That sword fairy is back

Chapter 105 1 foot

No matter how good-tempered Old Tan was, he was already laughing angrily at this moment: "Fellow Daoist came here and asserted that the two of us caused trouble before he even asked a word. How dare you ask where is the evidence?"

The disciple's expression was arrogant and indifferent, and he was not at all moved by Lao Tan's words: "Everyone present can prove that it was you two who caused the trouble, what more evidence do you need?"

Old Tan opened his mouth to argue, but Su Jianxing stopped him with his hand.

Su Jianxing raised his eyelids and looked at the other party: "Who are you?"

The disciple raised his chest and said proudly: "I am the disciple Tang Ding who is in charge of order in this conference." As he spoke, he reached out and stroked his waist, where a deacon's badge was hanging.

After finishing speaking, Tang Ding looked at Lao Tan and Su Jianxing with an unkind expression and said, "It has been confirmed that you two are causing trouble here, why don't you leave with me quickly and accept punishment."

Old Tan couldn't help calling Qu: "Prove it? How did you prove it? When did it happen? Why didn't I see it?"

Tang Ding was unmoved: "Stop talking nonsense, leave quickly, or don't blame me for being ruthless."

Su Jianxing suddenly laughed, and stood still, the old god said: "Then show me how ruthless you are."

"You—" Tang Ding's face suddenly sank.The female cultivator in front of me is only at the mid-Golden Core Stage, and the male cultivator next to him looks like he has just advanced to the Golden Core Stage, and he can tell by looking at their clothes that they are not disciples of this sect, and they all wear temporary belts around their waists, but they dare to speak nonsense here , simply do not know the heights of the sky and the earth.

Under the eyes of everyone, Tang Ding knew that he had to do something, not only to build up his prestige, but also to save his face.

Thinking in this way, he stretched out his hand and pointed five fingers forward, and a chain flew out of his palm, heading straight for Su Jianxing and Lao Tan.

"Avoid!" Su Jianxing had been prepared for a long time. She pushed Lao Tan, and drew out the long sword with the other hand. The point of the sword pointed straight forward. With a light movement of her wrist, the point of the sword moved in a circle to meet the chain thrown by Tang Ding. , wrap it tightly around the blade.

Seeing that Tang Ding was about to withdraw the chain, Su Jianxing's wrist sank, and the tip of the sword was raised upwards, actually holding one end of the chain firmly.

Tang Ding was in a hurry, he never thought that this female cultivator looked weak and vulnerable, and her strength was still stronger than his own.He tugged back on the chain hard, but it didn't.But at this moment, Su Jianxing moved.

Just when Tang Ding's strength loosened, she swung her long sword and pulled it back violently.

Tang Ding was caught off guard and staggered a few steps forward. Before he could stand still, he saw a shoe kicking towards him.He was unprepared, and after receiving that heart-warming kick, he flew upside down and fell ten feet away, and finally fell face-to-face.

Su Jianxing put away his sword, clapped his hands, and looked around.Everyone who looked at him looked away, but no one dared to look at him.

Old Tan came over happily and said, "Fellow Daoist Su, I haven't seen you for a while, and your cultivation has improved again."

"It's easy to say, I haven't had time to congratulate you on being promoted to Jindan." Old Tan chuckled, stroked his beard, and said, "That's also thanks to Fellow Daoist Su for his enlightenment."

Su Jianxing was stunned for a moment, when did she do such a good thing?

Old Tan smiled, but didn't say much. He looked around, "This is not a place to talk."

Su Jianxing thought about it, indeed.He asked, "Where do you live?"

Old Tan said: "The residence of the disciples of the outer sect is a bit remote, and there is a distance from here."

Su Jianxing understood that Lao Tan really came to the Saint Yuanzong as a casual cultivator, so he was arranged to live in the residence of the outer disciples.She also guessed that he was a disciple of Tiangongmen before, isn't it right?

Thinking of this, her eyes inadvertently drifted to the opposite Zhenbao Pavilion.

There stood the shopkeeper and a few guys at the door. At first glance, they seemed to be watching the excitement, but they always felt that something was wrong.She glanced subconsciously, and saw that those people seemed to be holding something tightly in their hands and had no time to take it back. After meeting Su Jianxing's gaze, she retracted her hands into her sleeves in a hurry.

Su Jianxing looked at the booth in front of him again, and a guess flashed in his heart.

But these are not the main point, and it has little to do with her. Withdrawing her thoughts and eyes, she found that Old Tan seemed to be still waiting for her answer. She coughed lightly to cover up her distraction. It's noisy, let me take you to a place. It's clean and easy to talk to."

