That sword fairy is back

Chapter 13 Daoist Friends

Chapter 13 Daoist Friends
After seeing off Ah Yue and Zhen Zhen, Su Jianxing also planned to go out.

She didn't want to have too much karma with other people in the world.As for Ah Yue, he never thought about teaching him by himself. He only planned to lead Ah Yue into the Taoist path and then go to Xianshan to choose a reliable immortal teacher for him.

But through Zhen Zhen's innocent words, Su Jianxing had an epiphany, his mood improved, and his thoughts naturally changed.Cause and effect is cause and effect. You can't think about everything just because you are afraid of evil consequences.

No wonder he didn't make any progress after he reached the Golden Immortal Realm in his previous life.

Isn't it cause and effect?If you can touch it, you can bear it.As a sword cultivator, she was never afraid of anyone in her previous life until she died.

Thinking of this, Su Jianxing's heart suddenly filled with pride, and he wished he could laugh three times to show his joy.

However, when her hand touched the Qiankun bag, the smile on her face suddenly froze.

I almost forgot, raising apprentices costs money.And now, she has no money.

Not only that, but she also needs to raise an extra demon.

I don't know if it costs money to raise a demon?Waiting online, very urgent...

Standing at the foot of the alley, Taichen watched Su Jianxing's ever-changing expressions, and didn't walk over to interrupt, but watched quietly for a long time.It wasn't until Su Jianxing turned around and closed the door to go out that he came out.

As soon as he turned around, Su Jianxing caught a glimpse of a cyan figure from the corner of his eyes, and was terrified in his heart. He didn't know who could stand behind him silently, and at the same time retreated quickly.

After standing still and calming down, Su Jianxing looked at the person coming.

The man was tall, and Su Jianxing was considered tall among women, but when he looked at him, he could only see his chest.

She could only raise her head slightly to look at the other person's face—very normal.

Throughout the two lives before and after, the people Su Jianxing met were either monks or immortals. Most of them were handsome men and beautiful women, each with their own charms, and occasionally those who were disfigured due to individual reasons also had their own characteristics. They were completely different from the person in front of him. The eyebrows, the nose is the nose, and the eyes are the eyes. They all look good on their own, but they are very common when they are combined.

It's so common that you can't see a trace of it.

Su Jianxing had never seen this face before, but he still recognized the person who guarded her dharma at the door when she was promoted a few days ago through his clothes.

"Fellow Daoist?"

"Sorry, I was the one who was rude just now."

Su Jianxing's voice sounded at the same time as the other party's, and both of them were taken aback.

The atmosphere was eerily quiet.

In the end, Taichen took the lead and said, "You speak first."

Su Jianxing said: "First of all, I would like to thank fellow Taoist for your kindness in protecting the Dharma a few days ago, but I don't know your last name."

Taichen: "My name is Taichen."

"Oh, so it's Fellow Daoist Taichen." Su Jianxing cupped his hands to thank him first, and then asked him: "Friend Daoist, this is..."

"I'm here to deliver something." Taichen said.

Send things?It's so natural, but did she know him before?
Xu Shi saw that Xing's eyes were full of doubts, so Taichen took the initiative to explain: "It's Cheng Qian's business."

"Cheng Qian is your friend?" In Su Jianxing's heart, anyone who has a little relationship with Sheng Yuanzong has caused her to drop his favorability.Su Jianxing's tone suddenly became colder.

"No." Taichen shook his head, "Cheng Qian shot his disciples in Xianmeng for no reason, and now he has been taken into custody. Xianmeng has also sent a message to Sheng Yuanzong, and Sheng Yuanzong will come to take him back soon."

As he said that, Taichen reached out and handed over a storage bag: "This is compensation for Fellow Daoist Su."

Su Jianxing understood that Taichen was from Xianmeng.

She didn't immediately reach out to pick up the storage bag, but looked at Taichen again and said, "What did Fellow Daoist Taichen do in Xianmeng before?"

Seeing her vigilance, Taichen was not only not annoyed, but also had a faint smile in his eyes, and replied unhurriedly: "I have only been in Xianmeng for a few days." After a pause, he added: "It's Hehuangcheng. The current city lord came here together. We are all disciples of the Guiyi sect."

