Chapter 1 Bound Games
Blue Star, 32nd century.

Li Xiaoxiao has just completed a research project on desert planting, and is returning to the imperial capital by private plane to report on her work.

beep beep-

The plane shook violently.

[The plane was attacked by an unknown object, and the wings were damaged and could not fly! 】

[There are 5 minutes left before the plane explodes, please evacuate immediately after hearing the announcement! 】

[All personnel please evacuate immediately! 】

Li Xiaoxiao quickly unbuckled the seat belt, pulled the assistant into the parachute, and stuffed all the research materials into the assistant's hands.

"Hold tight."

The assistant was crying slightly, holding the file tightly, "Sister Xiaoxiao, what about you?"

"Don't worry, there is still time, you jump first, and I will jump after you."

The assistant glanced at Li Xiaoxiao with tears in his eyes, and followed the person in front of him to jump down together.


Another violent shaking.

【alarm!alarm!alarm! 】

[The plane was attacked by an unknown object again, ten seconds before the explosion! 】

【Ten, nine, eight, seven...】

Before she had time to think about it, Li Xiaoxiao quickly jumped down.

boom! ——

The upsurge brought by the huge explosion instantly overwhelmed Li Xiaoxiao.

LMG planet, on a wooden boat.

This was Li Xiaoxiao's first feeling when she regained consciousness.

It was densely packed like ants gnawing on it, Li Xiaoxiao tried hard to open her eyes, holding a piece of wood tightly with her hands, breathing heavily.

After a long time, she finally regained her composure and raised her head to look around.

? ! ! !
"where is this place?"

Li Xiaoxiao touched her body, and there was no burn caused by the explosion, nor a drop of blood.She even felt that her body was getting better.

"what on earth is it?"

Li Xiaoxiao carefully observed the surrounding environment.

The blue sky, the sparkling sea, and blue as far as the eye can see, the only color is Li Xiaoxiao and a simple wooden boat she is riding on.

It was too quiet and eerie.

At this time, an emotionless electronic voice sounded.

[This is the LMG planet. 】


Li Xiaoxiao looked around vigilantly, but there was no one else except her.

"Don't look for it, I'm in your mind."



[Welcome players to LMG Planet, I am your personal butler Xiao Mang.I will help you complete the next survival game, please confirm your identity. 】

Survival game?What the hell is this?Which bastard signed her up for her.

【Please confirm your identity quickly and bind to the system, otherwise you will be killed as an intruder. 】

"What the hell? Erase? Just play. Quickly tell me how to leave, don't play tricks there."

[In view of the delay in confirming the player, the player will be punished with a first-level electric shock. 】

As soon as the electronic voice finished, Li Xiaoxiao instantly felt an electric current flowing all over her body.

[Please do not try to challenge the majesty of the system, and take the game seriously!Otherwise, a more advanced punishment of electric shock will be imposed. 】

Li Xiaoxiao endured the numb electric shock punishment: "I ×, where can I confirm?"

Although the first-level electric shock is not painful, it is enough to make Li Xiaoxiao feel numb and weak.

[The bracelet you are wearing is the task or other transactions you need to complete through it.Please be careful not to lose it, or you will be wiped out as an intruder. 】

Li Xiaoxiao touched the gray bracelet that appeared on her left wrist at some point.

She tried to pull it off hard, but it didn't work at all.

[Please don't throw away the bracelet, otherwise you will be killed as an intruder. ] Xiao Mang reminded again.

"Okay, then how do I open it?" Seeing this, Li Xiaoxiao had to give up.

[Consciousness can enter. 】

Li Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, and slowly put her consciousness into the bracelet.

In an instant, a huge electronic screen appeared in front of her eyes.

The screen is divided into four sections, home page, mall, chat, and backpack.The chat section is grayed out, so it probably hasn't been unlocked yet.

[The first thousand, 320, thirty-seven thousand, 820 three players Hello, welcome to the game transfer station. 】

[Please confirm to start the survival game. Confirm that the game is bound to the system. If you give up the game, you will be wiped out as an intruder. 】

Li Xiaoxiao clicked the confirmation button.


