Wen Ying and the Zhang family naturally didn't know about these things.

They saw with their own eyes that Wen Ying lit the large paper battleship with incense, and then the battleship was burned to ashes little by little.

It took a little long, as if there was some protective force attached to the originally ordinary paper.

The burning rate is a bit slow.

Visible to the naked eye, Wen Ying's expression changed, but after she stuffed something into her mouth, her expression returned to normal.

Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang, who were kneeling aside, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene.

In the world below, battleships arrived, and God blessed Zhang Shuai.

The rumbling sound resounded throughout most of the world, and all the enemy forces that took the opportunity to attack were wiped out.

Nearly half surrendered.

All the soldiers knelt down, looking at Zhang Shuai and His Highness Chaochao standing on the battleship, and shouted, "God bless Zhang Shuai, God bless His Highness."

A trace of luck, invisible to others, came from nowhere, fell from the sky, and landed on Mr. Zhang's body.

Some of it also landed in Chao Chao's body.

There is still a trace that is borne by the soldiers under Zhang Shuai.

Chaochao only felt that his body seemed to have solidified a lot, and his originally soft and weak soul was now half materialized.

To materialize is to give birth to flesh and blood.

This is the blessing of heaven.

Morale is like a rainbow.

The sacrifice was carried out smoothly and even with greater fanfare.

After the sacrifice, Zhang Shuai sent personnel to lead troops to capture the northwest area.

After Wen Ying finished handling matters at Uncle Zhang's house, she planned to take Xiaobai and Kong Jian back to town.

But before she could leave, the person on the phone came.

The arrogant and disdainful middle-aged woman stepped on a pair of sky-high high heels and wore furs, standing next to a valuable luxury car.

I have to say that she still has some skills, or she has some connections in her family.

The woman looked at Xiaobai and Kong Jian with disdain, "Is this the child that woman brought? I don't know where the bastard came from, and she brought two little bastards with her. Couldn't he have stolen a child by himself?" "

As she spoke, she looked to the side with dissatisfaction, "You guys, go and bring those two little bastards to me!"

Xiaobai and Kong Jian were playing on the seesaw in the community park when they saw two tall men appearing in front of them.

"You are blocking me!"

"Want to play? No way!"

Who knew that the two people did not answer, but directly stretched out their hands to lift Xiaobai and Kong Jian beside them.

Xiaobai suddenly became angry.

Kong Jian looked calm, but when he saw that the cauldron was dissatisfied, he also became dissatisfied, "Let me go."

"You little bastard, you have no manners at all! No wonder the lady said you are bastards!"

Hearing this, Sora's eyes darkened.

Xiao Bai couldn't help it, stretched out his hand and hit the man holding him on the arm.

There was a snap.

The man was sweating profusely.

This little bastard is actually so strong!

After coming out of the man's hands, Xiaobai looked at him coldly, "You little bastard or a little bastard, I'm talking about you and your wife, right?"

"You little bastard, how dare you scold me?"

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud slap on his face.

The man's face suddenly became visibly swollen.

Xiaobai clapped his hands, "So dirty!"

When Sora saw Xiaobai making a move, he stretched out his foot and kicked the man who was holding him out.

One hit the ground, one's face was swollen like a steamed bun, and one hand seemed to be broken?
The middle-aged woman was a little dissatisfied when she saw that her men hadn't brought those two little bastards over for so long.

He walked over directly with someone on high heels.

"Trash! You can't even deal with two little bastards!"

Seeing the miserable condition of her two subordinates, the woman was very dissatisfied.

How could she spend money to support a bunch of trash!
"Trash! When the matter is over, go and receive the punishment yourself! The rest of you, arrest these two little bastards for me! Use whatever means necessary!"

The woman was filled with anger.

I already disliked Wen Ying very much, but now she was slapped in the face by the little bastard brought back by this bitch!
However, the reality is cruel.

The scene that the woman imagined did not appear. The people she brought did not need the little girl to take action, and they were already taken care of by the little bald man.

Kong Jian stood next to Xiao Bai with a calm expression, "Da Guo, do you want to beat this old woman?"

The woman suddenly became furious!
"Old woman? Uncultured bastard!"

Xiaobai stretched out his hand and slapped him three times in a row.

"It doesn't look good for a man to hit a woman, but I'm a girl, so it shouldn't be a problem for me to hit a woman."

Sora Mi looked at Da Guo's hand distressedly, not knowing whether Da Guo's hand hurt or not.

Three slaps, but Xiaobai didn't hold back.

The woman's face was also swollen. How could the woman have imagined that someone would dare to hit her?
Still such a lowly little bastard.

She immediately started to curse as if her whole body had exploded. Xiaobai and Kong Jian were scolded by her.

Wen Ying was scolded by her, and the people she brought were scolded by her.

"Call the police! Call the police! I want to call the police and arrest all these little bastards!"

The woman had never endured such an insult before, and now she was like a wind demon.

"Madam, no!" The person who got up from the ground immediately warned, "You can't alert the officials."

