Chapter 337 Pink Loli

It was Xu's first time to eat such delicious food. Brother Gou and the other children devoured it one by one.

A burger is not big, but it is full because of the meat.

Eat some snacks and drink some happy water.

A few children even burped with satisfaction.

Brother Gou was the first to finish eating. After all, he was the oldest one here.

After finishing the hamburger set, he stared at Wen Ying coldly, although there was also a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

When the others finished eating and saw each other's satisfied expressions, before they had time to be presumptuous, they saw Brother Gou's cold expression and shuddered inexplicably.

"Human woman! Even if you bring out this so-called burger, we won't let you go easily! Humph!"

Brother Gou stared at Wenying, "There are eight of us here, and four of us can give good reviews."

Wen Ying did not refute, after all, it is not easy for these children to achieve four praises.

It shows that in their eyes, they still have value that can be used.

"Brother Dog, then we..."

Seeing the look in Brother Dog's eyes, the kid who spoke immediately closed his mouth.

"There are eight rooms on this floor, we only used two, and there are six rooms left. If you can satisfy the patients in these six rooms, we can give you the rest of the good reviews, but if you If you can’t do it, don’t blame me for not being trustworthy.”

Wen Ying smiled and nodded.

This kid is quite interesting.

"Let's go play."

"It's boring, I can't play with this human woman anymore."

"Don't worry, when she doesn't get good reviews, isn't she still a toy we can play with?"

When the children stared at Wenying, it was as if they were staring at their prey.

But under the order of Brother Gou, they all ran away.

Looking at the hamburger wrappers thrown on the ground, Wenying shook her head speechlessly. She is no longer a cleaner, and this matter does not belong to her.

The door of the first room was ajar, but when Wen Ying pushed it, the door opened.

As soon as Wen Ying opened the door, she saw a large pink room.

Everything in the room is pink, as if it was decorated like a princess room.

There was also a pair of pink slippers at the door, a small pink shoe cabinet, and some pink coats stockings hung on a hanger on one side.

A scent hits the ears and nose.

It smells like incense or some kind of perfume.

Wen Ying doesn't know much about spices and perfumes, so she can only smell them roughly, but she doesn't like these smells.

He just stood at the door and didn't see the patient inside.

"Are you the new caregiver?"

The voice hangs from the top of the head, Wen Ying looked up, and saw a girl wearing a pink tutu skirt and twin ponytails, with a lollipop in her mouth, her body hanging upside down on the roof, winking at Wen Ying blinked.

"It's actually a beautiful woman. I like handsome guys. Didn't the head nurse tell you?"

The girl's face looked like a doll, tender and cute, with big eyes.

But the voice that came out of her mouth sounded like a middle-aged woman.

"I want a handsome guy, you leave immediately and get another handsome guy, or I'll give you a bad review right away!"

The girl's face hung in front of Wen Ying's head, level with Wen Ying's head.

Even if she is standing on her head, it does not affect her beauty like a porcelain doll.

"It would be fine if you didn't speak." Wen Ying felt a little regretful.

[I just like this lolita!So damn cute! 】

[I didn't expect Lori to like handsome guys. Don't tell me you don't like our Doctor Wen? 】

[I bet with my pocket money, this loli is definitely not as simple as it looks! 】

[Is there a brain upstairs?Can something that can be hung directly upside down on the roof be simple?Everyone knows it at first sight! 】

[Lori doesn’t like Doctor Wen, what should I do?Can you get good reviews? 】

"Why don't I talk?"

Loli, who was wearing a tutu skirt, suddenly jumped off the roof and stood firmly in front of Wen Ying, "Is my voice not pleasant?"

"You tell me, you have to say, I order you to say, understand!"

Loli's expression became more and more ugly.

It seemed that Wenying's words had touched her pain point.

"Oh, you are so good-looking. To be honest, I liked you the first time I saw you. But when I hear your voice, it's like a beautiful vase filled with dung. Can you Do you understand me?"

