Chapter 12 Ocean Drifting (Red Eye Crab)

When Li Xiaoxiao returned to the boat, Xiao Ran came directly to check her body. "No injuries."

Da Sen said with red eyes: "What could happen to her, she was pinched by the big pliers and it didn't break, but my brother... woo woo~"

Dasen became more and more sad as he spoke, covering his eyes with his hands and crying out of collapse.

Several people looked at each other not knowing what to say.

After a while, Li Xiaoxiao said softly: "Sorry, I underestimated the power of the red-eyed crab, if we can make more preparations..."

Dasen knew that he couldn't blame others for this matter, he could only think that it was Dayuan's bad luck, he was just a little sad.

He interrupted what Li Xiaoxiao said: "I can't blame everyone for this, it's just that Dayuan's strength is not enough, and I can't hold back my emotions." He cried again while talking.

Li Xiaoxiao swallowed bitterly, feeling uncomfortable.

After a long time, Dasen's mood stabilized. "Since it has happened, it is useless for me to cry."

He took out a gemstone from his pocket, "I found this by accident down below, I wonder if it can help us defeat that red-eyed crab."

Li Xiaoxiao took a closer look and looked familiar, thinking that wasn't that the bead that Alisa held in her hand?How could it be in his hands?Is it gone?
Li Xiaoxiao intuitively felt that something was wrong, the beads were formed by the gathering of Alisa's power, and that palace was very far away from here, so it shouldn't appear here.

It seems that the bead was taken away by someone who couldn't see it that day, but she was very sure that no second person appeared in that palace at that time.

What is going on?

Xiao Ran on the side took the bead: "How do you know this bead is useful? Maybe it's just the collection of that red-eyed crab."

Dasen said with certainty: "No, this bead was placed in a very precious box at that time, and there was a piece of paper beside it describing that this bead is the key item for defeating the red-eyed crab."

He took out another blueprint from his pocket to show everyone, and it did show someone using this bead to subdue the red-eyed crab.

Dasen looked at Als who was on the side: "Als also saw it at the time, you said yes."

Als was stunned for a moment, and then said that they really got the bead from an exquisite treasure box.

Li Xiaoxiao carefully observed their expressions and found nothing wrong.

Seeing that everyone still didn't believe it, Dasen hurriedly said, "You have to believe me, my brother was killed by a red-eyed crab, and I want to avenge him, so I can't lie to you."

Xiao Ran saw that he was in a hurry, but everyone ignored him, and hurried to save the situation: "It's not that I don't believe you, the main reason is that this is too ridiculous."

One bead can subdue the red-eyed crab, so why did they work so hard before.

Besides, I don't know what function this bead has, how to use it.

Dasen seemed to know that everyone would not be able to use it, so he took out a piece of paper from his pocket: "Don't worry, I found its instruction manual next to the bead, which described how to use it in detail."

Everyone looked around and found that the text on it was completely incomprehensible.

Darson continued: "I had a mission before that involved this kind of writing, so I could understand it. Als could understand it too."

Als nodded, and the others sighed that they were a great help.

Only Li Xiaoxiao knew that this writing was the same as that used in the previous palace, and what was written on it was exactly what Dasen said.

She looked at Dasen out of the corner of her eye, and found that there was something wrong with his expression, as if he was a little excited.

She asked calmly, "If that's the case, then why didn't you just use it at the bottom of the sea."

The others reacted and looked at him.

Fairclair: "That's right, if you took it out just now, your brother wouldn't..."

Dasen lowered his head sadly: "I was so sad just now, I lost my mind and didn't react."

Seeing his expression, everyone started to feel sad again, and couldn't bear to say anything more.

Xiao Ran directly pulled everyone into the meeting room to reconvene to make plans.

Since this bead was discovered by Dasen, and only he knew how to use it, he gave the bead to Dasen.

Others are assisting him, but before that, they still have to find a way to protect their own safety.

Xiao Ran remembered that Li Xiaoxiao was able to prevent the attack of the pliers: "By the way, Xiao Hua, how could you not be caught by the pliers."

Xiao Ran made a breaking gesture, which Li Xiaoxiao immediately understood, and the others also looked at her.

Li Xiaoxiao explained: "I got some materials when I did the task before, and this protective clothing is made of those materials."

Caroline said first: "Then do you still have those materials?"

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head.

Others are a little disappointed, if they also have it, it is equivalent to an extra life-saving tool.

Li Xiaoxiao thought that there was still some poisoned wine: "However, I have one more thing that might come in handy."

The next day, everyone came to the red-eyed crab again.

Xiao Ran: "If it still fails this time, then we will give up this task."

Just like last time, Fairclair threw a bunch of stinky sea sausages at the cave entrance, but this time the red-eyed crab didn't come out.

He looked at Xiao Ran, who made a gesture for him to continue throwing.

At this time, Dasen swam up to them and said that he could let him have a try.

Xiao Ran nodded.

Dasen came to the entrance of the cave, put the beads at the door, and sprinkled some unknown powder on it.

The ground began to shake, this is the rhythm of the red-eyed crab coming out.

Li Xiaoxiao noticed that Dasen put a small object in his pocket when he was retreating.She wanted to step forward to have a look, but she was stabbed on the back of her hand.

