This anxious voice sounded like she was afraid that something would happen to Wenying, but in fact she was afraid that there would be no more delicious food.

Wen Ying withdrew her hand, "What kind of patient is there?"

The child who made the sound stopped talking again, and stopped talking.

It is very tangled, like a person tossing and turning.

Wen Ying reached out to knock on the door again, "She will eat you!"

The child seemed to be dissatisfied and said angrily, then snorted, turned and left.

When Wen Ying was about to continue knocking on the door, the door creaked.

After the door opened a little bit, no one appeared, but the door did open.

"Are you today's nurse sister?"

A somewhat soft voice appeared in Wenying's ear, but the person who made the voice could not be seen.

The room was deserted, and the hospital beds that should have been placed in the corner of the wall gave off a deserted smell in the room.

There seemed to be nothing in the room except a bed.

Wen Ying took a step forward and walked in, "I am the nurse sister today."

The one called sister, with such a sweet voice, looks like it should be a little girl.

And unlike Lori, hiding shows that she is a bit shy and timid?

Social fear?

But looking at how scared those children were, that was definitely not the case.

Wen Ying found the little girl curled up in a ball at the corner of the wall. The little girl in a pink skirt was sitting on the floor in the corner, with her head bowed and her head buried on her bent knees. The long hair is scattered behind the little girl like seaweed, and there is a pink doll scrunchie on her head.

The little girl who heard the sound timidly raised her head and looked towards the source of the sound.

When Wen Ying appeared in her eyes, her body trembled inexplicably, and her eyes also dodged a little.

"Do you live here alone?" Wen Ying tried to ask.

The little girl nodded and remained silent.

"Are you scared?"

The little girl nodded and shook her head, her eyes still staring timidly at Wen Ying.

The little girl looks really good-looking, pink and glutinous girl, white and tender little face, big blue eyes, golden hair like seaweed, if it didn't appear in such a ghost place, Wen Ying thought This probably is-
[Disney Princess on the Run is like this, right? 】

[It's like a Disney princess on the run!Oh My God!This is too beautiful! 】

[Why is such a cute little princess scared? 】

[Don't you understand this yet?The more harmless it looks to humans and animals, the scarier it is! 】

[But this child looks very timid, could it be that he was bullied by those children in the mental hospital?Then they slander her?There should be many such scenes, right? 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room helped Wen Ying express what was on her mind.

Indeed, the fugitive Disney princess is online!

Wen Ying looked at her, she looked at Wen Ying, and after being silent for dozens of seconds, the little girl suddenly said in a daze, "Sister nurse, I'm hungry..."

"What do you want to eat?" Before he could say something, the confused little girl suddenly stood up.

With a height of only 1.6 meters and blurred eyes, she walked towards Wenying step by step.

It's just that behind him, there is a... what looks like a tail?
[Is it so exciting!Disney fugitive princess wearing a tail suit? 】

That tail flicking back and forth looks cute, really cute.

But her fair skin turned red when she was close to Wen Ying.

Logically speaking, fair and rosy skin is the healthiest skin color, but it is obviously not suitable for the little girl.

The cute tail that was flicking back and forth suddenly moved towards where Wenying was standing.

That furry tail suddenly seemed to explode in the eyes of everyone.

Hair all over the sky?
No, it was the tail that was wearing clothes. In this case, the clothes were blown apart by the powerful energy.

And the real tail, somewhat like a snake tail? ? ?
【It won't be a descendant of Medusa, right? ? ? 】

[What an international joke, isn't Medusa a fabrication?She is a cute little girl with a snake tail, I really want to love her. 】

The snake's tail swung towards Wen Ying, and its powerful energy produced a wind-breaking sound that could be heard.

There is no doubt that if this person is thrown by this tail, there is a high probability that this person will be thrown against the wall, which is completely useless.

But I will definitely lose half my life!
The speed of the snake's tail was very fast, but Wenying's speed was even faster, she just backed away to avoid the snake's tail that was thrown over.

