Chapter 176

Qu Gufeng's deduction about Su Jianxing is not wrong either.Su Jianxing really didn't intend to take care of Hu Jiao's affairs, even after bluffing and scaring her to be honest, he planned to contact Hu Yucun and ask him to take Hu Jiao back in person.

But she didn't have Hu Yucun's communication stone, so after thinking about it, she contacted Qu Gufeng.The two of them are old acquaintances, and they will never fail to get in touch.

A message was sent out, but no response was received.After a little thought, Su Jianxing realized that it was because the day of the trial in the secret realm was approaching, and the conference committee had not yet decided on a secret realm.At this moment, Qu Gufeng must still be dealing with the council.

The trial of the secret realm is not a small matter, because although the disciple assembly of the Ten Sects of Xianshan is held every five years, the trial of the secret realm is once every sixty years.And as long as it is a secret realm, it is completely safe.Because the secret realm is self-contained, even if you have a central stone that can control the secret realm, you can't completely guarantee that everything in it is under your control.

Interestingly, the higher the level of the secret realm, the more uncontrollable factors will be.

Even if the disciples from various sects who can participate in the conference are not top-notch, they are at the elite level. They are very precious, and it takes countless spirit stone pills to raise one, so they cannot be folded in this trial secret realm for no reason.

But the secret realm is not Chinese cabbage, there are not many in the hands of the major sects, and there are not many who need to meet the cultivation level of the participating disciples.The remaining few have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Wouldn't this be too busy for all the members of the council.

Su Jianxing went to the bookstore of Shengyuanzong in his free time a few days ago, and found a collection of books to review the well-known secret realms in the world of cultivating immortals. They are all counted, and there is no panic in my heart.

The sky was just right, Su Jianxing raised his head and closed his eyes, the soft sunlight still covered his face evenly, not only not glaring, but even had the illusion of being in the warm sun.The chair swayed back and forth slightly, making a "creak, creak" sound, and the wind above the head rustled the leaves.

Su Jianxing gradually became drowsy, and just when she was about to fall into a coma, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, shaking her drowsiness away.

Ji Ran opened his eyes, with a bit of displeasure in being disturbed.


Xu Shi could hear the displeasure in the voice, and there was a moment of silence outside the door, and then the disciple's voice came out: "Senior Sister Su, there is a visitor from the mountain below."

Su Jianxing sat up, raised his hand and nodded, the courtyard door opened with a "squeak", and the disciple who knocked on the door was standing at the door, before he could put down his raised hand, he looked at her blankly.

"Who is the visitor?" Su Jianxing asked, suppressing the displeasure of being woken up.The formations on the mountain path were designed to deter those uninformed intruders, but if they knocked on the formations to ask for an audience according to the etiquette, she would not be rude to drive them away.

Who can live without some entertainment?

Su Jianxing suffered from being too "independent" in his previous life, and when he encountered a catastrophe, he didn't even have a friend who could stand by his side and speak for him, so he learned a lesson in this life, and thus formed a good relationship .

As for friends, the more the better, but she still has a steelyard to measure the closeness and distance in her heart.

Seeing Su Jianxing's gentle expression, the disciple thought that the displeasure he had heard before was just an illusion, so he didn't think too much about it, and just said: "It's a man surnamed Zhong, who had tea with you last time."

Zhong Qi?What is he here for?
The last time they met, they were quite polite and exchanged some information, but they were still very wary of each other.Although Zhong Qi hid it deeply, she was able to detect the curiosities and - fears that the other party suppressed while pretending to be calm.

He was afraid of himself, although he didn't know why, but after that time, Su Jianxing thought that they would never see each other again.

Unexpectedly, this person came to the door by himself again.

The disciple standing at the door was still waiting for an answer, Su Jianxing didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Since he is a guest, let him come up."

The disciple led away and brought Zhong Qi over after a short while.

With just one glance, Su Jianxing could see that Zhong Qi's state was different from the previous one.After staring for a while, the brows quickly loosened again, her eyes slightly curved, "Congratulations."

I haven't seen him in just a few days, but Zhong Qi in front of him seems to have improved his cultivation level a bit, and he is already at the peak of the late stage of Foundation Establishment, which is equivalent to half a foot into the late stage of Jindan.

This speed is also extremely fast.Su Jianxing was thinking this way, and suddenly an extremely weird thought crossed her mind—is there too many spiritual geniuses around her?
Zhong Qi didn't know what Su Jianxing was thinking at this moment, but he was obviously very happy with the progress of his practice in the past few days. Hearing this, he clasped his fists and smiled: "We are happy together."

Su Jianxing withdrew his thoughts and asked, "Why did you come to me today?"

Zhong Qi opened his mouth to speak, but a figure flashed out of the corner of his eye, he immediately turned his head to look, and immediately met Hu Jiao's eyes.

Zhong Qi was surprised: "This is..."

Seeing him looking over, Hu Jiao immediately slapped the enchantment angrily. Although she was still unable to speak, the words "save me" were clearly formed in her mouth.

"..." Zhong Qi was a little speechless, although he knew it was not very polite to ask now, but since he saw it, he couldn't pretend to be blind, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "This, this is..."

Su Jianxing folded his hands to see Hu Jiao jumping around, and said with a smile, "Does the Shangqing Palace know?"

Zhong Qi immediately said: "I know, the sect ranked second in the ten sects of Xianshan." While answering, he wondered why he had to ask the Shangqing Palace properly, but the next moment he knew why, because Su Jianxing said——

"This is the palm bead of Lord Hu of the Shangqing Palace, Hu Jiao." Su Jianxing nodded his chin at Hu Jiao and said casually.

Hu, Hu Jiao?Zhong Qi's eyelids twitched.

Su Jianxing had been looking at him all the time, so he immediately saw the change in his face, turned around and asked, "What? Do you know him?"

Zhong Qi struggled for a moment, then sighed, thinking about what he was going to say to Su Jianxing later, he didn't intend to hide too much, after thinking about it, he asked cautiously first: "Can she hear us?"

Su Jianxing raised her eyebrows, raised her hand, and a ray of spiritual light radiated from her palm, sprinkled on the barrier that trapped Hu Jiao, it lit up for a moment, and then quickly disappeared.

"I can't hear you now." Su Jianxing urged him: "You can speak at ease." Then he said: "Sit down and speak slowly."

She also noticed that it seemed unusual for Zhong Qi to come looking for her, so she planned to listen to him speak slowly.

Although it's a little uncomfortable to have an irrelevant person in front of him, Zhong Qi is very adaptable, telling himself that this is the villain in the original plot, but the current behavior is not even cruel, it can only be said to be right Children are not so friendly.

But Hu Jiao—it doesn't seem to be a good thing in the plot.

Just be black and eat black.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is not such an unacceptable thing, and it really feels much better in my heart.

Zhong Qi, who was thinking about it, also relaxed a little, he turned his eyes away, landed on Su Jianxing, and said with a straight expression: "Fellow Daoist Su, I have something to ask."

(End of this chapter)

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