Dr. Wen's good temper, I plan to come to the door.

However, at this moment, a beeping sound suddenly came out from the live drone.

"You mean I can't kick the door?"

Hearing the sound of the system, Wenying felt troublesome.

Give her a bad review when the door doesn't open, where can I say it?

Still have to find a way to let the patient open the door?

Isn't this embarrassing?
I don't know what's in it, how can I prescribe the right medicine?

"Children, come here~"

"Why? We are the ones you can see if you want? Damn humans!" Although these words were said with disdain, the children hiding in the corner came out.

Quite a bit condescending, disdain to take care of Dr. Wen's aura.

[Laugh!Didn't go far at all? 】

[Obviously, they have been following Dr. Wen in the dark. Do these children like Dr. Wen or hamburgers? 】

【It looks like a copy of those disobedient brats now!I have a cousin who is also like this, he was beaten up by me, and now he is much better when he sees me! 】

[I don't know why, but I suddenly feel that they are a little cute!Although in such a terrifying place, they must be involuntary, right? 】

"Who can tell me the condition of the patient in this room? I will give him a barbecue burger set alone."

"Humans, don't even think about it! You actually want us to fight among ourselves! You are too insidious!"

"Humans, I can tell you! What kind of burger are you talking about?"

Different words are spoken from different people at the same time, which is a bit messy.

"I... I didn't mean that. I just think that we can finally eat such delicious food. Anyway, this human being knows that he can't get good reviews. What are we worried about?"

"Yes, I actually thought so too."

I don’t know if it’s true or not, so I’d better step down. Anyway, many children started to agree.

"There are two layers of grilled meat and grilled pineapple in the burger. The taste is not comparable to what you have eaten before."

There are already children drooling listening to it.

"You take one out first and show it to us, and then I will tell you!"

Wen Ying exchanged for a double-layer smoked barbecue thick beef pot, a durian cheese cake, and a tall glass of green orange lemonade.

The burger was three times the size of the one they had eaten before.

The aroma of barbecue seemed to be released little by little the moment the burger appeared, and penetrated into the nostrils of everyone at the scene.

The beef is tender but not burnt. It is grilled with sauce, and with the fruity aroma of pineapple, it has a unique fragrance.

Almost at the first glance, the eyes of the child who saw it were already shining.

This burger is the tastiest food they've ever seen!
Even if you haven't eaten it yet, you won't doubt it!
The pie crust is fluffy, decorated with sesame seeds, the lettuce between the grills is emerald green, and a layer of cheese is added, which seems to enhance the taste many times.

Under the crust is a layer of grilled meat, a layer of lettuce and cheese, a layer of pineapple, a layer of lettuce cheese, and a layer of grilled meat.

A hamburger is the size of three kids' fists.

"I, I, I, I said! There are two old men living in this ward. They usually don't go out, they have a bad temper, and they are locked in the room all day. They came to knock on the door before."

"Okay, okay, shut up! You can't finish it alone, right? Next thing I'm going to say, I want this hamburger set too!"

The other child stared at Wenying anxiously and said.

"Okay, here it is."

"Most of the human beings who wanted to get good reviews from patients in this room died! If I remember correctly, only one escaped!"

After speaking, the kid stretched out his hand, "My burger!"

Wen Ying took out another copy and gave it to the two of them.

The two of them took the hamburger and ate it on the spot, no matter what else they did.

"Me! I have something to say! I'm not as simple as them! I can tell you how to get these two old men to open the door! Otherwise, you won't get good reviews!"

"I've prepared your hamburger set meal too." Wen Ying said with a smile.

"These two old men are sworn enemies! Don't think they have a good relationship just because they live in the same ward. I saw them fighting once! Both of them are still arguing at their age! So I think If you want them to open the door, you must start with the conflict between them!"

At this point, the child held out his hand for a burger.

After getting the burger, the child quickly ran to Brother Dog, "Brother Dog, you can eat this burger first."

Brother Gou glared at him disdainfully, "Eat what I get! Could it be that Brother Gou can't get it by myself? Need you to come and give way?"