[Doctor Wen's metaphor is perfect!I remembered the news on the Internet before, the voice was very nice, but it turned out to be a big guy who picks his feet! 】

[Isn't there a long and good-looking female up host on a certain website recently?As long as she doesn't speak, she's my goddess, but once she speaks, it's a failure! 】

【upstairs!We are friends!I follow her too!I have to say, after she spoke, we became brothers!The effect of this lolita is even stronger than that of the up master! 】

"Nurse, you don't want your mouth anymore!"

Loli's height is only at the position of Wen Ying's chest. When she was speaking, she suddenly stretched out her hand, and a needle and thread appeared on her hand, and she stuck it towards Wen Ying's mouth.

"Since this mouth has no other use, why don't you dedicate it and let me sew a beautiful work for you~"

Loli's movements were very fast, and the needle and thread in her hands were extremely flexible.

Netizens in the live broadcast room saw this scene and thought that this loli must have been made with needlework.

When the needle in her hand was thrust towards Wen Ying's mouth, Wen Ying turned slightly to avoid the needle and thread this time.

The silk thread in her hand was also pink, and Wen Ying asked curiously, "What kind of sewing do you plan to sew, can you show me the sample first?"

Loli, who was a little angry because of Wen Ying, avoided her, but when she heard this, her eyes lit up, "Of course!"

Ever since, Loli ran away and took out a pink rag doll from the cabinet on the wall next to the bed.

This rag doll looks patchy and patchy, with powders of different colors.

The rag doll has a long, thick pink braid that hangs down her chest.

It has no bangs and has one large and one small eye. The small eye has an X shape sewn on it, and there is a funny Band-Aid-style cloth thing stuck on the nose below.

The teeth are exposed in the mouth, with different heights.

The lips were separated, but they were sewn together again, twisted and twisted, as if they were set on the teeth, and it looked frightening.

The neck of the rag doll is very long, as long as Loli's hand.

The body is wearing a blue skirt, and the legs are under the long skirt, making it difficult to see clearly.

Only a pair of pink high heels can be seen.

Put together, this rag doll is weird, the kind that can give you nightmares just by looking at it.

"How about it? Does my sewing look good?"

Loli looked at Wenying expectantly, but still couldn't help but said, "The nurse who came before tried to teach me what is the best look, but it's a pity that I threw him into the toilet."

"Isn't it beautiful?" Loli asked again.

"Yes, it's beautiful."

Wen Ying nodded and answered.

[It's over, it's over, has Dr. Wen started talking nonsense with his eyes open? 】

[If Doctor Wen surrenders, then we might really be doomed, right? 】

[Let me look at a rag doll that can give me nightmares for a year, is it really beautiful?Is it really good looking? 】

[This loli just said she wanted to sew Dr. Wen’s mouth like this, right?I also put it into perspective, and it was a bit scary. 】

"Since it's so pretty, sit down, how about I help you sew?" Loli looked at Wen Ying excitedly and said.

This human actually recognized his appreciation.

Then I have to sew her mouth more beautifully!
Then let her stay with me!

All the beautiful things in this world should belong to her.

"You give me a good review, how about I ask you to sew?" Wen Ying took out a blank piece of paper and a pen like a magic trick, and planned to get Luoli to sign.

Lolita's originally excited face turned gloomy in an instant.

"Damn it! Are you entertaining this princess?"

Loli's aura instantly became stronger, and netizens watching the live broadcast held their breath.

But at this time, Doctor Wen walked towards the ward again.

This room is square, and a hospital bed has been decorated by Loli as a princess bed.

Over the bed, rows of pink stockings hung from the roof.

"Don't worry, I'm actually here to ask, what is my job?"

"Work?" Loli rolled her eyes, "Your job is to satisfy me, understand? No matter what my requirements are, you must do it!"

"I don't agree." Wen Ying replied solemnly.

"Why don't you agree, human! I don't even mind that you are not a handsome guy."

"Hey, don't talk, it's easy to get into trouble."

Wen Ying's words made Loli angry again.

"Go to hell you!"

