That sword fairy is back

Chapter 156 Do You Like Me?

Chapter 156 Do You Like Me?
The sudden silence of the system made Zhong Qi suddenly alert.But he didn't show it, he quickly hid this trace of vigilance, and didn't let the system monitor his mood swings at this moment.

He asked the system: [By the way, the system, what is my mission, is it just to monitor the plot? 】

System: [The mission of the host is to monitor the plot. 】The tone was flat, but he still affirmed the task.

This answer is no different from the answers I've gotten from asking several times before.

[But—the plot deviates too much from the original plot you gave me. 】

But the system still insists on that answer: [The host's task is to monitor the plot, please perform the task seriously. 】

Zhong Qi was almost speechless: 【I understand, even if I lay flat and die, it's fine, right? 】

The system was silent for a moment, as if trying to understand what it meant to "lay flat and rotten", before replying after a while: [In order to better monitor the plot, the host is also asked to practice hard and break through as soon as possible. 】

Zhong Qi: [... Got it. 】

It seemed that Zhong Qi's answer was a little perfunctory, and the system emphasized it again: [The host, please work hard to upgrade and keep up with the rhythm of the plot as soon as possible. 】

Zhong Qi: ...

After the explanation, Zhong Qi could clearly feel the system leaving.

After using his spiritual thoughts to call the system several times but there was no response, Zhong Qi finally calmed down and thought about it.

At the same time, Su Jianxing was still sitting in Guanyun Pavilion.

There was a slight sound of wind in his ears, Su Jianxing pulled back his thoughts from contemplation, and turned his face slightly to look at the person sitting beside him.

Seeing the person coming, Su Jianxing was not surprised either, she leaned on her elbow and looked at him: "Why are you here?"

"Wang Chang said that the wintersweet blooms well here, so I came here to have a look. When I went downstairs, I saw you sitting here alone, so I came to have a look." He said, reaching out to pick up the empty water bottle.

He wore a light gray gauze robe over the white clothes he was wearing today, and when he went to get the water bottle, the sleeves were pulled back to reveal a section of his wrist.

Su Jianxing's gaze caught a casual glimpse, and he couldn't move his eyes away.

The exposed part of the skin is not too white, but the bones are clear, the muscles attached to it are smooth, and the ups and downs present a natural and powerful beauty, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

Before that, Su Jianxing always felt that if she wanted to find a Taoist companion, she must find a handsome one. After all, as long as she had a good face, no matter what the other party did to make her angry, just looking at that face would calm her down.

But Su Jianxing himself has no idea what the other party wants to be handsome.After all, I lived for 3000 years in my previous life. Although I may have caught a glimpse of a certain peerless handsome face and kept thinking about it for a few days, I never felt the desire to possess or have something to do with the other person.

Maybe it's frigidity.Su Jianxing always thought so.

Until just now, she just saw a piece of wrist and thought of many mosaic pictures in her mind.

Realizing what he was thinking, there was a "boom", as if a burst of fire rushed to his forehead.Su Jianxing felt that his entire face might be familiar.

But even so, she still couldn't look away.
I'm about to die, what's the situation?

Taichen lifted the jug and weighed it, and found that the jug was empty, so he took out a porcelain bottle, lifted the lid and filled the jug with water.

The small porcelain bottle is no bigger than a palm, but it quickly fills up a one-liter water jug.

Su Jianxing managed to move his eyes away to look at the scenery in the distance, took the opportunity to secretly take a deep breath, and performed a breeze trick on himself, only then did he feel the temperature on his cheeks drop slightly.As soon as he turned his face, he saw Taichen's movements.

Her gaze didn't dare to stay on his wrist, and she directly landed on the palm-sized porcelain vase, she had nothing to say: "What are you?"

"Is this?" Taichen shook the porcelain bottle, saw her nodding, passed it over and said, "This is Guiyizong's spring water. It's nothing special, but I'm used to drinking it. I'll prepare some."