Old Tan nodded: "Okay." He lifted his foot and was about to leave.

"Wait." Su Jianxing stopped him again.

Old Tan didn't understand, so he said, "What."

Su Jianxing pointed to the booth full of Yaoguangfeng items and asked, "Do you want this booth?"

Old Tan spread his hands: "I really want to, but I am alone and weak. After such a toss, everyone is gone. What else can I do?"

Su Jianxing said, "It's easy, you can find a storage bag and pack everything away."

Old Tan hesitated: "What if we take them away and turn around? They still don't call us thieves?"

Su Jianxing gave him a blank look: "Then if you lose something here, do you think they won't look for us?"

"It's not possible." Although Lao Tan said so, he didn't dare to bet on the result. If this is the case, he will really have something to say at that time, so he might as well take it away together, and when the time comes, people will come to ask for it Besides.

He took out a new storage bag, and put everything in the booth in one go.Then he quickly put his things on the table, looked around and felt that there was nothing wrong, so he put the storage bag on the booth, and immediately opened the array with the number plate.

This is why everyone has to receive a number plate, because only the number plate can open the array on each corresponding booth.This is a small protective formation, and once opened, it is impossible to enter without a number plate.

"Let's go." After finishing all this, Lao Tan said to Su Jianxing with a relaxed expression.

Su Jianxing nodded, and raised his sword light, "Come up."

Immediately, Su Jianxing took Lao Tan away with his sword light.

Behind them, Tang Ding endured the dizziness and raised his head from the ground. He saw the backs of the two people leaving. He woke up instantly and wanted to catch up. A rib is broken.

Tang Ding lay back powerlessly, and angrily beat the ground with his hands, still a little flustered.

He didn't expect that female cultivator to be so powerful. Even though her cultivation base was not as high as his, he couldn't survive a move in her hands.At this moment, he can only comfort himself that the other party is a sword cultivator, and he can challenge by jumping over the ranks. It is not shameful, but such a powerful sword cultivator may not be a casual cultivator. If any sect sneaks out to play first, it will be fun. It's big.

While thinking, Tang Ding heard someone calling in a panic: "Senior Brother Tang."

A sound of footsteps approached.Tang Ding tried his best to look up, it was Qu Qingyao who left and returned.

Qu Qingyao seemed very surprised that Tang Ding appeared here in such a posture.She looked around, knelt down to help him: "Senior Brother Tang, are you okay?"

It turns out that Tang Ding is a deacon disciple of this conference, but he is also a disciple of Yaoguang Peak, so he naturally thinks of the people at the peak.

In fact, if he met disciples from other peaks of Shengyuanzong, he would not be incapable of discussing it carefully.It was only because Lao Tan and Su Jianxing didn't look like disciples of some sect that they suppressed them so recklessly.

Unexpectedly, I lost my sight.

When Qu Qingyao supported him, he accidentally pulled Tang Ding's broken bone, and he unconsciously "hissed".

Qu Qingyao paused, not knowing whether to continue or let go.

Tang Ding waited for a while before saying: "Junior Sister Qu, I'm fine, I may have broken a rib."

"Why is it so serious? Who did it?" Qu Qingyao looked shocked, and asked, looking for medicine.After a while, he said empty-handedly, "I'm sorry Senior Brother Tang, all my pills are at the booth, I'll go—"

She wanted to go to the booth to get it, so she looked at the booth, but she was shocked to see that the booth had completely changed its appearance. The previous tables, chairs, shelves and the pills on the shelf were completely gone, replaced by a table A jewelry table with a bamboo rocking chair behind it.

Qu Qingyao panicked suddenly, her mind went blank, she subconsciously let go of Tang Ding's hand: "Where's our booth?"

Her eyes flicked around, and after a while, she frowned and asked, "Where is Junior Sister Sun? Where did Junior Sister Sun go?"

Just now, Qu Qingyao was confused by Su Jianxing's words, so she ran to Tianxuan Peak in a moment of impatience and wanted to ask Aniang what Su Jianxing said about the dove occupying the magpie's nest.But he didn't expect that not only did he not find A Niang after he went there, but he also didn't even see Senior Sister Tong.

Qu Qingyao circled around and found nothing, so she had to turn around.

Who knew that she had only been away for a short while, how could she have completely changed?

Seeing the unfamiliar decorations on the booth, Qu Qingyao knew in her heart that the booth must have been missed.But why is Brother Tang here, and where has Junior Sister Sun gone?

Qu Qingyao looked left and right, but finally her eyes fell back on Tang Ding.

