No one paid any attention to the little boy, leaving him to be in awe in the circle of light.

After Xiaobai's mood calmed down, Kong Jian breathed a sigh of relief. This time he looked at the little boy as if he were a dead person.

For making the cauldron so sad, he will definitely die.

Maybe he's already dead, so let's die again.

"Sister, I saw mom and the others." Xiaobai's voice had a thick nasal sound, and it was obvious that he was still partially immersed in emotion.

Maybe I miss them, I am reluctant to leave, I miss them.

"Cauldron, I will help you take revenge and kill this monster."

Sora Mi pointed at the little boy.

Xiaobai looked at the little boy in the light circle and shook his head, "I was careless and it had nothing to do with him. Besides, he allowed me to see my mother and friends. If he hadn't had ulterior motives, I would still have to thank him. Little brother, you can figure it out yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaobai stood up from the Taishi chair and stood next to the aperture.

"Little thing, what did you do to Tiedan? She is my friend! If you don't tell me, we will kill you! My little brother will tear you into pieces!"


"Hahahaha? Do you think I don't know what a piece of shit you are? I know you're not a human, but you don't think we don't have a way to eliminate you, do you? We are not ordinary humans."

The little boy was silent, looking at Xiaobai and saying nothing.

No matter how Xiaobai scolded him, he remained silent.

Wen Ying walked over and lifted up the Taishi chair, "It would be good to turn this into firewood for barbecue."

The boy's expression suddenly became tense, but he still kept his mouth closed and did not speak.

Wen Ying stretched out her hand and struck the back of the chair, click!

There was a big crack in the wood.

The little boy trembled, his body swayed, and he almost fell, "Stop! Devil!"

"Could it be that this Taishi chair is your true body? Are you a chair that has become a spirit?"

Xiaobai opened his eyes and looked at the little boy with great interest.
The little boy's face was a little pale, "Let go of that chair, what exactly do you want to do! I promise you, I won't embarrass you, you get out of here right away!"

There seemed to be no need for Wen Ying to take action this time. Kong Jian walked over directly, grabbed the Taishi chair and smashed it towards the ground.


"Stop! Stop! You damn monk! Stop it!"

The boy's expression became increasingly pale, and his body was crumbling.

But Kong Jian ignored him and stepped on him directly.


at last!

A piece of wood broke!
The boy sat down on the ground, feeling worse than death.

"Sure enough, you are like wood, tsk tsk tsk~"


You are the spirit of wood, and your whole family is the spirit of wood!
Perhaps the boy's glare at Xiaobai was too sharp. Xiaobai looked at him and said, "I thought you died out of pity, but I didn't expect that you, a monster, would actually become a disaster."

Boy, "I'm not a spirit! I'm not a spirit made of wood!"

"Then what are you? You can't be a human, right?"

"I am a human being!" The boy stared at Xiao Bai unconvinced. Why is he not a human being?

Although he is dead, he is still a human being!

I was a human when I was alive, and I am a human now!
He is human!

You are not human!

Seeing that Sora was about to completely destroy the chair, the boy finally panicked, "No! Two beautiful sisters, please let me go! I really don't dare to do it anymore!"

"Since you are not a wood spirit, that is not your true body, then what are you afraid of?" Xiaobai was a little confused.

"His obsession is attached to this grand master's chair. Over the years, it has taken its current form. If the grand master's chair is completely destroyed, he will completely dissipate between heaven and earth in less than 24 hours, never to be reincarnated again."

"He's really a human being." Xiaobai was a little frustrated, why wasn't he a monster?

Why didn't something else take the form of a human being?
In this way they are the same kind!

It's a pity that it's too difficult for similar people, and he is not worthy after all!

Sora Jian stopped moving the moment Liger spoke. He felt that Liger might be useful, so he spoke to prompt him.