The child chuckled, and started eating without further delay.

Interrupted by this kid, the other kids all looked at Brother Gou.

They didn't dare to grab it anymore. If Brother Gou didn't have burgers by then, they would all be finished.

Brother Gou ignored them, but looked at Wen Ying, "Human woman! I can open the door for you, but you need to give the rest of us this huge hamburger!"

Wen Ying agreed.

Only then was Brother Gou satisfied, looked at Wen Ying with a scrutiny, and said in a lower voice, "These two old men have a bad temper, once I sneaked into their room and they found out, I almost screwed up My head. But that's when I found out, they're a glutton!"

Brother Gou is a little proud of this!

These things, other children do not know, only he knows!

He almost lost his head that time, but he also saw the secret of those two old ghosts!
"and then?"

The other children were also a little curious when they heard this. After all, the two old men hardly went out. They often wandered around on the third floor, and they hadn't seen the two old men a few times.

Hearing gossip, he was naturally curious.

Is this a common problem for all living things?
"The two of them got a pack of instant noodles from nowhere, closed the door and fought in the room, just to eat more of that instant noodle! That thing seems to be from your human world too! Inside a barrel as big as a hamburger, it smells delicious!"

Brother Gou swallowed unconsciously when he remembered that scene.

That thing called instant noodles, is it better than burgers?

I don't know how delicious it is!

"Did you accidentally knock over their instant noodles and get into their blacklist?"

"How do you know?" Brother Gou looked at Wen Ying in surprise, how could this human know such a confidential thing!

Apart from those two old ghosts and him, no one else knew about this matter!

After all, after the fall, he saw with his own eyes that the two old men did...disgusting things in order to snatch the instant noodles scattered on the ground.

If this matter spreads out, he will probably disappear in a mental hospital!
So Brother Gou kept it a secret and never said it.

"Want some instant noodles?"

"I want to!" But only two seconds later, Brother Gou continued, "Which is tastier, this burger or instant noodles?" Wen Ying pointed to the burger in front of her, and the answer was self-evident.

Brother Gou looked at the hamburger in front of him tangled, but the image of that day that he could not forget flashed through his mind.

What should I choose?
Wen Ying, however, thought of the gluttonous ghosts Brother Gou mentioned. Could it be possible to use delicious food to make them open the door?

This burger is delicious, but the taste is very little, you have to see this thing with your own eyes to get greedy.

Instant noodles are no exception.

So what kind of delicious food can break through the barrier of the door?
"I'll choose the hamburger! Save the instant noodles for next time!" Brother Gou seems to be sure that this human being will still need them.

And how much delicious food this human being has, he doesn't know, and he hasn't thought about it.

Anyway, it's good to take it out.

These children started to eat after they finished talking, regardless of whether Wen Ying thought of a way or not.

For such a big burger, a cheese durian cake and a glass of green orange and lemon juice are also presented.

Even though they were not human, their bellies were stretched out.

Really full!
"Human, because you gave us so much delicious food today, we will let you go today!"

After speaking, these children turned around and left, as if they didn't miss it at all.

Probably really made it through.

No matter how delicious it is, the stomach is limited.

But when they turned the corner and left sideways, they saw this human woman and took out a cauldron?
What a big pot!

It's just that the shape is a little bit strange.

The inside of the pot was divided into four pieces. They originally planned to leave, but hid in the corner again, wanting to see what tricks this human being was playing!
Is it possible to cook and eat here?

When they were curious, more and more things were taken out by this human woman.

Several of them were green vegetables, which they knew.

But after the vegetables, the transparent boxes were taken out one by one, and different things were put in the boxes.

One by one looks like a bit like meat?
But it doesn't look like meat again, it's too thin!
They had never seen such thin meat, so these should not be meat.

What is it?

Rolling up one by one, looking at it, my heart started to itch, as if something was about to come out of my stomach.

But my stomach is full.

Twenty or so small transparent boxes were placed on the table by the human woman, surrounding the cauldron.

There are a few they know, and they are indeed meat, cut squarely.

Others are made of bamboo skewers.