"Senior Brother Tang, what happened?" Qu Qingyao helped him sit up, asked him cautiously, and then explained in a panic: "It's not that I don't care about you, but that all our pills are at the booth Come on, I can't find them all right now. Even if I want to heal your wounds, I'm powerless."

Tang Ding shook his head: "It's okay, Junior Sister Qu, it's not your fault." He said, gritted his teeth and looked at the empty booth, pointed to the storage bag on the table and said, "It's all there. "

"What?" Qu Qingyao followed his gaze and was stunned for a moment before she understood Tang Ding's meaning. She couldn't help saying: "If they want a booth, just give it to them. Why bother to lock all our things in the booth?" No, I want to report this matter to Senior Sister. Brother Tang, was your injury also caused by that male cultivator? I will report to Senior Sister later.”

Tang Ding shook his head: "No." He paused, a little embarrassed to speak, but thinking that everyone saw it in front of everyone, and couldn't hide it, so he gritted his teeth and said, "It's that woman."

Which girl?Su Jianxing!

Qu Qingyao showed a wry smile: "So it's her, no wonder, it turns out I got Brother Tang involved."

Tang Ding was puzzled: "What do you say?"

Qu Qingyao's eyes were red, and there were tears in her eyes, which she couldn't get rid of, but she refused to say more, she looked so pitiful and distressing.

Tang Ding was secretly in love with her, so he didn't care about the pain when he saw this, so he hurriedly asked: "Tell me quickly, what's wrong? That woman made you wronged? You tell the senior brother, the senior brother will find a scene for you."

Qu Qingyao lowered her eyes, a tear fell, she stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears, and covered up the look of disgust in her eyes.

Tang Ding was extremely anxious.

Qu Qingyao whimpered a few times in a calm manner, and then said slowly: "Senior brother, don't talk nonsense, that's not someone else, after all, she's also my sister."

Tang Ding didn't believe it: "Sister? Why do you still have a sister—" He suddenly remembered that Junior Sister Qu really did have a sister, who was the child left by Elder Qu during those two years in the mortal world.

"It was her."

Qu Qingyao secretly looked at Tang Ding's expression, and then sighed: "Senior Brother Tang, don't blame her too much, she was actually very bitter a few years ago, but now she has obtained the inheritance and has become a monk in the Golden Core Realm, father It's only natural to value her."

What she said sounded nonsensical, but Tang Ding immediately thought of it a lot.His face darkened, and he said: "That's the case, you shouldn't bully others." He completely forgot who it was who bullied others before.

Tang Ding said: "Don't be afraid, I will report this matter to Senior Sister, please come and make a decision."

"What should I decide?" As soon as Tang Ding finished speaking, there was a faint voice, which made both of them startled, and looked up at the person who came.

The person who came was a bright and generous woman, dressed in a light blue robe.At this moment, the woman stood not far away and looked at the two of them indifferently. The expression on Mingyan's face was also indifferent, not angry but mighty.Standing beside her was Junior Sister Sun whom Qu Qingyao had never been able to find before.
This woman is none other than Yu Yeqing, the elder sister of Yaoguang Peak who was praised by everyone at the first mention.

"Elder Sister."

The two called out in unison.

Yu Yeqing responded lightly, walked over, squatted down, and reached out to pick off Tang Ding's clothes.Tang Ding was extremely ashamed, but because of the majesty of the elder sister, he dared not resist the disturbance.

The shirt fell to his chest, and a blue-purple bruise was particularly conspicuous on Tang Ding's chest.

Qu Qingyao and Junior Sister Sun took a breath at the same time, this kick was really not light.

Yu Yeqing stretched out his hand and pressed twice, touching the sore spot, Tang Ding couldn't help but cry out "pain", his face turned pale.

"It's right if it hurts." Yu Yeqing said in a flat voice, but stopped pressing, retracted his hand, took out the elixir and stuffed it into Tang Ding's mouth, saying: "Don't swallow it, swallow it."

Tang Ding paused when he wanted to swallow the medicine, and then his face became bitter. Without it, although Senior Sister Yu's medicine is good, it has one problem—bitterness.

It doesn't matter if you swallow medicine normally, you just need to act faster, but if you want to swallow it - whoever takes it will know.

Tang Ding was full of bitterness, but he also knew that this was the punishment of his senior sister, so he didn't dare to say more, so he could only bear it.

Yu Yeqing took out a bandage and bandaged it for him to fix it, and said: "You hurt your muscles and bones, you should go back to the peak to rest soon."

After explaining, he stood up, glanced at the surrounding booths, then turned his gaze back, looked at the people and asked, "Now tell me, what's going on?"

Thanks to sisi88 for the two February tickets

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