That sword fairy is back

Chapter 43 Breaking the Territory

Chapter 43 Breaking the Territory
kill!Kill them all!Those who stop me will die!

The color of blood infects her entire line of sight, except for the blood red in her eyes, it is blood red.

The sky in the distance is also red, and the round of tomorrow in the sky is also shrouded in red blood mist.

There was no warmth, and the air was filled with a sticky stench.Something was breathing heavily and making a heavy panting sound. It didn't look like a human being, but rather a monster.

What is it?
Su Jianxing searched for a long time, but found that the voice was close at hand but couldn't find it no matter what.

She gave up looking and closed her eyes to listen.The next moment, she opened her eyes again in amazement—the voice came from herself.

The ground under my feet is a bit harsh, hard and soft, and it is very uncomfortable to step on.Her eyes turned to the ground.Then—she saw a mountain, a mountain made of countless corpses.And she stood on the top of the high mountain, with a head with eyes open, out of focus, and staring at her blankly under her feet.

Her hands were stained with blood, and the red to black blood had clotted on her palms.

What is this place?Why?she will be here
Whispering sounds came from her ears, the voices fluctuated from far away and near, sometimes it seemed that someone was whispering in her ear, and sometimes it seemed like a scream from afar.

"It was you, it was you, it was you who killed them... It was you who made this world covered in blood mist, and it was you who made this mountain and river wind into a sea of ​​blood..."

This is... what I did?Her mind seemed a little dull, as if something was stuck in her mind, preventing her from thinking.

But Su Jianxing didn't give up, she tried hard to turn her slightly stiff mind, and she had an inexplicable intuition telling her that if she really let herself not think, then everything she saw now would become reality one day.


Everything you see now must be unreal.But something, wants her to make all this real.

The whispers turned into shrieks of laughter, which made people frown.

To get out of here, you have to get out of here!she thinks.

With the rise of her thoughts like this, the chatter became louder, as if countless people were arguing in her mind, their voices sharply criticizing her decision.

Frowning, Su Jianxing shook his head, trying to ignore those voices, but the effect was not good, and the whispers in his ears gradually became louder again.

The voice told her that she had to draw out the sword before she could get what she wanted.

What sword?

Su Jianxing looked around in a daze, but didn't see anything. At this moment, the mountains of corpses suddenly moved.She subconsciously took half a step back to stabilize her body.

The palm of the right hand seemed to touch something.She looked down again and saw it was a sword.

Only the hilt of this sword is black, and the rest is dark red.The red color seemed to be dyed by countless blood, which was the same color as the dark blood stain on her hand after solidification.

"Pull it up, pull it up!" The voice was full of excitement and urging, repeating the same intention layer after layer - pull out that bloody long sword.

Su Jianxing shrunk his five fingers slightly, squeezed the hilt of the sword tightly, took a breath, gathered strength, and then suddenly - pressed the long sword down.

The whispering stopped abruptly, as if he was unprepared and unprepared for Su Jianxing's actions.

Immediately afterwards, Su Jianxing's feet began to shake, and the towering hill with layers of bones and corpses began to collapse.

The whispers resounded through the world, interrogating with unwillingness and anger.

"The evil spirit is crooked!" Su Jianxing stood in the sky, watching the waves of blood rising from the mountain of corpses below, his black pupils were clear and waveless, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a warm smile, "How dare you show off in front of me?" !"

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her right hand and grasped it with five fingers, and a long sword with a dark body gradually revealed its complete shape with the aura.

Su Jianxing raised his right arm high, and slashed down with his sword from the upper right to the left, and then the whole space was silent for a moment.At that moment, as if a sword blocked the passage of time, everything in the blood sea space stopped moving.

There was only a moment of silence.

A moment later, the powerful and unstoppable sword energy exploded to the surroundings, and the sudden hurricane smashed the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in the space into powder in an instant.

A scream full of fear, resentment, and unwillingness echoed throughout the space for a long time.

The strong wind blew the corners of Su Jianxing's clothes back and forth, making a rattling noise.She didn't pay attention to that scream, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

This piece of demon realm can't be broken by a single sword?

Yes, this blood-red space is a realm of evil demons. I don’t know when Su Jianxing possessed herself. Her soul.

If you want to get out, you have to smash this demon realm.

He just didn't know how the evil spirit that quietly dragged her into the domain silently stared at him.

However, now is not the time to entangle the reasons, and we still need to break this "domain" as soon as possible.

She is not familiar with demons, knowing that her soul is trapped in the domain, and her body must be controlled by demons.

If she can't break out of the domain as soon as possible, she is not sure what the demon will do with her body.

Even though the sword hadn't broken through the domain just now, the whispering voice that had been bewitching her invisibly all along with the others in the domain had been pulverized.

Now the domain is empty and dark, but there is nothing that can hinder Su Jianxing's thinking.

While thinking, she swung the second and third swords...

Wave after wave of majestic sword energy swayed throughout the domain.Su Jianxing could feel the looseness of the domain, but the strange thing was that every time she felt that the domain was facing a critical point and was about to break open, but finally stood still tremblingly.

She is very tenacious, Su Jianxing thought, not only that, but she also looked at her hands suspiciously.Is he too weak now?
Just as Su Jianxing was considering whether to unlock part of the immortal consciousness to break through the domain, suddenly, she noticed a vibration coming from outside the domain and falling somewhere on the edge.

good chance!
When Su Jianxing thought of it, his body had already made a judgment, almost instantaneously.She raised the sword, sent it forward lightly, and sent the long sword that condensed all her aura into the domain wall.

A glint of light appeared from the tip of the sword, and immediately burst out a group of dazzling light that people couldn't look directly at.

"Bang!" There was a low muffled sound, and with the tip of the sword as the center, lines like lightning spread out in all directions.

The Demon Realm was shattered.

Su Jianxing quickly took control of his body.The familiar scream sounded again, and at the same time she was keenly aware of something escaping from her body.

Su Jianxing had been prepared for a long time, stretched out five fingers to grab the void, and whispered a word: "Sleepy!"

A cage made of spiritual energy firmly trapped the black mist that was completely out of Su Jianxing's control by one step, even if he ran around, he couldn't escape.

Looking at the spiritual prison completely surrounded by black mist, Su Jianxing showed a smile: "Since you're here, don't leave."

"Woo, woo, woo..." There was a voice.

Su Jianxing suddenly opened his eyes wide.She only knows that demons are born from the evil desires in the world, and they instinctively arouse and amplify the deepest evil desires in people's hearts, and attract people to be enchanted, but she has never heard of such things that can speak.

She listened intently, glanced at it, and immediately met a familiar face that had been pinched by a hand and turned red, and was about to turn from red to blue.

"Old Tan???!!!"

 Today’s chapter is here. I communicated with the editor today. It will be released on April [-]th. Before that, I will update one chapter a day. I will save more manuscripts in the rest of the time. After the release, I will try to keep two chapters a day.Thank you for your support. If I have spare capacity, I will add updates from time to time before it goes on the shelves. Even if I can’t add updates, I will try to write as much as possible in the last few chapters. I wish you a happy reading!
(End of this chapter)

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