Return to one case.

Su Jianxing's heart moved.

What is Guiyizong?That is the undisputed number one among the ten sects of Xianshan.

In terms of size, the Guiyi Sect is pitifully small. Compared with other sects that have tens of thousands of disciples, the number of Guiyi Sect is only a fraction of that of other sects, and there are no more than a thousand disciples from the head to the outer sect.

Although there are few people, but Guiyi sect's disciples are extremely powerful, and basically pulling one out at random is No. 1 in the same realm.And Gui Yizong's disciples are fair and low-key. Although it is rare to see them appearing with great fanfare in the world of cultivating immortals, once they appear,
According to Taichen's words, the rotating city lord of the deserted city this time is a disciple of Gui Yizong.

From this point of view, Taichen's move to send the storage bag is not unexpected.

The disciples of Guiyi Sect immediately sent two of them, one of them is the city lord, and the other's position is naturally impossibly low, and you can see that he just appeared behind her quietly without her noticing. The strength of human cultivation is far above her.

So, how can such a person pay attention to her, a little person who should be penniless?

Su Jianxing was a little curious about this, but didn't ask further.Thank you for accepting the storage bag.

Taichen didn't intend to leave.

Su Jianxing: "... Is there anything else, Fellow Daoist? If there is nothing, I--" and left first

"Oh, there is more." Tai Chen quickly interrupted Su Jianxing's next words, and took out another photo bead to hand to Su Jianxing.

"what is this?"

"It's Cheng Qian's. He recorded all the images of that day with photo beads. Since the content is related to you, I will naturally leave it to you to handle."

Su Jianxing was shocked, wondering what serious illness Cheng Qian had, and he still kept this thing?Even if I didn't expect to be counter-killed before, why didn't I delete it afterwards?Doesn't the picture of him being beaten into the air look very handsome?
Thinking of Su Jianxing's expression like this, it is hard to describe.

"There are other things here besides the image from that day, you can decide what to do with it after you have seen it." Taichen reminded.

Is there something else?Some guesses arose in Su Jianxing's mind, but now is obviously not a good time to take a look.So she accepted the picture beads and thanked her again.

This time, Taichen didn't say anything more, turned and left after saying goodbye.

Su Jianxing didn't take this incident to heart, and went to a street near the Xianmeng station as planned.

This street is also where the Treasure Pavilion is located, and it specializes in the things needed for cultivation.There are also many temporary stalls along the street for monks to rent and sell items.

Walking on the road, Su Jianxing obviously felt that this street was much more lively than before, and there were more than [-] temporary stalls that were rarely opened on weekdays.

This kind of scene is often seen in the second half of every monster beast tide.Although there are a lot of materials that can be exchanged in the Xianmeng, they cannot cover all the types that monks need for cultivation. The Treasure Pavilion is also expensive. At this time, monks who go to the Xianmeng to exchange the required materials will often come here to sell or shop. Change something you want.

Su Jianxing came here to buy some monster meat and spiritual seeds.Ah Yue can't fasten now, but it would be too sudden to cut off meals and only use Bigu Dan. The best way is to replace it with meat with spiritual energy and vegetables and fruits grown by spiritual seeds to make a temporary transition.

Because of the clear purpose, Su Jianxing bought it quickly.It's just that more than half of the spirit stones in the universe bag have gone.

Monster meat is not expensive. It is troublesome to deal with, and the income from eating it is not as good as the consumption, so few people care about it.Spiritual seeds are very expensive, but this thing can not only bear spiritual fruits, but also because it is easy to take care of, matures quickly, and can save seeds for a new round of growth after maturity, so it is very popular among low-level monks.

But ordinary monks often only buy one or two, and it is rare for Su Jianxing to buy two of each variety and buy dozens of them in total.

This performance of wealth and wealth made the stall owner smile, and with a wave of his hand, he directly gave the nearly one hundred catties of monster meat to Su Jianxing as a head.

Su Jianxing put away his things, turned around to leave, and a bright light flashed past in his peripheral vision.

(End of this chapter)

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