Chapter 83
From the first moment Su Jianxing appeared, Tong Yuezhi hated her to the extreme.

How did she come?How dare she come?Isn't her mother afraid that bad people will be punished by marriage?Oh, the woman died, she had to come.

But Tong Yuezhi couldn't feel any pity or sympathy for her, only disgust.

But Liu Ruqing strictly ordered Tong Yuezhi not to trouble Su Jianxing.She has always listened to Master's words the most, even if she doesn't like it, she can only endure it.

Today I finally had the opportunity to meet Su Jianxing in person, how could Tong Yuezhi let it go?
That haughty attitude was intentional on her part, even if Su Jianxing was willing to settle the matter, she would still find a way to provoke the other party's anger.But he didn't expect Su Jianxing to be calm, on the contrary, he couldn't stand the agitation, so he took the lead.

Now that she did it, Tong Yuezhi didn't worry about other things, so she wanted to give Su Jianxing a good taste of her wind and thunder whip today, and teach her what education is.

The long whip volleyed across the air, throwing out an afterimage with arc light, crackling wherever it passed.

The two female disciples who came with Tong Yuezhi had already been ordered by her to back off, and they also stood on two feet, which was very intentional for Tong Yuezhi.

Su Jianxing had her hands behind her back, but her movements were dodging left and right like a ghost, but she had a relaxed expression on her face, as if Tong Yuezhi's attack seemed to tickle her, and did not cause trouble.Not only that, but she also opened her mouth to comment from time to time: "Hey, is this what the disciples of Tianxuan Peak are capable of when they come out? The magic weapon is good, but the person who uses the magic weapon is a bit bad-both in life and cultivation."

Tong Yuezhi was furious, her face was already red to the base of her neck, she yelled sharply: "Shu Zi dare you!" She swung the whip with all her strength, trying to smash Su Jianxing's face, so that the smile on that face would be permanent. disappears.

Anger continued to surge, and Tong Yuezhi increased the input of spiritual energy again and again.She has made the whole wind and thunder dance airtight, and the meaning has already appeared on the forehead, but Su Jianxing is like the slippery fish, swimming nimbly among her whips, and her whips never hit her. The half of the other party's clothes.

Gradually, Tong Yuezhi's spiritual energy became a little weak.She clenched her teeth tightly, her lower lip turned white from being bitten, and her eyes staring at Su Jianxing were bloodshot.

Su Jianxing didn't show any signs of fatigue. He walked around the garden with his hands behind his back, like an old man taking a walk.Seemingly aware of Tong Yuezhi's slowing down, Su Jianxing chuckled, turned around, and escaped from Tong Yuezhi's whip array lightly, and retreated three feet away from Tong Yuezhi.

Tong Yuezhi's eyelids twitched, and the movements of her hands stopped.His eyes followed her figure unconsciously, and then he saw Su Jianxing standing in the air, and finally pulled out his hands that were behind his back before.

She raised her hands, folded them together, pushed, and said a word softly: "Join."

As the words fell, the afterimage of the arc light formed around her because of Tong Yuezhi's whip was instantly closed and solidified by an invisible big hand, sealing her whole body in it.

Tong Yuezhi realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to push, but when her palm touched the solidified arc light, she suddenly felt numbness, forcing her to let go.

Tong Yuezhi was anxious, and asked, "Su Jianxing, what did you do?"

Su Jianxing clapped his hands with an innocent face: "I didn't do anything, it's just that the way you express your apologies doesn't satisfy me, so I can only change the way I like myself."

Tong Yuezhi couldn't believe it: "How dare you offend our Tianxuan Peak."

"Ha!" Su Jianxing sneered: "You Tianxuan Peak likes people to lick your stinky feet, but why don't you ask others if they are willing to lick them? I begged Tianxuan Peak again, so what if I offend you? Can you still beat me?"

Tong Yuezhi said bitterly: "Don't be complacent."

Su Jianxing waved his hand: "Senior Sister, you should take care of yourself first when you are free." She said, turned around and closed the courtyard door, and glanced at the two female disciples standing not far away.

After receiving their gaze, the two female disciples silently moved away from where they were standing, leaving enough room for Su Jianxing to pass.

Seeing this, Su Jianxing nodded in satisfaction, and drove away with his sword light.

Seeing her leave, the two female disciples hurriedly surrounded Tong Yuezhi, anxiously asking, "Is Senior Sister Tong okay? What should we do now?"

Tong Yuezhi looked at them coldly: "A bunch of trash. I don't know how to help them, so what kind of hospitality are you here now?"

One of the female disciples said aggrievedly: "Senior Sister Tong, that Su Jianxing is very powerful, even you can be trapped so easily, even if we go together, we won't be able to get any good."

"Yes, Senior Sister Tong." The other echoed, "And we came here to make amends, but now we've pissed people off..."

Before the disciple finished speaking, he shut his mouth under Tong Yuezhi's stare.

Tong Yuezhi rested quietly for a while, then tried to use the wind and thunder whip to smash this layer of light circle.Unexpectedly, the moment the whip tail hit the inner wall of the aperture, a sense of numbness hit her directly along the whip body and handle, knocking her down defenseless.

Tong Yuezhi lost her intuition on one side of her body, and it took her a while to get up from the ground.

"Trash, it's all trash!" Tong Yuezhi scolded, and she didn't know who she was scolding.After scolding, she couldn't help but feel a little bit depressed, and said to the two junior sisters who bowed their heads silently: "Forget it, please help me release me first.

The female disciples hurriedly took out their magic weapons to break the circle of light, but unexpectedly, the circle of light not only failed to break, but became smaller and smaller due to the attack of the magic weapon.

"All right, all right, don't fight anymore." Tong Yuezhi screamed in shock to stop the two junior sisters outside from moving.

She didn't feel it when the aperture was large just now, but now that the aperture has become smaller, she suddenly found that her room for movement is getting smaller and smaller.He could accidentally touch the inner wall of the aperture as soon as he raised his hand.

Although the aperture has become smaller, as long as it is in contact with it, the numb feeling of being electrocuted will immediately spread along the contacted part.That feeling was like thousands of ants crawling on her body, very uncomfortable, but helpless.

She understood that with the abilities of her two junior sisters, there was no way to help her break this imprisonment. She could only stop them first, and then go back to Tianxuan Peak to find helpers to rescue her.

The two junior sisters left quickly, and Tong Yuezhi had to wait in place.When she was alone, her emotions gradually calmed down and she began to think.

She was impulsive today, originally she only wanted to humiliate Su Jianxing with something condescending, if she was provoked and made a move, she would naturally have a lot to say.

But he didn't expect that he was the one who was irritated, and he took the lead in making a move.If this matter gets out, it will definitely cause a great loss to the reputation that has been in business for many years.

Thinking of this, Tong Yuezhi only hoped that Tianxuan Peak's helper would come earlier to help her get out of the predicament earlier.

But fifteen minutes later, Tong Yuezhi's expectations were dashed.

A quarter of an hour later, Qu Gufeng, who had been busy for several days and hadn't returned to Liuyun Peak, landed at the gate of his courtyard on a magic weapon with a tired look on his face.

Immediately, he saw Tong Yuezhi who was trapped in the ball of light at the door of his house.

Qu Gufeng: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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