How many times did she say that her voice was ugly!
None of the humans who said her voice was ugly could leave her room intact, and this human woman was no exception!
Loli stretched out her hand, grabbed Wenying's wrist, and pulled it hard.

Not moving?

Hard again!

Still not moving?

Is my way wrong?
It shouldn't be, she had been so easy before...

Why doesn't it work with this human woman?

Loli's eyes were staring at the ground, and the nails on her fingers grew wildly.

From under one side of the wall ripped a piece of pink... rope?
Loli directly tied Wenying up.

"Not only will I sew your mouth shut, but I will also use your hand bones as flower fertilizer. Look at the flowers in my house. Are they particularly beautiful?"

[It is indeed beyond our imagination that people can be admitted to such a mental hospital. They are so perverted! 】

Taking advantage of the moment of being tied up, Wen Ying asked, "Little loli, what is your wish?"

"Wish?" Loli seemed to have heard something ridiculous. "I want to kill every handsome guy with my own hands. Does that count as my wish? If so, I want them to help me plant all kinds of pink flowers after they die."

[Capitalists don’t exploit people this much, right? ! 】

[Even if everyone is dead, why don’t you let them go?So cruel!Sure enough, you can't mess with Loli!You can’t mess with a crazy loli~! 】

[Doctor Wen is so calm, he must have a way to subdue her, right? 】

With her hands tied, Wen Ying walked towards the flower pots on one side, and kicked one of the potted flowers down with her feet, revealing a small piece of bone and a piece of pink stocking.

"Sister, you said you are already old, why do you still like to pretend to be tender?"

Wen Ying turned around to look at Lolita, and asked puzzledly, "Do you like beauty, pink, and being a princess because you can't get these? The face you are most proud of is yours." Is it your own?"

The rope fell from Wen Ying's wrist. Wen Ying opened the drawer on one side and took out a mirror with blood stains on the mirror.

"You should change your face every month, right? If you can't find a loli face, what will you look like next time?"

"And the cut on the back of your neck, do you think that if you cover it with a skirt, others can't see it?"

Loli's face turned red when Wen Ying said these words.

"Do you think that scar is hard to see? But there are many scars like this on your body, right?"

"You love needlework, but you have worked so hard just to sew all the beautiful bodies and faces on yourself."

While talking, Wen Ying suddenly changed the subject, "Did you see that? When you want something, you have to work hard to achieve it. You don't dream of falling from the sky, catching a wealthy son-in-law or Bai Fumei! Only with The wealth created by one's own hands is the most reassuring."

After saying that, Wen Ying looked at Loli again.

"You like to wear pink stockings, but you almost never wear them. You think your legs are too short and look ugly, so you like long-legged and handsome male caregivers and let them wear stockings to show you and torture you, and you will feel Satisfied. The nurse who hesitated for a moment either lost an arm or a leg, and some even lost their lives. Do you know the extent of your perversion?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Lori suddenly screamed.

Her screams echoed in the room, and the door to the room slammed shut at this time.

A few children's heads peeked out from the corner not far away, staring at the room with some reluctance, "It seems that this human woman can't come out, and our hamburger set meal can't be eaten either."

"I thought she could last a little longer, but I didn't expect that she would be so inexperienced and go to stimulate that loli. Isn't that asking for death?"

The head nurse in the office on the second floor had a satisfied smile on her face after hearing the scream.

After offending this ancestor, this human woman will never survive!

Even if she pays some price, I'm afraid what comes out will not be her complete self!

Jie Jie Jie, what a beautiful day!
Wen Ying looked at Loli who was starting to emit black air all over her body, and she was a little speechless. Could this person keep his eyebrows before making a move?

At this time, Loli's face was split in two, and the delicate skin color disappeared, turning into black like a pothole.

Her body also gradually faded in anger, and her whole body was floating in the air at an incredible angle.

Because of her action, all the pink color in the room disappeared, and the dark mist began to spread.

Wen Ying could feel that the breath around her body became cold, and a long-accumulated stench burst out.

A suffocating force invaded Wen Ying's body.

(End of this chapter)

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