Chapter 5
At the beginning, her consciousness was all in the dark, and Ah Yue was a little at a loss, not knowing what else to do, but soon she felt that she was surrounded by an invisible air, and through that invisible air, her body Perception gradually extends outward.

The darkness gradually faded, and the five senses also gradually disappeared. She felt that her entire consciousness was slowly rising under the support of the invisible energy.

"See those light spots of different colors?" There was a voice, and the distance and size could not be distinguished, but the meaning was very clear.

What blip?Ah Yue's consciousness didn't stay on the sound, and quickly followed the sound to look around.I don't know if it was because of the sound, but soon she saw various light spots gradually appearing in the foggy surroundings.

She counted carefully, there are cyan, red, yellow, white, and black.

"Now try to summon them and see who is willing to play with you." The voice came again, gently guiding Ah Yue to the next step.

Ah Yue instinctively called out those light spots from the bottom of her heart.At first, she called for a long time, but the light spots were still motionless, which made her very anxious.

At this time, the voice comforted her: "Don't worry, you have to let them know that you like them, and then they will respond to you."

Ah Yue tried again, this time it didn't take long, a few light spots that were close to her responded to her, leaned towards her slowly, and kissed her intimately.At this time, the other spots of light were still lazy, Ah Yue didn't want to give up, and continued to call.

The hard work paid off, and finally all the light spots responded to Ah Yue and gathered closer to her.

When all the light spots converged in one place, a white light flashed suddenly, and Ah Yue felt her whole body slowly sinking again, and finally landed on the ground.

She felt like sitting again.

"Follow me now and walk with that aura. You have to remember the route."

Then, Ah Yue felt that the group of invisible air carried herself and the light spots around her to walk on a winding road after another.Somehow, she seemed to know that these roads all came from her own body.And as she walked, the light spots dimmed and decreased little by little, but every time at this time, she felt a cool and comfortable feeling all over her body, until finally she came to a dark place, and the light spots fell into it and disappeared up.

Ah Yue woke up suddenly, blinked, and met Su Jianxing's slightly smiling eyes.Some couldn't believe what had just happened.

"How is it?" Su Jianxing asked.

Ah Yue: "It's kind of..." She thought about it seriously, and said, "Mysterious."

Su Jianxing nodded: "It's not bad, do you remember the route that the spiritual energy traveled just now? That is the path you will practice in the future."

Only then did Ah Yue understand, she tried hard to think back, she thought that such a complicated path would be easily forgotten by herself, but she didn't expect that once she thought about it, the route would automatically appear in her mind.It's just that there is no extra spiritual energy remaining in her meridians at this moment, so she can't demonstrate it on the spot.

Seeing that she remembered it, Su Jianxing said, "Then you can practice on your own. I'll go out to do some errands and come back later."

Ah Yue cheerfully agreed, and even waved goodbye impatiently.With Su Jianxing's guidance, she found that practicing is such a fun thing, so she couldn't wait to try it herself.

It's normal for the little girl to be playful.Su Jianxing looked at her for a while, then went out and went straight to the Xianmeng station in the center of the city, preparing to buy some equipment for Ah Yue.

Although the deserted city is deserted, it is not a city without an owner. It belongs to the jurisdiction of the Xianmeng.The Xianmeng is a joint organization established by hundreds of sects, large and small, in Xianshan.Each sect sends some elders and disciples to take turns.The leader of the alliance is also held in rotation by the ten sects of Xianshan, changing every Jiazi.

The Xianmeng is usually not a big deal, and can't manage the affairs of the various sects, but because of the large and scattered organization, it is well-informed. Some remote cities with little spiritual energy and which the sects do not want to manage will eventually belong to the Xianmeng. , and from time to time some disciples who made mistakes in each sect will be sent to these places to "serve" to pay for punishment with merit, such as Su Jianxing.

The Xianmeng station is easy to find, the largest building in the center of the city is.Legend has it that it was once the city lord's mansion of Immortal Lincheng. There were many houses, and it was extremely luxurious and gorgeous when it was built. Even the stones paving the ground were made of high-quality warm white jade. When walking on it with bare feet, the feet are warm.

When Su Jianxing stepped on the ground that was rumored to be paved with warm white jade, he didn't expect so much at all.He walked around a few houses with ease, and stopped in front of a house with "exchange office" hanging on the door.

There were already quite a few people in the room, and the queue went all the way to ten feet away from the door.

At this moment, the disciples of various sects who were stationed in the deserted city also came with their harvests. It is not surprising that there are so many people.Fortunately, the speed of the team is not slow.The storage bags in many people's hands are not large in capacity, and the things are simple, which can be clearly distinguished at a glance.

Disciples who go to exchange can choose to use the things they bring to offset "contribution points". After the contribution points accumulate to a certain level, they can be used to offset part of the service years; or, disciples can also exchange materials for spirit stones and elixir .

Many people rushed out of the city to reap the second wave after hastily exchanged their things. Although there were many treasure hunters outside, the process was time-consuming and laborious, far less easy than these sect disciples.From early this morning until Su Jianxing's return trip, Uncle Bao's harvest was less than one-tenth of the hour when Su Jianxing was busy.

Su Jianxing looked far away, but didn't see anyone he knew, so he walked quietly to the end of the line and lined up.Soon it will be her turn.The Xianmeng disciple who was in charge of recording kept his eyes on the top of the book, pointed to the open space beside him and said, "Put the things down."

Su Jianxing untied the Qiankun bag from his waist and poured it down.There was a clattering sound, and there was a pile of hill-like things on the ground.

The surrounding people exclaimed for a while.The Xianmeng disciple also raised his head in shock and looked at Su Jianxing.Seeing that she was holding a Qiankun bag more than ten times larger than the storage bag in her hand, she paused for a moment, put down the book in her hand, flipped through it on the table, and asked, "What is it?" Name? Which sect?"

"Su Jianxing, Saint Yuanzong." Su Jianxing replied in a flat tone.She saw the robes of inner disciples of Shengyuanzong on the disciple, and bad thoughts came to her heart.

Sure enough, the disciple closed the book with a "snap" and said with a sneer, "So it was you."

"It's me." Su Jianxing raised his eyebrows: "Is there a problem?" Seeing that Su Jianxing was so rebellious, the disciple felt unhappy, and said in a deep voice, "I am Cheng Qian, a disciple of Kaiyang Peak inner sect of Shengyuanzong."

"Who?" Su Jianxing looked blank.Shengyuanzong is one of the ten sects in Xianshan, and the ranking fluctuates between two and three.The ten sects of Xianshan are also a large sect. The word "big" is not only reflected in strength and resource reserves, but also in terms of population.

The sect has a total of nine main peaks, 120 and eight small peaks. Each peak has as many as 200 people, as few as 50 people, and there are tens of thousands of outer sect disciples.

Su Jianxing, a little transparent who has been in the outer sect since he started, doesn't even recognize the tens of thousands of disciples in the outer sect, let alone the disciples in the inner sect who can't beat him?

However, Kaiyang Peak seems to be one of the nine main peaks, and there is a body of water in it.

 Thank you for your monthly votes. It is a great honor for the new article to be liked by you. I will work hard to write it well!

(End of this chapter)

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