Tiedan's face was already pale, but at this moment, with his trembling body, his face became even paler.

His eyes were full of fear, and his voice was a little bitter, "Run, run quickly."

This is the only thing he can remind Xiaobai.

Xiaobai stood there, looking at the boy who just appeared and said a word, and then imprisoned Tiedan.

The fabric the boy was wearing looked clear and soft.

Even at a young age, he has a temperament that makes people think that this child is afraid of being in a wealthy family.

"Pretty sister, do you want to play with us?"

When people passing by saw this scene, they turned around and ran away in fright.

Xiaobai looked at him with a smile, "Okay, let go of Tiedan."

After Xiaobai said this, Tiedan recovered and could move freely.

Tiedan stretched out his hand and pulled Xiaobai's sleeve, with a hint of reminder.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

When he heard Xiaobai say this, Tiedan was stunned for a moment.

She protects him?

This was the first time Tiedan heard someone say that he wanted to protect him.

Even his family members have never said this, but the human girl in front of him said: Don't be afraid, I will protect you.

Tiedan felt a strange feeling in his heart. It was the first time he felt like this.

It was warm and hot, but there seemed to be water flowing through it.

Somewhat comfortable, but also a bit burning.

Tiedan took a breath, how could she face the loyalty between children alone?
Of course together.

Tiedan walked into the house before Xiaobai.

The Taishi chair was placed empty on the spot. The little boy looked at Xiaobai with a smile, "My beautiful sister is a guest, please sit down."

His voice was full of temptation, and in Xiaobai's ears, it seemed as if the voice was coming from deep inside her head, passing through her eardrums, and bit by bit occupying her sanity.

Sit down, sit down, sit down.

Such sounds repeated in her mind, and her body also moved closer to the Taishi chair.

Walking little by little, getting closer.

Tiedan wanted to stop him, but when he saw the boy's threatening and teasing eyes, he realized that he couldn't stop him.

"Tiedan, are you going to go against me for a human being? Do you know what the outcome will be?"

Tiedan struggled and shook his head.

Xiaobai sat completely on the Taishi chair, and a snow-capped mountain appeared in front of her eyes.

The vast white snow-capped mountains peeled back her memories.

She encountered despair here, but unexpectedly found hope in life.

The cold wind mixed with ice and snow made Xiaobai's body tremble like a conditioned reflex.

Xiaobai, who was hiding under the big rock, missed his mother, missed his mother, and wanted to see his mother.

miss mom.

Tears fell from the corners of Xiaobai's eyes, but at this moment she was immersed in memories and couldn't extricate herself.

"Master, what is this place?"

"Ghost village."

When Wen Ying saw the word "closed door", she knew where this place was.

After all, she is also an anchor, although she has not broadcast live for a long time.

When Sora Jian heard these two words, he was not afraid.

"I'm not afraid of ligers. The cauldron is here. Let's go find the cauldron now, shall we?"

Different from Xiaobai's rippling pace, Wen Ying led Kong Jian step by step toward the path that appeared.

And they soon walked out of the barren mountains and ridges surrounded by trees and saw the official Fengmen Village.

Those ancient buildings and an extremely disharmonious atmosphere.

"Are you... Doctor Wen?"

A player recognized Wen Ying, and a huge smile broke out on his face.

It seemed that after seeing Wen Ying, they would be able to escape unscathed from this adventure, and maybe even get some benefits.

"No, you admitted your mistake."

Wen Ying led Kong Jian around these people and continued walking towards the village.

"Doctor Wen, you can escape unharmed in the fog, why can't you help us?"

"Yes, Doctor Wen, we have watched your live broadcast! You are so powerful, you should shoulder your responsibilities, right?"

Wen Ying turned around and looked at them, "Oh, what responsibility?"

That person may have been a little embarrassed at first, but at this time he just wanted moral kidnapping.

"You are so powerful, of course you are here to protect us. After all, we are all from the Flower Country! Do you want others to know that you will not save us even if you die?"

The more this person talks, the more reasonable he becomes, and he even feels that he has the moral high ground.