"Everyone, slow down, let me tell you, this weird thing here is really scary! All of us were subdued in one move! And that chair, be sure not to sit on it! Don't blame me for not warning you! That chair It's weird. All the people who sat on it died! No one survived. If I hadn't been lucky, I would have died here! We must work together on this mission. Remember to follow my command! Otherwise we will all be dead. Die here! As far as I know, the weird one here is probably an important NPC in this village. He is the embodiment of resentment, and his problem must be solved!"

There were about seven or eight people walking towards this place.

His expression was extremely serious and cautious. After all, this was a place where his life could be handed down if he was not careful.

With his heart beating like a drum and trembling with fear, he walked towards this place step by step.

"Stop! Get ready! Bring out all the props you have!"

"Brother Sun, why do I seem to hear something?"

"It must be tempting us to go in! Everyone, be careful and be firm, do you understand?"

"Brother Sun, someone seems to be chatting?"

"What's wrong with chatting? Doesn't chatting just tempt us and make us relax our vigilance?"

"But I thought I heard the sound of a chair being smashed?"

"How is that possible! You are hallucinating!"

However, when everyone stood in front of the door and looked into the house.


What about the chair?
People with information speculate that this chair is an important prop. Why is the chair missing?
What is that little monk holding?
It seems to be some kind of wood, it looks familiar, that shape.

But it has nothing to do with the chair.

No, why is there another little monk?

Didn't you talk about the little boy inside?
Although the little boy and the little monk are both boys, they are very different when they are described!

"Brother Sun, there seem to be other players inside?"

"Impossible! Absolutely no one dares to come here alone! You have to know that we have been preparing for so long, how could anyone dare to come without preparation!"

"Are you looking for this chair?"

Xiaobai walked at the door and lifted up the broken chair.

Everyone, "???"

Is this the very important Taishi chair?
how could it be possible!
"Little girl, stop joking. Is that chair hidden by you?"

"Little beauty, who did you come with?" "Where is that weird little boy?"

The little boy slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was stunned again. What on earth is this scene?
The boy stared at the people outside with a gloomy face. He didn't have the ability to deal with the people in the house, but he should be able to deal with the people outside, right?
"Just because you want to take away my chair?"

Seeing the rumored boy, everyone's thoughts were a little complicated.

Why is this so different from the rumored process?
Shouldn't this weird boy be the one to lure them in?
Why aren't they allowed in now?

Which part is the problem?
Several people looked at Brother Sun, who was also speechless. How did he know what was wrong?

But is there absolutely nothing wrong with this boy, or is he the same boy who just doesn't seem as scary as before?

"No, don't be angry, boss. Don't you like us coming here and sitting on the chairs?"

When the boy heard this, he snorted coldly.

Yes, he likes it, but now that the chairs are useless, how do you want him to answer?

No wink at all?
"Nonsense! You covet my things, damn it!"

After saying that, the boy suddenly looked towards Wen Ying.

Wen Ying, "..."

What do you see me doing?Are you the owner here?

Is he the boss here?

I'm just a passerby.

"I...can I kill them?"

The boy asked in a low voice.

The group of people suddenly became scared. What did this weird boy mean?
Is it really okay to just state your purpose so straightforwardly?
Aren't you afraid of scaring them away?
And who is he talking to?
Didn't it mean that there is only one weird thing here, and this weird thing is very arrogant and powerful?

Why do you need to ask for other instructions... weird?
"Who's in there?"

Brother Sun's expression was extremely cautious, with caution and fear. He did not feel that there was something more powerful and strange inside.

He thought the thing inside was definitely a human!

The little girl looked human at first sight, and so did the little monk.

Who dares to enter Fengmen Village's mist with a little girl and a little monk?
Wen Ying sighed and walked out of the corner this time, looking at the group of people.

I was also told that there aren’t many good things.

But there are also ordinary people, ordinary people who are neither bad nor good.

"you are?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Are you Dr. Wen?" Different people said different things the moment they saw Wen Ying.

"Doctor Wen is this really you?"

Wen Ying glanced at the speaker.

He stretched out his hand and said, "You, you, and you, come here." The three people who were clicked walked towards Wen Ying in an instant, and they didn't seem to be afraid at all.