Seeing Wenying dodging, Shewei's attack speed became faster, and there were various tricky angles.

But Wen Ying avoided them one by one.

The little girl seemed to be stimulated, and she opened her mouth instantly, "Hungry..."

The voice sounded very cute, but it was too scary to watch it live.

The little girl retracted her tail and appeared in front of Wen Ying in an instant like super speed. The distance between the two was less than twenty centimeters.

I only saw the little girl opening her mouth a little bit and biting Wen Ying's body.


Wen Ying moved away, the little girl's teeth were clearly biting the air, but a concrete sound could be heard in the live broadcast room, click!
The sound was like something breaking.

Wen Ying's expression was a little dignified, and the little girl quickly adjusted her position after missing the bite, and bit Wen Ying again.

There is still a clicking sound after biting into the air, repeated several times.

The little girl became visibly irritable.

"Hungry... eat... eat... want to eat... can't run away..."

Confused words spit out from her small mouth.

When the little girl spoke again, Wen Ying suddenly felt as if she was frozen and unable to dodge.

And everyone in the live broadcast room saw the little girl bit Wenying's shoulder, and then tore off a large piece...

Bright red liquid began to drip.

【No way?Doctor Wen was really bitten? ? ? 】

[How could Doctor Wen be injured!This is an illusion, right? 】

[Doctor Wen is so powerful and omnipotent, how could he be bitten by this girl?Still so taboo...]

[I didn't expect this little girl to actually's terrible! 】

This scene lasted for 5 minutes, and many people were about to collapse.

There are also many people who are very disturbed, Dr. Wen will not really have an accident, right?

If this continues, she won't be able to save her head. Is she really going to die?
Suddenly, a faint voice appeared, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Wen Ying stood behind the little girl and watched the little girl chewing one with a satisfied face...

This time, Wen Ying stretched out her hand and gave the little girl a hard slap on the back of the neck.

Then the little girl who was chewing suddenly fell down.

The clue was here, but this little girl seemed a little abnormal.

In fact, it is also true, how can a normal person be a patient in a mental hospital?
The little girl who closed her eyes once again regained the image of a quiet and beautiful fugitive princess.

After hugging the little girl to bed, Wen Ying walked around the room.

The floor at the corner was extra clean and bright, and there was nothing in sight.

Just when I bent down to look, I found some small things under the bed, fine and broken.Quite a lot.

Some are like stones, some are like bones?

Also some look like torn paper?

There are still some that I didn't recognize for a while, but if you look closely, they look like pieces of cloth?
Thinking of the little girl's appearance just now, Wen Ying's heart sank. It was her who appeared this time, and she avoided it.

But what about people who have appeared in the past?
I'm afraid there won't be a happy ending.

When we met, the little girl shouted that she was hungry, but she didn't react yet.

Now it is clear that she is really hungry, and she may even be hungry all the time, and she will become another person when she is hungry, maybe it can be said to be a snake?

So in normal times, does she know what she has done in this state?

Looking at the little girl lying on the hospital bed with thick and long eyelashes, she looked like a sleeping beauty.

People can't help but feel affection and affection in their hearts.

But thinking of the scene just now, all the feelings of love and affection will be torn apart in an instant, this is the reality.

[Doctor Wen, what’s going on with this little girl? 】

[It's hard to see a live Disney princess on the run, I really don't want anything to happen to her! 】

[The state just now, does it mean that she eats... and is not a human...? 】

[But look at her sleeping, she is really harmless to humans and animals, how can you bear to kill her like this? 】

[Suddenly I understand what emotions are written in those novels when people face a dilemma, and I am like this now!I don't want her to have an accident, but I think she is too bad!It was as if there were two villains fighting in their heads. 】

[I never thought that I would feel sympathy for the monsters in a horror movie...I'm guilty! 】

Wen Ying didn't speak, she just looked at the little girl lying on the bed, moved a stool and sat by the bed.

