The head of the Mahayana period, the Sumeru Realm, gave away casually... Gui Yizong is really a treasured sect, you must go back and have a look when you have time.

But it's useless to think too much now. The most important thing to pay attention to now is this meeting of disciples of the ten sects of Xianshan.

Three days later, all the disciples who entered Mingxin Cave came out.

Tan Yi returned to Liuyun Peak two days ago. When he came back, his eyes were dull and he looked lifeless.

Su Jianxing couldn't help being curious: "What exactly did you experience in Mingxin Cave?"

However, Tan Yi didn't utter a single word when he was beaten to death. Now he knows without asking, the process must be very touching.

But after going through the Mingxin Cave, the people who come out will have different changes regardless of whether they are advanced or not. If I want to sum it up in two words, it is: mature.

There has not been any major turmoil in the world of cultivating immortals for thousands of years. Although the younger generation of disciples often go out to practice, as monks, they are superior to ordinary people and rely on a lot.Every experience is like going out to be gilded. I feel good about myself, but the actual effect is the same as nothing.

The many illusions in Mingxindong make them forget who they are, and bring themselves into the mortal beings to experience the misery of all beings. Only when they can remember who they are after going through all kinds of hardships can they really walk out of Mingxindong.

This is also the reason why Su Jianxing walked out of the Mingxin Cave so quickly - she has never forgotten who she is.The delayed time is just to use the illusion to see the world I once lived in.

However, this trip to the Mingxin Cave also proved that Qu Gufeng's worries were not groundless, and two foreign sect disciples who had been planted with demon seeds were found out.

Those two disciples were not disciples of the Ten Sects of Immortal Mountain, but disciples of two well-known immortal cultivating families.

But even so, all sects began to pay more attention to the matter of demons.One after another, they summoned Huizong to prepare for a large-scale investigation of evil spirits in the sect.

Sheng Yuanzong's movements are the fastest.Just after Mingxin Cave tested and screened out two demon species, an announcement was made the next day, planning to arrange for all disciples in the sect to go through Mingxin Cave in batches.

At the same time, Su Jianxing also received a list of his next competition.

The next competition is an individual competition. There are a total of more than two monks in the Golden Core Realm who will compete in pairs after drawing lots.In each competition, one will be eliminated and one will be promoted, and the promoted monks will continue to draw lots and divide into groups, and so on, until only two people are left to compete for the first place in the individual competition in the final round.

The list that Su Jianxing got was the list of candidates for the first competition, named Liu Lanting, a female cultivator from Fengyi Palace.

The competition is just one day later, and the location is the opposite sword cliff of Tianshu Peak.

When Ah Yue heard about this, she immediately said that she was going to visit Su Jianxing's competition.Not only Ah Yue was tempted, but also the newcomers on Liuyun Peak were itchy.

Seeing that everyone was absent-minded, Wang Chang simply announced that the following course will be changed to actual combat observation. Everyone can choose which competition to watch.

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was happy to watch the competition before all wept, and immediately performed a smile disappearing technique.

However, the smile on Wang Chang's face also clearly told everyone a truth: the smile will not disappear, it will only transfer.

After dismissing a group of restless juniors and juniors, Wang Chang stopped Su Jianxing and said, "Junior Sister Su, take a step to speak."

Su Jianxing was a little strange.Since Wang Chang came to Liuyun Peak, although he has met her not infrequently, his face is always gentle.In addition to greeting each other when they meet, they are concerned about whether Su Jianxing's food and clothing are convenient and comfortable.But it was rare to see such a troubled look on his face.

Su Jianxing said: "Brother Wang has something to say, but what is difficult to do? Just say it, if I can handle it, I will never shirk it."

Hearing this, Wang Chang did not breathe a sigh of relief, but instead said, "This matter actually has something to do with you."

related to her?Su Jianxing consciously reviewed his activities in the past few days, he was very good and well-behaved, and he didn't go out to make troubles, so what happened to get involved with her again?
Wang Chang didn't go around in circles either, and directly explained the matter: "The result of Qu Qingyao's punishment came out, and she was sentenced to a hundred years of imprisonment. She will leave in two days, and she wants to see you before she leaves."

"See me? There's no need." Su Jianxing didn't have any thoughts about Qu Qingyao's punishment.She had told Qu Qingyao before that it was Sheng Yuanzong's internal matter how they should be punished in the future.

It doesn't make sense for Su Jianxing not to want to see her.

Hearing Su Jianxing's refusal, Wang Chang was not surprised, and continued: "She probably expected that you didn't want to see her, so she said that if you didn't, she wanted to ask us to say 'I'm sorry'."

Wang Changdao: "Junior Sister Qu should really know she was wrong this time. Maybe you think her punishment is a bit light, but it's because Junior Brother Yang is willing to bear half of the punishment on her behalf, and will go with Junior Sister Qu then."

Seeing Yang Zheng trying his best to save Qu Qingyao that day, Su Jianxing was not surprised by the result, and only sighed quietly: "She is lucky, she has fallen into such a situation, but there are still people who are willing to protect her."

Wang Chang couldn't say anything about it.However, he knew that Yang Zheng had offended Zhenjun Xuanqing because of Qu Qingyao's matter, and was beaten up severely, but he still insisted on going his own way.

Zhenjun Xuanqing had no choice but to feel that he was his most beloved little disciple, no matter how ruthless he was, he also felt that this little disciple had always been proud and arrogant, so he could let it go for a hundred years.So he took all of Yang Zheng's magic weapons except the flying sword of his own life, and asked him to follow Qu Qingyao.

At the same time, Zhenjun Xuanqing also said that if Yang Zheng still did not change his original intention after a hundred years, he would let go of his marriage with Qu Qingyao.

Yang Zheng happily left, completely unaware of what kind of wind and rain would be waiting for them outside after leaving the sect.

But the delicate flowers in the greenhouse can never really grow without experiencing wind and rain, I only hope that Zhenjun Xuanqing's painstaking efforts will finally pay off.

The matter of Qu Qingyao was just an episode. After Su Jianxing refused to meet, he never heard of it from others. However, some people in this world will always meet again if they are destined to go around.

But that's something for later, let's not mention it for now.

Besides, Su Jianxing's competition is coming soon, but he doesn't feel the slightest sense of nervousness.

The next morning, he stared at Ah Yue and practiced his sword skills, and then had breakfast, and then slowly went to the opposite sword cliff under Ah Yue's urging.

Today's confrontation with Jianya is different from before.The originally wide site was divided into four smaller sites.It can be used for four groups of people to compete at the same time.

A total of nearly 300 people from Jindanjing participated in the competition, and they were divided into more than 140 groups. Even if there were four groups of competitions at the same time, the first round of knockout rounds would last more than 30 rounds.

Roughly estimated, it will take about two days to finish the first round.

Su Jianxing's number was 58, and it would be noon at the earliest before it would be her turn, which was why she was not in a hurry.

Su Jianxing rushed to Ah Yue and said: "Are you relieved now? My competition is still very early. You go to the Jiying Hall to watch the foundation-building competition first, and then come to my competition at noon."

Ah Yue and Yun Xiao are both at the Qi training level, so to see her compete, they can only cheer her on as an atmosphere group.On the contrary, if you can watch the foundation-building stage competition carefully, you may be able to see a lot of tricks.

This is also the reason why Wang Chang gave them experience in watching the battle.

In terms of cultivation, the two younger ones were considered obedient. Hearing this, they exchanged glances and left obediently.

Su Jianxing stayed here, watching other people's competitions while waiting for his own time to play.

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