That sword fairy is back

Chapter 64 It's Her

Chapter 64 It's Her
This senior brother is none other than Yang Zheng, the direct disciple of the master of Tianshu Peak, who is also the person who is discussing marriage with Qu Qingyao recently.

Yang Zheng is handsome, tall, and humble. As a sword cultivator, he is very powerful. Now he is only a hundred years old and has already entered the Jindan realm.Such a young person is one of the few in the entire world of cultivating immortals, with a bright future.

Qu Qingyao knew that in private, many teachers and sisters liked Yang Zheng, not only Saint Yuanzong, but also many female cultivators from other sects also looked at Yang Zheng differently.

However, such an outstanding senior brother is discussing marriage with him, maybe this person will become his Taoist companion in the near future.When they first met, Qu Qingyao was naturally ashamed.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Yang Zheng looked at her, scolding her, but his tone was very gentle.

Qu Qingyao blushed: "No, it's nothing, I was careless, brother, don't blame me."

Yang Zheng chuckled and said in a low voice, "Why are you so shy so easily?"

Qu Qingyao only felt that her cheeks were burning, and her head was pressed even lower.

"Forget it, I won't tease you." Yang Zheng accepted it as soon as he saw it. He didn't intend to make the little junior sister angry, so the gain outweighed the loss. He said, "I came to you this time because I have something to talk about."

Qu Qingyao's mind became a little clearer, she covered her face, and raised her head in surprise: "Brother, are you looking for me? Now?"

No wonder she was surprised, but it was because it was really too late now.Even if monks don't need much sleep, they usually use it for cultivation at night, and rarely come out for activities unless necessary.

Yang Zheng said helplessly: "I came in the evening, but you haven't been there. I heard you went to Feihong Peak?"

Hearing this, Qu Qingyao nodded: "I went to see my father. But brother, why didn't you send me a message? You waited for me for so long, isn't it cold?"

Yang Zheng shook his head: "It's okay, I just received some news and wanted to tell you personally." After a pause, he asked again: "How is Elder Qu?"

Speaking of this, Qu Qingyao's eyes were covered with a look of disappointment: "It's still the same."

Yang Zheng felt a little distressed, he was one of the few people who knew about Qu Gufeng's condition, and he also knew how little junior sister cared and worried about her father.Qu Gufeng has been trapped by demons for many years, and this time he closed the life and death test is also a desperate attempt.

In fact, Yang Zheng had heard from his master Xuanqing Zhenjun that Elder Qu might be in danger this time, and it was unlikely that he would come out of Feihong Peak.

He wouldn't tell Qu Qingyao this, because he knew how much little junior sister cared about his father.But also because of this, the master asked him to postpone the marriage proposal with his younger junior sister.

But Yang Zheng didn't agree.He really likes Junior Sister and wants to conclude a Taoist companion contract with her.Only in this way can he put aside those "wild bees, waves and butterflies" beside his little junior sister in an open and honest manner, stand by her side, shelter her from wind and rain, and protect her.

When he came today, he also knew an unpleasant news and came here to tell him.At the same time, he also wanted to tell his junior sister himself: Don't be afraid, everything is with him.

Thinking of this, Yang Zheng's gaze became softer, and he said softly, "Little Junior Sister, don't be afraid. Everything depends on me."

Qu Qingyao looked at him with her eyes open, and her big eyes quickly filled with tears, but she held back them firmly and did not let them fall.She looked grateful: "Thank you, brother."

Yang Zheng reached out and touched the top of her head, and said, "Why do we need to thank you?"

"En." Qu Qingyao nodded, her eyes were full of emotion.After being moved, he asked: "Brother, did you come here to find me just to talk about this?"

"No." Yang Zheng remembered his reason for coming, smiled slightly, and asked in Qu Qingyao's puzzled eyes: "Do you know Cheng Qian, the inner disciple of Kaiyang Peak?"

Hearing this name, Qu Qingyao's eyes darkened, but she hid so quickly that Yang Zheng didn't notice.