"I really didn't eat her... I didn't... woo woo woo"

"I didn't see anything... I didn't see anything... Wuwuwu"

The little girl with her eyes closed suddenly started to cry, and then talked, as if she was dreaming?

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, don't lock me up, okay... woo woo woo"

"I'm not a monster..."

"Don't lock me up..."

"don't want……"

Listening to the little girl's murmur, everyone's mood became more complicated.

What's the secret here?
She seems to have been abused?

So is she a victim too?

But after the little girl muttered a few words, she never spoke again.

With her eyes closed, there are small drops of water on her long eyelashes, clinging to the corners of her eyes, and she is very miserable.

Wen Ying stretched out her hand to hold the little girl's arm, took off the long sleeve, and found that there were some dark spots on her arm, which were a little dense.

Seems to be there for many years.

After closing the door of the room, Wen Ying turned on the light.

Just sitting quietly beside the little girl.

As night fell, the little girl opened her eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, she subconsciously jumped up and ran towards the corner.

But seeing the person sitting by the bed, she paused.

Why is this human sister still here?

Didn't she eat her?

The little girl tilted her head, not understanding what was going on.

This human elder sister is good-looking, staring at her with twinkling eyes, she can't understand the emotion in her eyes, but it doesn't seem like she is going to hit her, right?
You stared at me, and I stared at you for more than ten minutes.

"Sister, why are you still here?"

"are you hungry?"

The little girl who had no reaction at first was stunned when she heard this, "Hungry..."

Before the second word was uttered, a lot of things appeared on the bed...

It should be something to eat, right?

Bread Potato Chip Sandwich Yogurt Biscuit Crispy Noodles Wang Zhong Wang Dried Tofu Jelly.


"For you to eat."

The little girl didn't even have time to ask anything, the hunger in her bones made her grab a piece of bread in an instant and start gnawing on it.

In less than half an hour, all the snacks on the bed turned into garbage.

The little girl looked at the pair of trash with a smile on her face, "It's really delicious, thank you sister!"

When she regained her senses, she remembered one thing, why is her sister still here?
Why did this sister feed her so many delicious things that she had never eaten before?
Although my stomach is not full, I am not hungry anymore.

You probably won’t eat this sister for a while, right?

The little girl's expression turned cold, "Why do you give me so many delicious things?"

"You go, don't come to me again."

"Why are you still here?"

"Leave quickly!"

But later, her voice was a lot weaker, and there was a lot of grievance, "If you don't leave, I will eat you when I am hungry... You are the first sister who gave me so many delicious things , is also the first time that my sister is so kind to me after I eat you, I don't want you to die in my stomach..."

The little girl lowered her head and sat in the corner again.

Looking away from Wen Ying, her whole body was filled with sadness.

"Aren't you afraid of being eaten by me?" The little girl really didn't understand what this human sister was thinking.

Why are you still motionless?

"I'm afraid, but I will die if I leave here, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the matter?" the little girl asked with a pouted mouth, "Sister, you better hurry up, otherwise I will be hungry again later, and I will eat my sister if I can't control it..."

why are you afraid to go outWhy do you like to sit in the corner?

Has someone ever bullied you?
Who are the people who bully you?

These questions went through Wen Ying's mind, and in the end she didn't ask any of them.

"Do you know about the head nurse?"

The little girl stared at Wen Ying without answering, but just looked at her, "Is she important to you?"

Wen Ying nodded, "Her matter is very important to me."

"I know she is the mother of the cockroach monster in the cafeteria, but who is her husband? Who is she most afraid of here?"

The little girl looked at Wen Ying, and suddenly got up and ran away, took out a small notebook from a bump in the wall, lay down on the floor, and began to write seriously.

"I can tell you, but you must not tell other people. The head nurse is actually very poor. She doesn't have a husband... But I can't tell you whose child the cockroach is, or I will die."

"Where is the dean? Why have I never seen the dean since I came here? Do you know the suicide note?"

Wen Ying's words made the little girl tremble, and she didn't continue to write.

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