"The master said, don't spoil the young master's affairs."

The crazy woman wanted to continue, but when she heard the word "young master", she seemed to wake up a little.

Xiaobai didn't know what the old master and the young master were, but she had a lot of fun today.

Sora Jian sounded like something was wrong, but he didn't speak.

"Trash, a bunch of trash! Next time you dare to mess with my aunt, I will send you to see the King of Hell!"

Xiaobai snorted coldly, took Sora Jian's hand, and planned to go home for dinner.

After the two left, the clarity in the woman's eyes had returned. She was angry and wanted to tear the two little bastards out of their skins, but she knew that these two little bastards had some tricks, and these people were no match for them.

If you try hard, you will only bring humiliation to yourself.

"Madam, let's take her to the hospital first?" the person next to her asked tremblingly.

"Trash! If it weren't for you trash, wouldn't my son's matter be solved? Why go to the hospital? Do you have that face!"

"Contact the master immediately and send a group of special people over as soon as possible. Time is urgent!"

The eyes of the person next to him darkened, but they still endured the pain and cleaned up the mess.

The woman was sitting in the car, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

Xiaobai took Sora Jian's hand and walked upstairs, "Don't tell sister what happened just now, she will be worried."

Sora Mi nodded.

Is the big pot afraid that the liger will be angry?
After all, before coming here, Liger had already told them not to cause trouble and not to show their abilities in front of ordinary people.

But today, those people were clearly here to cause trouble for Liger.


If the cauldron doesn't let me talk, I won't talk.

After returning home, Aunt Zhang had already prepared a large table full of dishes, including meat, vegetables and soup. It was very rich.

Uncle Zhang also returned to normal, and the whole family sat at the dinner table.

Aunt Zhang took out two red envelopes and gave them to Xiaobai and Kongjian, one for each of them.

"Aunt, what is this?"

Xiaobai doesn’t quite understand. The red envelope looks thin. What could be hidden inside?

As he spoke, Xiaobai opened the red envelope. Unexpectedly, there was a bank card inside.

"You and Xiao Kong are here at Auntie's house. Auntie doesn't have time to entertain you properly. The password for this card is six zeros. You can buy some snacks you like."

Xiaobai blinked, is this what humans often say about worldliness?

It’s the first time a child comes to your door, do you want to give out a red envelope?

"How much money is there?" What Xiaobai cares about is how much delicious food he can buy.

Aunt Zhang and Uncle Zhang laughed when they heard this. The children were innocent and naive, and they said whatever they thought of.

"It's not much, just 5 yuan."

"Wow, there are so many! Sister, can I take them?" Xiaobai looked at Wen Ying.

Wen Ying nodded, "Just take what Auntie gave you."

After Xiaobai put it away, Kong Jian also stretched out his hand to put away his own red envelope.

With a lot of money, I can buy a lot of delicious food for the liger.

Everyone was very happy after a meal.

"Xiaoying, do you plan to go back to town when this is over?"

Wen Ying nodded, "I want to take Xiaobai and Kongjian back to live for a while."

"Your uncle and I have also read about the fog in the past few days/" Aunt Zhang thought for a while and told Wen Ying about their plans, "Your uncle and I also want to go in and have a look, don't worry about us, old man I said that the usual dirty things nowadays can’t hurt me and your uncle. The world is about to change, and your uncle and I also want to see what’s going on.”

Wen Ying did not refuse or refute.

Just looking at Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang, I felt that there seemed to be a sealed aura in their bodies.

"Okay, uncle and aunt can come to me anytime if you need anything."

Knowing that Wen Ying was leaving, the two of them were not polite.

The couple also planned to go shopping in the provincial capital and finally took a trip out.

Wen Ying didn't bring any luggage, only a simple small bag. She put the bag on her back and left with Xiao Bai and Kong Jian.

Aunt Zhang sent her all the way downstairs, intending to send her out of the community.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the community, he encountered an accident.

"You can't go!"

As soon as they left the community, Wen Ying was blocked by a man who looked healthy but was lame.

Immediately, a woman came out of a luxury car, wearing sunglasses and a mask...

"Xiaoying, I am mother."

Wen Ying had to be kept, and the woman naturally thought about her mother.

Wen Ying was originally very curious, but when she heard this, she immediately thought of the phone call that she hung up and blocked.

"Are you my mother? My mother is dead, and you climbed up from below?"

Wen Ying looked at the woman curiously, "Why are you still so secretive?"

The woman wanted to continue as if she had lost her daughter, but Wen Ying ridiculed her.


"Xiaoying, do you have any misunderstandings about your mother? I lost you accidentally, and then you were picked up by the Wen family's grandma. Now that your mother has found you, can you really not forgive your mother? What do you want? , Mom can give it to you! Mom and Dad both want to make up for what we owe you, can you come home with us? "

Aunt Zhang stood directly in front of Wen Ying, blocking the woman's view.

"Hide your head and show your tail! Are you still Xiaoying's mother? I think you are a human trafficker!" (End of Chapter)

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