Chapter 80
Bu Jinwen was the quickest to respond to Su Jianxing's invitation.

He said happily: "Okay." He quickly stepped into the door.He even used body skills, making it impossible for Zhou Yuan to stop him.

Zhou Yuan was so angry that he scolded the stupid junior brother for dragging his feet, but there was nothing he could do. He could only look at each other with Tang Rui, seeing helplessness in each other's eyes, sighed, and followed with a wry smile.

Su Jianxing didn't intend to take them to the small courtyard where he temporarily lived, but directly took them to a small pavilion on a rockery in the courtyard.

This pavilion is the highest point of the entire Liuyun Peak. Sitting in the pavilion, you can have a glimpse of the surrounding scenery of Liuyun Peak. It is slightly different from driving a magic weapon to tour in the air, and it is not interesting.

The three Zhou Yuan brothers walked all the way, seeing the magnificence of the entire house, and called Elder Qu to have a sentimental and artistic conception.

Even Bu Jinfei wiped his eyes, saying that his family was probably like this when he was in the mortal world.

Zhou Yuan suddenly remembered that Junior Brother Bu seemed to come from Jiangnan in the mortal world.This house also seems to be built in Jiangnan style.That's why Junior Brother Bu promised to be so straightforward just now, not because of stupidity, but because of a rare outbreak of homesickness.

Thinking of it this way, Zhou Yuan felt a little more forgiving.

Several people sat down, thinking that Bu Jinfei was thirsty just now, Su Jianxing, the temporary host, also took out tea tray utensils, boiled hot water, and made tea for everyone.

When the water was hot, Zhou Yuan still told Su Jianxing about his intention in the future: "Junior Sister Su, I waited for my senior brother to come here today, one is to apologize for Junior Brother Yang's recklessness the day before yesterday, and the other is to thank Junior Sister Su for her kindness."

Su Jianxing said that there was no malice in their coming, and he smiled and said: "You brothers don't need to be so polite. I have never held grudges very much."

Zhou Yuan was about to say a few words of politeness, when Su Jianxing continued: "Because I usually report all grievances on the spot."

What Zhou Yuan wanted to say was swallowed.Co-authoring this Junior Sister Su is really not a good-tempered master.

Bu Jinfei nodded and said, "You are a good person, you are a good person."

Zhou Yuan: "..."

Tang Rui: "..."

Zhou Yuan questioned Tang Rui with his eyes: Why did you stand with that idiot before going out?
Tang Rui returned with an innocent look.

Su Jianxing laughed, "Brother Bu has a pure mind and is also a good person." She could see that among the three senior brothers who came, only Bu Jinfei was the least wealthy and straight-hearted.

The rectum is good, there is no need to twist and turn, just say what you have.

Su Jianxing likes to deal with such people, so she asked: "Is it boring to just drink tea, do you want some snacks?"

Bu Jinfei nodded straight: "Okay, then I would like to thank Junior Sister Su."

Zhou Yuan: "..." He was already digging his toes in embarrassment.This trip was actually specially ordered by Master.

The day before yesterday, Senior Brother Yang returned to Tianshu Peak in a state of embarrassment, completely devastated and completely devoid of arrogance.It made all the senior brothers quite strange.

You must know that Yang Zheng has been cultivating hard since he entered Tianshu Peak. In addition, he is naturally gifted and has a high level of understanding, so his cultivation speed is increasing by leaps and bounds.Moreover, he is also a swordsman.

Sword cultivator is already thriving in the world of cultivating immortals, a strange existence that claims to be invincible in the same realm and even challenged by leapfrogging.

As long as you have a general understanding of the three thousand methods, the first choice for most monks to enter the Tao is to cultivate swords.But Jian Xiuyi is not suitable for everyone.This path is extremely difficult, and there is no one in a million who can go far on this path.

This is why everyone wants to be a sword cultivator, but in the end, the world of immortal cultivation is dominated by law cultivators.

Don't gossip, just say that Yang Zheng's outstanding talent in the field of sword repair is unique even in Tianshu Peak where there are many sword repairers.

So the master likes him, the brothers envy him, and even the sisters from other peaks look at him differently.

Take the monthly rules for direct disciples as an example, the direct disciples of the same realm receive the same monthly rules, but Zhou Yuan heard complaints from other juniors more than once that they are clearly the same monthly rules, but the quality of things from Junior Brother Yang is the best. OKIt's just because the senior sister who issued the monthly case favors Yang Zheng.

After a long time, Yang Zheng was also a bit spoiled, he looked clean, as if he was the best and no one took him seriously.

As a senior brother, Zhou Yuan is already in the Nascent Soul Realm, so it's not easy to teach him a lesson himself.However, the juniors of the same realm were not very able to beat Yang Zheng. Although they won more than half of the competition in the competition, no one was convinced.

This kind of ethos is actually not good for Tianshu Peak. Even their master Xuanqing Zhenjun has faintly noticed it. He once told Zhou Yuan in private that he wanted to find a chance to make Yang Zheng suffer. Hold back your temper.

Unexpectedly, before they waited for the opportunity, Su Jianxing had already done this for them.

Everyone looked at Yang Zheng's downcast appearance that day and asked why, but he refused to tell the truth. It wasn't until Xuanqing Zhenjun summoned him to ask him about it that Yang Zheng told the truth.

Yang Zheng said that he shot Su Jianxing because of a misunderstanding, but Su Jianxing beat him with several tricks and was helpless to fight back.

However, Zhenjun Xuanqing heard something else from it.He heard the "humiliation" of Su Jianxing repeated in Yang Zheng's mouth, and realized that this Su Jianxing was a sword cultivator.

Immediately, Zhenjun Xuanqing became interested, and asked about Su Jianxing's origin. After learning that she was the daughter of Elder Qu who had been left outside the door for several years, counting her age——

Oh my god, this girl is only sixteen this year and she is already in the mid-stage of Golden Core. The future is promising, no, this is more than a promising future, this is simply a peerless genius.

What?Wulinggen?He has already cultivated to the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm, so he doesn't care about his five spiritual roots.The most important thing for a sword repairer is sword energy and sword intent!
Zhenjun Xuanqing even deduced from Yang Zheng's description of that battle that the terrifying aura that locked Yang Zheng later on was probably not some divine sense, but sword intent.

A sword cultivator who realizes the sword intent is equivalent to getting a ticket to ascend, but the door will open sooner or later.

True Monarch Xuanqing couldn't sit still, he wished he could rush to Liuyun Peak, tie that girl back and pay homage to her master first.

Zhou Yuan persuaded him to calm down: "Master, we are sword cultivators, not kidnappers."

Zhenjun Xuanqing calmed down, and as soon as he changed his mind, he contacted Qu Gufeng.The two used the communication stone to communicate with each other. Zhou Yuan didn't know the content, but judging from Zhenjun Xuanqing's behavior of cursing Qu Gufeng in the cave for half an hour after the contact, it seemed that they didn't agree.

Would True Monarch Xuanqing give up so easily?

Of course not, so Zhou Yuan led the order to come here to find out what Su Jianxing said by taking advantage of Yang Zheng's matter.Along the way, Zhou Yuan had already figured out how he would meet Junior Sister Su, and he was so confident.

But after thousands of calculations, he didn't figure it out. He was too busy thinking about the master's instructions, and accidentally brought out Junior Brother Bu.He messed up his plan.

Zhou Yuan felt bitter in his heart, but he still couldn't say it.He forced a smile to turn the topic back: "Junior Sister Su, talking about your kindness to Junior Brother Yang made me a little curious. Are you a sword cultivator, Junior Sister?"


(End of this chapter)

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