they thought it was still the case.

"Bitch! How dare you resist!"

"Bitch! How dare you hit us!"

Zhao Ge's complexion was a little ugly.

Clap clap clap clap!
Another series of slaps, on the other cheek.

"I'm a fair person. Since I slapped it, I should slap it on both sides!"

Changing Huaguo to Huaguo is not a typo~

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