Su Jianxing took the porcelain bottle and took a look inside. From the mouth of the bottle, he could clearly see that it was filled with clear liquid.Needless to say, this small bottle is also a space-like magic weapon, but it is used to hold liquids, which is not uncommon.

Taichen had already re-lit the clay stove, put the kettle on it, and waited for the water to boil.

Neither of them spoke for a while, and an atmosphere of silence spread in the small pavilion.But this kind of silence is not embarrassing, on the contrary, it makes Su Jianxing feel a kind of rare peace.

A faint fragrance drifted from the tip of her nose, but she was keenly caught.

"It's Mei Xiang." She said suddenly, breaking the silence in the room.While speaking, her eyes unconsciously traced the source of the fragrance, and she saw a plum forest not far below.

It's not yet spring, most of the plum blossoms in the forest are not open, only a few wintersweet with golden flowers are in full bloom.Continuously emitting a trace, a ray of fragrance to the surroundings.

"Well, that's the wintersweet that Wang Chang said." Taichen said, slowly pouring the boiling tea into the cup in front of Su Jianxing.

"Well—it's really fragrant and beautiful." Su Jianxing often sits here and looks at the scenery, but her eyes often fall on the distance, but wait and see the near.Until today, she didn't know that there is actually a Merlin so close to her.

Looking down at the plum grove from top to bottom, although there are only a few wintersweet blooms at the moment, judging from the plum trees with different postures in the forest, this plum grove must be the most colorful and beautiful existence in the courtyard in spring.

"What are you thinking?" Perhaps it was because the scenery Su Jianxing imagined was so beautiful that a smile appeared on her face unconsciously, causing Taichen to look sideways and ask.

Su Jianxing didn't hide his secrets either, he just generously shared what he thought just now.

Hearing this, Taichen seemed to be infected by the scenery she described, and there was a bit of a smile on his face.He asked her, "Are you feeling better now?"

Su Jianxing was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said, "Why do you say that?"

Taichen pointed down, and said: "I was standing there just now, and I saw you sitting alone, with your brows frowned, and you looked full of thoughts."

Su Jianxing was stunned, that's why he came up to sit with her?

If he didn't say it, she really didn't realize that she was not in a good mood for a while.But it is undeniable that such silent company really made her feel much better.

She smiled and said, "It's really much better, thank you."

Tai Chen shook his head: "No need."

Su Jianxing's heart moved, she leaned on her elbow, rested her chin in one hand, looked at him sideways, and asked, "I have a question I've been wanting to ask you."

"Tell me." While reaching for the tea, he tilted his head slightly, as if listening.

Su Jianxing's eyes fell on his outstretched wrist again, as if he had been electrocuted, and then moved away immediately, only feeling that his throat was suddenly dry, so he reached for the water glass in front of him and drank it down.

"Don't—" Tai Chen looked at her sudden move with some surprise, and the hand that was stretched out to stop it stopped in mid-air.

Obviously it was too late for him to stop.

The hot water that has not cooled down completely has fallen into Su Jianxing's mouth and poured it into his stomach.

Su Jianxing was stunned, for a moment her eyes widened and she was completely speechless.

"Is it burning? Quickly let me see." Taichen showed a rare panic on his face, holding her face with both hands, and asked her to open her mouth to show him if there was any burn.

Su Jianxing stared at him blankly without saying a word.

"Su Jianxing, talk." Taichen's voice lingered in her ears, and with a slightly anxious expression, it was amplified and swayed in front of her eyes.

However, Su Jianxing seemed to be cast with a holding spell, not speaking, not moving, not panting.

Just when Taichen was considering whether to take her back directly, Su Jianxing's eyeballs finally moved.

Sensing her movement, Taichen stopped his movements and watched her reaction carefully.

Su Jian Xingqing coughed, moved his mouth that was still aching from the hot water, and asked softly, "Taichen, do you like me?"

 This chapter was written yesterday, and I planned to post it in the morning, but after reading it myself, I felt that it was not right, so I revised it several times.Please give more comments.In addition, thanks to the book friend amytangtang for the two monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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