"Chengqian... Brother Cheng? We've talked a few times, but we're not familiar." She lowered her head as if she was seriously thinking about the intersection with Chengqian, as if she suddenly remembered something, she suddenly raised her head and asked: " I heard before that a senior brother in Kaiyang Peak passed away, could it be Senior Brother Cheng?"

Yang Zheng nodded: "It's him."

"Really?" Qu Qingyao came to a sudden: "Brother Cheng is a very good person, why did he die at such a young age? Is there something wrong with his cultivation or..."

Yang Zheng: "He was killed."

"Killed?" Qu Qingyao was startled, with an inconceivable expression on his face: "Why? How could someone do such a thing? Who did it? Was it someone Senior Brother Cheng knew? Why was that person so cruel?"

Her series of questions made Yang Zheng laugh: "Don't worry, I'm here to tell you this."

Perhaps it was because of his calm voice that Qu Qingyao's emotions gradually calmed down. She opened her eyes wide to look at him, quietly waiting for the answer.

"Okay, brother, tell me."

Yang Zheng looked at her, and said slowly: "According to what I heard, Cheng Qian was killed by your half-sister."

Qu Qingyao was taken aback: "What?"

Yang Zheng repeated: "Cheng Qian was killed by your half-sister, that Su Jianxing."

"Impossible." Qu Qingyao categorically denied the answer: "It can't be Su Jianxing. How could it be her? She has only practiced one level of Qi—"

"No." Yang Zheng interrupted her, and said seriously: "She is already in the Golden Core Realm."

Qu Qingyao couldn't accept this result at all: "Did you lie to me? You lied to me, brother, Su Jianxing, she has five spiritual roots, she can't cultivate immortality, how could she be in the Golden Core Realm? She left She was only at the first level of qi training at that time, and it has only been two years since she left, and you told me that she has already reached the Jindan stage? You are joking, how is it possible?"

She rejected the authenticity of this news from the bottom of her heart, murmured that it was impossible, and kept repeating the impossible.Su Jianxing is a trash with five spiritual roots, how could she, how could she reach the Golden Core Realm in two years?Even she herself has just established the foundation.

Yang Zheng saw that she was not in the right mood, so he quickly supported her by the shoulder and called her: "Junior Junior Sister, listen to me. Su Jianxing must have had a chance to inherit, and then he reached the Golden Core Realm in one fell swoop. This news is the beginning Brother Fan from Yangfeng said it himself, there is no falsehood."

Chance, inheritance... why?
In Qu Qingyao's heart, she just wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, and she just wanted to scream crazily.It took her several years to completely drive Su Jianxing out of her life. She had kindly spared her life and did not kill her. She just wanted to tell her to leave Shengyuanzong and live on her last breath. After living the rest of her life, she could only look up in the mortal world and bend down in the dust herself.

What she wants to hear is how miserable Su Jianxing's life is, and it's better to die miserably, not what chance and inheritance she got to become a Golden Core cultivator in one fell swoop.

Qu Qingyao thought a lot, and her mind was in a mess.In the end, she recovered from Yang Zheng's call, she stared blankly into his eyes, and clearly saw the worry in his eyes.

Qu Qingyao closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself down: "Since it is confirmed that she killed Cheng Qian, where is she now? Has she been captured?"

Yang Zheng said affirmatively, "I've caught her back, Senior Brother Fan has already handed her over to Xing Prison Hall."

The three words "Xing Prison Hall" flashed and exploded in Qu Qingyao's mind like a thunderbolt.

Xing Prison Hall, Elder Ma...the mysterious figure hidden in the black cloak.

is her!

Qu Qingyao's pupils shrank suddenly, she turned her head and ran away.

 Chapter 2, it’s so late today again... I’ll try my best to code the chapter I added yesterday, and I’ll send it tonight if I can, and I won’t owe it until tomorrow!Thank you for your support, and thank you "I am the God of Grass Dog" for your reward and monthly ticket again today.

(End of this chapter)

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