She frowned and looked at the back of her hand. Through the glove, she felt the constant heat of the shield of light, indicating that there was something abnormal nearby.

The red-eyed crab let out a strange cry, and waved its pincers desperately.The nearby seawater became turbid, and some gravel also floated up.

"Hmm." Li Xiaoxiao was accidentally hit by a stone and made a muffled sound of pain.

With a bang, the battle began.

Several people took turns inserting snake bone knives into the red-eyed crab in various parts.

These snake bone knives were soaked in poisonous wine. I didn't take them out before because I felt that the poisonous wine was limited and I couldn't rely on it all the time, but now there is no other way.

The crab does not have a distinct nervous system like mammals, it only has one on the back and one on the abdomen.

Everyone didn't know exactly where it was, so they could only tie it blindly.

Ten snake-bone knives pierced it in, but the red-eyed crab didn't react at all, but was irritated by everyone.

It waved its big pliers vigorously, and several people were unable to dodge before being photographed to the ground or hit nearby reefs.

Now there is only the last one in Li Xiaoxiao's hand, and she wants to gamble on whether she can plunge into the belly of the red-eyed crab.

In order to be able to approach the red-eyed crab more flexibly, Li Xiaoxiao took off all the oxygen cylinders on her body, and approached it holding her breath.

The red-eyed crab quickly noticed her actions, stopped attacking others, and smashed straight at Li Xiaoxiao with two large pincers.

She dodged in time, and the others attacked and assisted in other parts.

The red-eyed crab was completely enraged, it let out a sharp roar, and Li Xiaoxiao who was the closest was dizzy and had tinnitus for a moment, and then fell into a coma.

If she was still awake, she would find that one of them was not affected by the red-eyed crab at all, and the red-eyed crab would not actively attack him.

After an unknown amount of time, several people woke up from a coma and found themselves tied up in a darkroom.

The back of Li Xiaoxiao's hand hurt even more from being stabbed, and she suppressed the pain.

Xiao Ran: "Where are we?"

Dasen looked at the familiar place in front of him and couldn't help exclaiming: "How did we get tied into the cave? Who tied us in?"

Caroline cried bitterly: "If I knew it was so dangerous, I wouldn't have done this mission."

Fairclair and Als remained silent.

Li Xiaoxiao opened her mouth with a hoarse voice: "Don't cry, we are safe now." It was uncomfortable to open her throat after being choked by the sea water.

Li Xiaoxiao carefully observed the surrounding environment, and signaled Xiao Ran to look at her with his eyes.

Xiao Ran followed her gaze and quickly found a pile of crystal stones behind her, but she didn't quite understand the use of this.

She hooked a few pieces with her foot and kicked it in front of Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao sighed softly, wondering if they were so scared that they forgot that they still had a bound system.

She exchanged a small knife from the mall, and with some difficulty cut off the rope tied behind her.

Seeing her actions, the others reacted and followed suit.

Li Xiaoxiao picked up the crystal stone, and took away the rest of the crystal stone.

Xiao Ran followed her in confusion: "What are you doing? Do these crystal stones have any effect?"

Li Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows: "You don't know?"

[Ding ~ Please do not expose too much of your quest income, otherwise you will be obliterated. 】

Li Xiaoxiao gave up as soon as she wanted to explain: "It's nothing, I just think it's very beautiful. If you process it, someone might buy it."

Xiao Ran felt that what she said made sense, so he picked up a few dollars too.

Li Xiaoxiao quickly asked in her mind: "Xiao Mang, what's going on? Why can't I mention this to others."

[Players need to be vigilant about their own safety at all times, other points are not enough to answer. 】

Li Xiaoxiao could only give up asking.

Seeing the two of them strolling leisurely, Caroline couldn't help feeling a little anxious: "Let's leave here, if the red-eyed crab comes back, we won't be able to leave."

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head at her: "Even if we don't come back, we can't leave, why don't we look around here to see if there is anything we can use."

Caroline looked at Xiao Ran, wanting her to say a few words.

Fairclair's temper is not so good: "I think we'd better go back, this mission is over."

Li Xiaoxiao searched for a long time and finally found what she wanted: "I found it."

She moved a large rock with some scraps of crab shells on it.

Xiao Ran was a little surprised: "What is this?"

Li Xiaoxiao: "I guess we encountered two red-eyed crabs."

"Two?" The others said in unison.

Li Xiaoxiao explained: "Remember the scene where we fought that red-eyed crab yesterday? All our injuries are useless to him. Even if there were, its wounds will heal immediately."

"But the shell we encountered today is relatively soft, and our snake bone knife penetrated it without much effort."

At first Li Xiaoxiao thought it was the red-eyed crab shedding its shell that would allow the snake bone knife to penetrate so easily, but it was obviously so difficult yesterday.

It wasn't until today that I got close to the red-eyed crab that I realized it was a female crab, but the photos taken by Xiao Ran and the others were clearly a male crab.

So she was sure they had encountered two different red-eyed crabs.

After what Li Xiaoxiao said, everyone also thought that there was indeed something wrong today compared with yesterday.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Dasen: "Besides, we can't confirm whether it is my brother who stayed behind."

(End of this chapter)

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