Sai Ya was angry and silent. After more than ten minutes, Wen Ying still had no response.

Saiya threw all the snacks Wenying gave her on the floor, "I don't want your things, just leave!"

Knowing that Sai Ya was worried about herself, Wen Ying sighed.

When she turned to leave, Saiya still had his back to her, sitting in the corner, hugging his knees, and seemed to be crying.

Wen Ying put some more snacks for Saiya.

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, Saiyan raised his head and saw a lot more snacks scattered on the ground.

Many of them were delicious things she had never seen before.

It should be a snack in the human world, right?
Why is this human woman always so kind?

It would be nice if she was a little badder.

Saiya looked at the snacks on the ground in silence, stood up and bent down to pick up the snacks one by one.

Biscuits, instant noodles, potato chips, shrimp chips, spicy bread, chocolate candies, soft candies, hard candies, lollipops, donuts, snacks, bucket noodles, mixed noodles, various nuts.

There is also a big pack of hard-boiled compressed biscuits that humans have said are very hungry.

It was so full that it filled her bed.

Saiya looked at these things and was silent.

I don’t understand why this human being has to go see the dean?

Thinking of the dean, Saiya felt trembling all over.

That is a demon.

Saiya suddenly ran to the corner and pressed his head against the wall, his body trembling uncontrollably.

After compiling all the information about these players, Wen Ying finished her supper and went to find the head nurse.

Originally, the head nurse was very dissatisfied when she saw Wen Ying, but then she thought that the director wanted to see this human woman.

She held back her anger.

At eleven o'clock at midnight, the mental hospital was extremely quiet.

It's like everything has stopped.

The sky is deep black, and this blackness wears a false mask, which makes people feel a little weird when looking at it.

"Come with me." The head nurse said deeply and coldly.

But Wen Ying noticed that when she was about to go out, she straightened her clothes and makeup in the mirror.

The head nurse didn't speak during the whole process.

In the corridor on the second floor, the scary atmosphere with flashing lights became more and more intense.

Standing at the end of the corridor on the second floor, I saw the head nurse reaching out and knocking twice on the wall.

A door appeared on the wall.

From the dim side, the world over there seems to be a little brightly lit.

The head nurse walked in and stretched out her hand to give this human a hand, but in her mind, she thought of the image of this human being entering here by mistake.

Then he took his hand back.

Sure enough, Wen Ying walked in easily.

It seemed like this barrier was nothing to her.

"Humans..." The head nurse hesitated, not knowing why.

"Are you thinking why I can come here?" Wen Ying smiled, "Because I am the chosen one."

The head nurse's look of anticipation turned to disgust again.

Oh, the chosen one?
All that awaits you is death.

This human's skin is so fragile, Dean shouldn't...

After coming from across the country, this is a normal-looking mental hospital, but because it is big, everything here is complete.

There are nurses on duty late at night.

In the bright corridor, there was no one bustling around.

But when passing by the ward, I can occasionally hear the sounds of patients in the ward.

There were screams, curses, suppressed cries, and violent anger.

"Human, don't look around."

Seeing Wen Ying leaning on the small window of a ward door and looking in, the head nurse reminded her with a livid face.

"What will happen if you see it?" Wen Ying asked casually, really just asking casually.

But the head nurse felt that this human being was starting to provoke her again.

But there is nothing he can do about her!
The head nurse glared at her coldly, "Don't you want to see the director?"

"Yes I do."

"Then hurry up and follow me, I won't wait for you!"

"Will the dean punish you if you don't wait?"

The head nurse, "..."

Why should this hateful human take advantage of her?
I really want to tear this human being to pieces!
"But it's so late, the dean needs to rest, right? We'd better walk faster."

The head nurse was so angry that she glared at Wen Ying, then turned around and moved much faster.

Instead of taking the elevator, the head nurse took the stairs all the way up to the top six floors of the mental hospital.

The sixth floor is much quieter and the lights are a little darker.

It's a big space and there seems to be no one there.