"Doctor Wen, you have so many fans, and those fans regard you as a god. If they knew that you didn't help us people in the fog and allowed us to get into trouble, do you think they would continue to like you? ?"

Several people chatted non-stop.

Wen Ying's expression didn't change much, but Kong Jian was a little angry.

Damn it, these humans still want to threaten ligers.

But Liger took his hand and shook it gently.

"If you want me to protect you, that's fine. As long as each of you agrees to my request, it won't be a problem."

When several people heard this, they felt that Wen Ying was threatened by them, but if they wanted to save face, they could only make a request.

"Okay, tell me."

"You" Wen Ying pointed to one of the pretty good-looking girls, "Are you a twin? Are you a younger sister or an older sister?"

"Xue'er is my sister. Doctor Wen, if you have any questions, please ask quickly. After you've asked, you have to follow us to complete the mission."

A boy named Zhang Shuai said.

Wen Ying looked at the girl named Xue'er with an indifferent expression, "Are you Xue'er? Are you my sister?"

It seemed that she was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Wen Ying. A flash of panic flashed across the girl's stubborn face, "Of course I am Xue'er, what exactly do you want to ask Dr. Wen!"

"I want to ask how your sister died." Wen Ying said calmly, but she saw the girl's body trembling.

"What nonsense are you talking about? My sister passed away, but I am still alive and well!"

"Yes, Doctor Wen, Xue'er is really our sister. Xue'er has known us for a long time. There is no way we can mistake her!"

Another boy also testified for Xueer.

Xueer looked at Wen Ying proudly and said, "Doctor Wen, I didn't expect you to make mistakes sometimes."

But Wen Ying's expression seemed particularly indifferent to the three of them.

It was as if she just said it casually and she didn't care whether it was true or false. "You and your sister are twins. You were born in a remote mountain village, right? Your mother... was abducted by human traffickers and sold to your father. Originally, this was nothing, but I didn't expect that your place is really disgusting. So powerful, your mother..."

Wen Ying paused for a moment, "She is crazy, but she likes your sister very much. Even if she is crazy, she will subconsciously protect your sister, right?"

Following Wen Ying's words, the girl known as Xue'er seemed to fall into that memory.

Dark memories.

No one knows what a perverted and idiotic village she was born in.

That year, when she seemed to be seven years old, was the first time she knew the truth about that village.

Guazi's sister next door suddenly disappeared while she was there. No one was seen alive or dead.

But no one around him wanted to call the police, and they didn't seem to care at all that such a living person had disappeared.

It seems like this is a common thing.

Later, she found out.

In this village, every family that gives birth to a daughter will eventually have to face one thing, sacrificing their daughter to the ghosts and gods that do not exist at all.

The method of sacrifice is...

And she was the chosen one.

Why did her family choose her to sacrifice to the so-called ghosts and gods even though she and her sister looked exactly the same?
Naturally, she was unwilling to accept such a result, but she was growing up day by day, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

And deep in her heart, a secret grew up day by day.

Finally, the day before them, she succeeded.

She survived.

And there was nothing she could do for her sister who died in her place. She couldn't let her die on her own, right?

She was ready to keep this secret in her heart for the rest of her life.

She is Xue'er, and she will be Xue'er all her life.

But now, after hearing Wen Ying's words, her sister Xue'er's face appeared in her mind.

Everyone said they looked the same. In order to distinguish them, the two wore different clothes and had different haircuts since childhood.

But in order to survive, she proposed to grow her hair that year.

The family members may have felt a little guilty about her, so they agreed.

This allowed her plan to be executed smoothly.

But now, this Doctor Wen actually knows all this and what exactly she wants to do.

"I only have one request. If you can bring your sister back, then I can help you get through this fog."

The girl looked at Wen Ying in disbelief.

"I don't know what nonsense you're talking about!"

The two boys were also a little shaken by Wen Ying's expression. Isn't Xue'er Xue'er?
But they didn't notice it at all.

If this is not Xueer, then where did Xueer go?
"You know, wasn't your sister sent away by you?" The girl felt that Wen Ying's voice was like an evil ghost urging her to die.