But other people who didn't point it out don't understand what's going on?

Unexpectedly, after Wen Ying called the three people over, she looked at the little boy and said, "You can do whatever you want with the rest."

"Doctor Wen, what do you mean?"

Anyone who knew Wen Ying among the people who called over couldn't help but ask, feeling really unsatisfied.

Like those who didn't know Wen Ying, he learned about Dr. Wen Ying's deeds.

Isn't she a psychiatrist and a good person?
Haven’t you helped so many people?
"Don't look forward to it. That Doctor Wen won't care about you!" The disappeared Xue'er appeared from nowhere, stood beside the group of people, and sneered.

"who are you?"

"You don't care who I am, you just need to know that Dr. Wen, who is powerful in your eyes, will not care about your life or death, don't you understand? She only chooses to protect those few people she calls over!"


When Xueer heard this question, she looked at these people funny, "Do you think you are good people? Or even ordinary people who have never harmed others?"

"Don't you understand? She won't protect those who have done evil."

After hearing Xue'er's words, the expressions of these people changed.

They don't actually know each other, how could anyone know that they have done evil?

"This is not fair! I have never hurt anyone else! Doctor Wen, you should protect me!"

The boy who spoke was thin and skinny, with very dark skin and a pair of eyes that looked like the triangular eyes of a snake. He was 1.7 and a half meters tall. He stood there without much momentum, but his attitude was extremely firm when he said these words.

The others didn't speak, watching this scene, wanting to see how Dr. Wen judged the good guys and the bad guys?
Then they can fish in troubled waters, right?
When you meet such a powerful boss, you must hug your thighs!
Wen Ying looked at the speaker, "Feng Niu? You said you have never hurt anyone else? Have you lied to yourself for too long, to the point where you think you are a good person?"

Feng Niu, who is dark and thin, doesn't understand what Dr. Wen means, but he has never hurt anyone else!
Why did you lie to yourself?

He didn't believe what other facts this Dr. Wen could fabricate to frame him?
"I've never hurt anyone, you're slandering me! No one in my neighborhood says I'm not a good person! I do good deeds every year, like helping an old lady cross the road, I do it hundreds of times a year! And I do it hundreds of times a year! Although I don’t talk about other things I do to help others, no one around me calls me a bad person! I am recognized as a good and enthusiastic citizen!”

Feng Niu's attitude is very firm. He is a good person and the person who needs to survive in this fog.

Others were a little confused when they saw Feng Niu's resolute attitude.

Could it be that he is such a good citizen?

Feng Niu's eyes were firm and his expression was firm. He looked at Wen Ying, waiting for Wen Ying to apologize to him.

Unexpectedly, the psychiatrist suddenly laughed.

"Good person? Aren't you trying to atone for your sins? Have you forgotten all the things you did 20 years ago? It is said that people are born as a piece of paper, pure white paper, but some people are born as evil people, you shark You married a little girl from your neighbor's house, just because you said you liked that child's tender skin. When you pushed that boy who was prettier than you off the cliff, you thought everyone could only like you. How much do you owe? Where is this human life? Has it been completely forgotten in these years of atonement?"

"What happened to you that year when you had the nightmare? You know it very well, right?"

When Feng Niu, who was originally very firm, heard Wen Ying's words, it was strange that something seemed to appear in his mind.

The picture became clearer little by little.

That person who looked just like him was facing a little girl...

And on the edge of the cliff...

Those things were as real as his own experiences, and he couldn't help but stumbled and sat down on the floor, with cold sweat on his forehead.

"No, no, no! I didn't do those things! Those are all lies! You slandered me! I'm a good person!"

When other people heard what he had done, they silently distanced themselves from him.

Wen Ying looked at this man and said, "Are you a good person? What do you do on the [-]th day of the sixth lunar month every year?"

The man's head seemed to have exploded and he was in so much pain!

Every June [-]th, he...he...he...

The man fell to the ground, twitching all over and bleeding from his orifices. (End of chapter)

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