The layout here is also different from downstairs.

The spacious leisure area is built similar to that of a villa, with superimposed comfort and leisure buffs.

A Gothic-style door appeared not far from the leisure area. The head nurse took Wen Ying over and stood outside the door, "Dean, we are here."

"come in."

With an old-sounding voice, the door opened automatically, and the head nurse stood aside waiting for Wen Ying.

Wen Ying was not polite at all and entered the room.

The room is large, one hundred square meters, and the decoration is somewhat retro-style.

There are also some decorative patterns from the ancient flower country.

"It seems that the dean is a lover of flower country culture?" Wen Ying asked in surprise.

The head nurse said nothing and stood aside, standing upright.

"So, does it seem like we are destined for each other?" The chair made of golden nanmu turned around, and sitting on it was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties.

It didn't match his voice at all/.

He sounded like an old man with a gray beard, but in fact he looked like a handsome middle-aged man.

The feeling of fragmentation is a bit big.

"Dean, you are not young anymore, are you?" This face has blond hair and blue eyes, and the facial features are as sculptured and three-dimensional.

On TV, he would definitely look super handsome.

But the voice that came out of his mouth was really old.

"Insolent!" the head nurse shouted dissatisfied.

The blond and blue-eyed handsome man had a smile on his lips, "It doesn't matter. Since we are here, it doesn't matter if we know? I am indeed not young anymore. Unlike your little girl, who is only in her early twenties, I have fresh blood."

"Mainly because you look so young and sound so old, it's a bit uncomfortable. How about you change your face and look like an old man?"

Wen Ying asked tentatively.

"Haha, don't you Huaguo people like handsome guys?"

"So this is specially prepared for me? Can you see what the dean looks like on a daily basis?"

The blond dean's smile became deeper and deeper, "Do you really want to see it?" "Of course, they say curiosity kills the cat, but I am willing to pay the price for my curiosity."

"Even if you look at it, you can never leave here again?"

"The dean knows how to enjoy it. Why not stay in such a comfortable place for a few more years?" Wen Ying replied nonchalantly.

"Hahaha! Human, you are the most special human I have ever seen." The dean laughed.

"You are also the director of the most unique mental hospital I have ever seen." Wen Ying responded directly.

"How about a special method?" The dean seemed to care about Wen Ying's opinion, or maybe he was entertaining Wen Ying.

"It's rare that the director of a mental hospital is so handsome. No, the director hasn't shown me your true face yet."

"Okay, since the beauty wants to see it, of course I am willing."

As soon as the dean finished speaking, Wen Ying felt as if the air around her had solidified, and the strong pressure made her feel a little tight in her chest.

But when she mobilized her body's spiritual power, this feeling quickly disappeared.

But the surrounding environment seemed to be shrouded.

The original decoration with a retro feel disappeared, and Wen Ying felt like she had appeared in a huge black mist.

The mist is constantly expanding, as if it is swallowing territory, and the place swallowed by it becomes its territory.

Gradually, Wen Ying felt that the space in this place was larger than this floor.

"Dean, what is your skill?"

"How is it, do you still like it?"

The human figure shrouded in shadow shook off its cloak and hat.

The person who appeared in front of Wen Ying was 1.8 meters tall. From the position of his face, you could see a bit of the dean's facial features.

But overall, it's a monster.

His body was covered with countless tentacles. Those tentacles were coiled around his body and rolled up. Each tentacle seemed to have small facial features.

People watching this are heartbroken.

If someone with trypophobia sees this scene, they will most likely faint.

"Dean, are you a human or a monster?" Wen Ying couldn't help but asked.

Of course, I planned to ask from the beginning.

"I am whatever you like me to be." Even the tone of his voice changed because of his identity. His voice was hoarse and trembling like an electric shock, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Where's the head nurse?"

"This is my domain. Whoever I want can come in. How about it, don't you like humans?"

"Isn't the head nurse your lover? Are you still avoiding her in this kind of thing?"