[Congratulations to the player for successfully binding the system to enter the game. 】

[You only have a code name here, please hide your real identity and make sure that it will not be discovered by other players, otherwise you will encounter unfortunate things. 】

Li Xiaoxiao thought for a while in silence, and then filled in the word Damanghua in the name column.There is no special meaning, just that she likes to eat mangoes.

ding dong~

[Player information entered successfully. 】

Name: Damanghua

Gender: Female
Race: human

Points: 0
Skills: none

Completed map: none
[Because the player is a newcomer, we will provide a junior shopping mall and distribute a novice gift package.Please check the players. 】

Li Xiaoxiao exited the homepage, clicked to open the backpack, and clicked to open the novice gift package.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining 500 points, random skill × 1, small fish tank that will not dry up × 1, disposable diving suit × 1 (valid for 24 hours)]

What the hell is this?Is this a holographic game?Looking at this page is too much like a game page, maybe she is a character in this game now and then awakened?

Li Xiaoxiao frowned and asked, "What are the rules of the game?"

[The rules of the game are as follows:
1. Players need to hide their real identities and complete tasks on six different maps to earn points.Only players who pass all maps can return to the real world.

2. Each task is different. The more difficult the task is, the higher the points and rewards will be. Some of them need to be completed within the specified time, otherwise they will be obliterated.

3. The points obtained by the player can be used to buy things in the mall and improve skills.But it cannot be transferred or plundered.

4. There are five kinds of skills: photographic memory, hearing all directions, agility, super physical fitness, and flexible hands.

Photographic memory: Players will gain super memory.

Listen to all directions: The player's hearing is improved by a thousand times.

Agility: The player's physical flexibility is increased by a thousand times.

Super physical fitness: The player's physical fitness is increased by a thousand times, and there is a certain chance of triggering resistance.

Flexible hands: Players can obtain [-] wild survival tips.

5. Players will get corresponding gift packs every time they break through a stage.The gift pack randomly distributes prizes, the higher the point level, the richer the prizes.

6. Players need to pass a total of six maps: ocean, desert, glacier, mountain, rainforest, grassland.The map is random, and each time you enter a map world, you can unlock the corresponding map.

7. Players need to hide their real identities!Hide your real identity!Hide your real identity!Do not tell others!mission accomplished!Otherwise it will be obliterated! ! !

8. Once the game system is bound, it will not be able to exit, otherwise it will be obliterated!It can only be unlocked through the game.

9. Protect your own safety and the safety of the bracelet. Once you die, you will not be able to return to the real world. Once the bracelet leaves your body, you will be treated as an intruder and wiped out. 】

[The above are the rules of the game, please keep them in mind and abide by them.The current map where the player is located is Ocean World. 】

Li Xiaoxiao gasped, it seemed that it was very important to hide her identity and bracelet, otherwise she wouldn't be reminded so many times.And she should not be the only one entering this game.

So how do you find other people?
If she was alone, she would go crazy.Although I am used to doing research alone, I still have an assistant.

What to do if you find it?

According to the rules of the game, the real identity cannot be discovered by other people, so are the people around me also drawn in?
Although I am an orphan, I have had many friends over the years. Is the little assistant also drawn into the game?

"By the way, is it possible to chat between players through the chat section?"

[Unlocked, can't answer.Player points can only be unlocked when the corresponding level is exceeded. 】

Xiaomang didn't give a corresponding answer, but based on her years of experience in reading novels, it must be so.

It seems that you have to work hard to gain points to get more permissions, so that you can confirm whether the little assistant has also been pulled in.

The child is so innocent, I don't know if he can pass the game on his own.

"Unlock random skills first." In any case, let's take a look at the existing ones before proceeding to the next step.


[Congratulations to the player for unlocking the skill of photographic memory, and the points increase by 100. 】

Player: Damanghua
Gender: Female
Race: human

Points: 600
Skills: Photographic memory (super memory)
Completed map: none
Backpack: small fish tank that will not dry out x 1, disposable diving suit x 1 (valid for 24 hours)


Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Photographic memory doesn't do much for Li Xiaoxiao.As the youngest botanical research professor at Blue Star, she has a good memory, but her only shortcoming is that she can't swim.

Li Xiaoxiao rubbed the center of her eyebrows with her hands, opened the mall to see if there were any corresponding teaching tutorials.

Fortunately, the mall has it, but unfortunately the points are converted to 600.

She suspected that the mall was taking advantage of the fire, but there was no evidence.

Click on the transaction, and the column of points is instantly cleared.

It was also at this moment that Li Xiaoxiao felt a warm current rushing through her body, and a lot of knowledge about swimming and diving instantly filled her mind.

She carefully watched the things that are currently open in the mall. There are many, most of which are not very useful for the ocean world map.

The function of skill exchange has not been unlocked, and she also wants the skill of dexterity.

There are so many unknown things that she doesn't know how to start now, so she can only take one step at a time.

"Then let's start the first mission."

(End of this chapter)

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