Do you want to use that weird pot to cook all these things?
But if this is the case, I am afraid the taste is very bad!

Anyone who knows something knows that food must be cooked individually to be the most delicious.

They couldn't imagine what came out of such a big pot.

This human woman is really weird.

Wen Ying took out the bottom of the red oil chili pot and threw it into the pot, then put water in it, and a little heat began to come out.

The pungent choking began to enter the noses of these children.

Unable to bear it, one by one started to sneeze!

Sigh, squeak!

"Brother Dog, this taste is too uncomfortable, right? What is this woman doing?"

"Those must be food, right? Is this woman going to cook these foods together with these pungent things?"

"Brother Dog, should we go out and stop her? She is such a waste, so why not give it to us!"

With the distribution of pot gas, the whole third floor has a strong smell of hot pot!

[Fat beef, fat wool, belly, brain, beef, louver, pork loin, fish ball, shrimp ball, fish tofu, crab stick, goose intestine, crispy meat, pork belly, enoki mushroom, ham sausage, potato slices, beef ball, tofu, frozen tofu, kelp, yuba, coriander, and shiitake mushrooms, wide-noodle hot pot noodles! I consumed a pack of tissues in 1 minute!Ahhh!Can't help it! 】

[Doctor Wen knows how to eat!Dr. Wen probably wants to use this hot pot smell to attract the two old men in the room, right? 】

[We Hua Country people have all experienced this, right?Even hundreds of meters away, the smell of this hot pot can spread!Every time I pass by a hot pot restaurant, I am tormented!I think it will be a success this time! 】

[According to Dr. Wen's recipe, I have already ordered a takeaway hot pot!It's so cool to watch the live broadcast while having hot pot! 】

[If I hadn’t known that this was a horror live broadcast, I would have thought it was a food show!It was super burger before, now it’s super hot pot, right? 】

【I surrender!It really flattened my pocket!But my stomach is really getting fatter! 】

Brother Gou and the other children all stayed where they were when they smelled the hot pot.

They all looked at Wenying with wide eyes. They had never smelled such a strong smell of food.

At the beginning, I may feel resistance because I haven't smelled it or eaten it, but after a few minutes, it smells really good!

It's just that they are all in a bad mood!

With such a fragrant smell, they can only look at it and feel good.

It's all the fault of that human woman, why didn't such delicious food come out earlier?
Did she have to wait until they were all too full to eat before she took it out?
But these children probably didn't expect that if they took out a super burger at that time, they would still complain about why they didn't wait for themselves.

No wonder, the food in Huaguo is really delicious!
The whole third floor was filled with the smell of hot pot. These children couldn't bear it, they stared eagerly, and wanted to come over, but...

"Okay! Let's go! If the smell is like this, the two old men will definitely be able to smell it. What if we tear it down then?"

Brother Gou said this, and they left with them even if they didn't want to.

It's just that the footsteps of leaving became extraordinarily slow, as if waiting for some voice from behind to come out suddenly to persuade them to stay.

Unfortunately, there is no such voice.

Old God Wen Ying sat aside, waiting for the bottom of the pot to boil completely. The red oil floating on the bottom of the pot began to bubble like circles. The aroma of the hot pot floated out along with the boiling breath, even if it was not seen. People who have been there must have started to salivate when they saw this scene.

Wen Ying has already mixed a bowl of chili noodles for herself and put it in a small bowl.

Add some MSG and salt to the chili noodles, then ladle in the boiling pot soup and mix it up. This is a delicious dipping sauce.

The only distressing thing is that 30 prestige points have already been spent today.

The flowers are all gone, let's eat!
Wen Ying cooked the coriander into one of the grids in the pot, and then cooked the beef into the other grid.

Four kinds of food are cooked in four grids. The thin fat beef is cooked when it is dipped in water, dipped in the dipping sauce and put in the mouth with chopsticks.

The world is delicious!
Wen Ying had only eaten one chopstick, and before the second chopstick was in her mouth, the door of the second ward had already been pushed open.

Two old men ran out of the ward with chicken nest heads and flip flops, and sat next to Wen Ying in an instant.

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