"Lover? Just a plaything."

"So the cockroach monster is not the dean's child."

"Of course, human, I know what you are planning, and I advise you to be good. Do you think that knowing our relationship, you can leave here safely?"

"No human being who comes here can ever leave alive, but I am willing to make you an exception."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Wen Ying immediately stretched out her hand and waved, "Why don't you become what you were before? This look is really disgusting, and the voice you speak makes you want to vomit."

When the dean heard this, he was a little dissatisfied, "Isn't it what you want to see? Then I will let you see it to your heart's content!"

Wen Ying found that her head turned in the direction of the dean involuntarily and she stared straight at his body.

I couldn't even close my eyes.

It was as if a powerful force opened her eyes, pinched her head and controlled its direction.

"Disgusting? How dare you say disgusting? Human being, I have indulged you too much."

At this moment, Wen Ying's body lifted off the ground little by little and floated.

But her face was ugly, as if someone had pinched her throat and lifted her body up.

A suffocating feeling.

"Human, don't you want to see me? Why do you stop talking when you see me?"

"Human, do you think you are so skilled that you want to cause wanton destruction on my territory?"

"Human, you want to kill me to end this fog, can you do it?"

Taunted again and again, ridiculed again and again.

At this time, Wen Ying was experiencing the feeling of suffocation.

She remembered that she had experienced this feeling while participating in rafting.

That time, the entire rafting trip took two hours.

But they will stop at four or five places along the way. There are many, many people at the stopping place. Those people don't care whether you want it or not, whether you are comfortable with it or not. It seems to be an agreement. They hold various ladles and basins and give them to you. There is dense water right in front of you.

They were rushing towards you from all directions. At that moment, Wen Ying felt that she was almost suffocated.

My mind seemed to be empty, even the fear disappeared, there were no thoughts, only the discomfort of being out of breath spread throughout my body.

At that time, she was just an ordinary student.

But now, she is no longer the same as before.

Wen Ying stretched out her hand, and a knife appeared in her hand. The knife slashed directly into the void next to her neck without hesitation.

Pieces exploded like fire.

When they were chopped down, those things appeared in front of everyone's eyes. They were the dean's tentacles.

Dirty black liquid flowed out from the broken incision, dripping under the feet.

But with a wave of the dean's hand, all those things that exploded disappeared.

"Human, what is that in your hand?"

The dean's voice was cold and he looked at Wen Ying with contempt.

Wen Ying waved the knife in her hand and coughed a few times, "Dog-killing knife? That's the name I gave it."


"As long as I can kill you."

The dean immediately understood what the dog-killing knife meant.

"Human, are you courting death?"

"You've said this too many times. Aren't I still alive and well?"

"this is mine"

"I know it's your domain, but so what? Didn't I cut off your tentacles? As a human being... ah no, don't be too confident as a monster."

Wen Ying interrupted the monster director.

"Hahahahaha!" The dean suddenly laughed.

Amid his laughter, the realm he created seemed to materialize and began to crumble inch by inch.

Every inch of it is cracked to the naked eye.

After the realm collapsed, Wen Ying felt that the oppression she felt in her body disappeared.

Is this monster going crazy?
"Human, I like you very much. In your human words, I admire you very much. I know you feel honored to be appreciated by me, and you will be able to come and go freely here. You have the courage and ability to Be my assistant.”

Wen Ying looked at this disgusting monster holding this monster's skin and saying these words, and couldn't help but interrupt again, "Can you speak like you did at the beginning?"

"Well, you're really brave." Dean Monster added, with a smile on his face that he thought was handsome, charming and could see through everything.

"Of course, you are my personal assistant, how can I be willing to embarrass you?"

After saying that, he transformed into a handsome blond man again.

The head nurse who was standing on one side, watching the dean and the human woman suddenly disappear and then reappear. When she heard the dean's words, she looked at the dean with disbelief and reluctance, "Dean, you want this human woman to... Be your assistant?"

"Then what am I?"

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