"What do you know? Why are you talking such nonsense! Why can't I survive? Why am I destined to die as soon as I'm born? Am I wrong to want to survive? No one can control my life and death! They don't Exception! You! No exception! Xueer? Haha, how can she come back after she is dead? Doctor Wen, do you want to say that Xueer was killed by me? You are wrong! She was killed by those people Yes! It has nothing to do with me!"

"If you didn't deceive her into playing your role, then you should be the one who was sacrificed, right? You knew all this, but you planned it for so many years just to let her die in your place. Didn't you kill her? Her? They are murderers, right, aren’t you? "

The two boys looked at Xue'er in disbelief, "You're not Xue'er? How is it possible! You know the details of our time with Xue'er, how could you not be her? Was Xue'er killed by you? Even your own sister, you They will all be killed, aren’t you too vicious?”

"Shut up! We are the grasshoppers on the same boat now! She is already dead, and I am the one who formed an alliance with you! Do you want to break the alliance?"

The girl sneered, "You know the price of breaking the covenant, right?"

The two boys were startled. They formed an alliance over that unknown plaque.

After witnessing someone's betrayal, he turned into a mass of blood mist and completely dissipated into the world.

"She won't protect me, you have to find a way!"

The girl began to threaten them. Although the words were unpleasant, they were true.

Why did you have to go there to form an alliance in such a blind way?

"Doctor Wen, Xue'er is also a victim! She can't just wait for her to die, right? Everything she does has a reason, it's understandable!"

Wen Ying looked at the boy who was speaking. The boy was average-looking and half a head taller than Wen Ying.

The body is a bit fat.

"Cheng Shuo, right?"

The man nodded blankly, saying that Dr. Wen was amazing, and indeed he was.

He didn't even introduce himself, but Dr. Wen already knew his name.

But it’s better if Dr. Wen is more powerful, and they will have greater confidence in their survival!

"Doctor Wen, just tell me what you want, and I will definitely do it!"

The man said confidently.

"I wish your sister could leave that place."

The man was stunned when he heard this. He was a little worried when he heard the word sister.

Now...it is indeed...

But how could her sister leave?

The man looked at Wen Ying hesitantly, as if thinking about how to convince Wen Ying.

Xue'er on the side gave a cold cry. He remembered that this man had looked at him with disgust just now. It turned out that he was not clean either!
The man looked at Xue'er and wanted to curse, but he never spoke. He turned to Wen Ying and said, "Doctor Wen, can you make another request?"

"Didn't your sister marry into a rich family and enjoy happiness?"

The man standing with him looked at Cheng Shuo in confusion.

But looking at Cheng Shuo's expression, the man's expression turned grim. "What happened to your sister? What did you do to your sister!"

"Fang Yang! That's my sister! Why are you so excited? Besides, my sister has married into a wealthy family and naturally leads a good life!"

The man shook off the hand held by his brother and looked at this scene irritably.

"Did your sister really marry into a wealthy family and live a good life?"

Fang Yang looked at Cheng Shuo with a hint of cruelty.

"Fang Yang, what happens to my sister has nothing to do with you! Besides, we are in a fog now, can you please clear your mind!"

When Fang Yang heard this, his somewhat crazy look became much more normal.

"It is true that your sister married into a wealthy family, but has she really lived a good life? Did she really marry into a wealthy family willingly? Did she marry into a wealthy family?"

Wen Ying asked three times in a row, making Fang Yang's expression look strange again.

"What happened to Xiaofang? Tell me, otherwise I will fight to the death to support you today!"

Fang Yang's tone made Chen Shuo jump.

He looked panicked, "Don't listen to this woman's nonsense. She just doesn't want to protect us, so she uses this method to drive a wedge between us! Fang Yang, wake up!"

But Fang Yang stared at Cheng Shuo, staring straight at him.

Although he didn't like Wen Ying, he also knew what kind of person Wen Ying was, at least he wasn't a bad person.

Not even a lie.

So, is Xiaofang really unhappy?
"She is not unhappy, she is just in the eighteenth level of hell." Wen Ying seemed to hear the voice in Fang Yang's heart and answered aloud.

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