Chapter 19 Ocean Drifting (Anomaly of the Statue)

Li Xiaoxiao was surprised: "You have them too?"

Several people expressed their feelings at that time one after another, without exception, they were desperate, and even thought that it would be like this.

Looking back, Xiao Ran found it incredible. Although there were indeed a lot of fish at that time, they were not yet desperate enough to give up.

Besides, there are many useful things in my backpack, but unfortunately I just can't remember them, I only know how to wield a machete.

Fairclair noticed the abnormality: "Could it be that we were affected by something at that time?"

Li Xiaoxiao nodded: "I think it's very possible, otherwise it would be impossible to have such an idea."

Caroline weakly asked the key: "But we didn't find so many fish when we first entered. They seemed to appear suddenly."

Li Xiaoxiao continued to think about yesterday's situation, not letting go of any possibility: "Think about whether you have touched any mechanism or the like."

Several people thought hard.

Strip off the clothes of the skeleton?Take their gold coins?Or knock them over?
Li Xiaoxiao sighed softly: "Forget it, let's go take a look today, and return to the cabin immediately if we find any problems."

"Okay, I understand!" Several people replied in unison.

Putting on their diving suits, taking the aurora pearls and water-proof beads, they came to the ruins again.

Li Xiaoxiao noticed that the ruins seemed to have changed.

All the bones sitting on the seats praying disappeared, and the whole palace became more quiet and strange.

Xiao Ran directly posted a message in the community: "Do you feel that the ruins have changed, unlike what we saw before?"

Li Xiaoxiao motioned everyone to follow her to check the situation in front of the sculpture, and it seemed that the object held by the statue was missing.

Several people shone electric lights around the palace, but no living things were found.

Caroline posted a message in the community chat: "Is there anything strange about this statue? Or is it that this thing affects our mood?"

Xiao Ran: "It's just a statue, what danger can it have?"

Li Xiaoxiao didn't look at the community, she took a closer look, and sure enough the thing the statue was holding was gone. "What the statue is holding is missing."

Several other people came together.

Fairclair: "What was it here?"

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head and said that she didn't notice it at the time.

She turned to look elsewhere, but saw something that made her scalp tingle.

She patted Caroline, who was closest to her, on the shoulder, motioning for her to turn and look.The other two noticed her movement and turned around.

Fairclair: "Hmmmmmm!" What the hell is this!

At some point behind them, a group of unidentifiable things appeared. Li Xiaoxiao shone a light on them, only to see pairs of green eyes, so densely packed in rows that she suffered from intensive phobia.

Those things with green light didn't come forward, they just kept staring at several people from a distance.

Li Xiaoxiao scolded Xiao Mang in her mind: "Didn't you tell me in advance when you found the mutant? What the hell are these things?"

[I don't know, but these are not mutants, so there should be no danger. 】

Xiaomang was a little aggrieved, it only discovered the existence of these things, and it didn't know what they were, but it was able to escape the detection of the system.


【Um. ] Xiaomang replied weakly.

Li Xiaoxiao ignored Xiao Mang, and watched the other side's actions vigilantly.

Caroline was so frightened that she panicked: "These things won't attack irrationally like those aurora red fishes the day before yesterday."

Xiao Ran: "Don't worry, I'm well prepared today. Even if I can't wipe out the enemy on the other side, at least it can ensure that we can return to the submarine safely."

At this time, the green-lighting eyes on the opposite side all closed and disappeared.Several people looked around with the lights but couldn't find them.

Fairclair: "What the hell are these?"

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head: "It's too dangerous here, let's go back first."

However, when they came to the stone arch, they were blocked by an invisible barrier.

Li Xiaoxiao slapped it vigorously with her hands a few times, and then scratched it with a knife, but the barrier didn't move at all.

Fairclair: "When did this barrier appear? Are we going to be trapped here?"

Before anyone could answer his question, he heard a rumbling sound from behind.

The surrounding seawater became extremely turbid. In order to prevent accidents, Li Xiaoxiao asked everyone to hold hands before they could not see clearly.

After a while, the whole palace became like it was the first time it came in. Several skeletons sat on the seats and prayed, and the stone statue returned with the things it held in its hands.

Li Xiaoxiao signaled everyone to let go, and stepped forward to check the things in the hands of the stone statue.

Fairclair patted behind him, the barrier was still there.

Li Xiaoxiao took a closer look and saw that it was a rock.

[This is a kind of energy stone, which should be used to open a certain space. ] Xiao Mang answered in time.

energy stone?space?

Could it be that they just stumbled into the space opened by this stone statue by mistake?

She took the stone away.

Crack ~ Rumble ~

Sure enough, a passage appeared behind the stone statue.

Several people looked at each other and decided to go in and have a look.

Passing through the long passage, several people found a light in front of them, passing through the water, they saw a larger palace.

Several people climbed ashore and looked around.

The palace is surrounded by murals composed of gold coins, gems are inlaid on stone pillars one by one like no money, and the top seat is also made of gold.

There is a pair of totems hanging behind the seat, on which are a lot of crabapple flowers and a Persian cat.

It can be seen that the word rich is everywhere here.

Fairclair couldn't help sighing: "This palace is so extravagant, it's actually built with gold and precious stones."

He touched around as if he had never seen the world, and sighed from time to time.

Li Xiaoxiao looked familiar at these gold coins, and instantly understood when she saw the hanging totem.

"This should be the Gewu Temple, and those outside are just its side halls. But, why is it the only one that didn't sink into the bottom of the sea?"

Xiao Ran walked to her side: "How do you confirm that this is the real temple?"

Li Xiaoxiao pointed to the totem hanging on it: "Did you see that? The hanging of this thing means that this place is an important place. Combined with the luxurious construction materials here, this place should be a temple."

Caroline gave her a thumbs up: "As expected of Sister Hua!"

Li Xiaoxiao: "Look around to see if there is anything we need, I'll go up and study that totem."

Several people acted separately, but they were all in the same palace, and they could observe each other's surroundings.

Li Xiaoxiao walked up the steps, first checked the seat, and found a golden key underneath.The corners of her mouth twitched into her backpack.

I can't help complaining that these people really like to put the keys underneath, and they have to bend down to pick them up.

She walked to the front of the totem and carefully observed the paintings on it.

The flowers on it seem to be hand-stitched, the needlework is done well, and the flowers are made just like real flowers.

This Persian cat is even weirder, as if it ran into the painting and looked down on the entire palace.

Li Xiaoxiao found that its eyes were also green with a strange light.

Instinctively, Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to meet its gaze, so she took a hasty glance and continued to study the crabapple flower.

The following three people have searched the entire palace, but found nothing except gold coins and gems.

Several people came to Li Xiaoxiao's side.

Xiao Ran asked her, "Did you find anything?"

Li Xiaoxiao took out the found key and handed it to her: "I only found this key."

Fairclair looked familiar, and he patted his head: "This key looks familiar."

Caroline glanced at him: "Have you seen it?"

Fairclair took out the small box that could not be opened before, and pointed to the pattern on it: "No, this box is engraved on it, it should be the key to open this box."

Li Xiaoxiao saw that the engravings were exactly the same, she handed the key to Faircliffe and signaled him to open the box.

Fairclair took the key and inserted it in the keyhole.


The box opened, and inside was a roll of paper.

Fairclair took it out and handed it to Li Xiaoxiao, who spread it out.

This drawing shows a couple leaning on each other with their eyes closed, holding a bead in their hands.

Li Xiaoxiao noticed that the painting on it was the pair of stone statues in the ruins outside.

Xiao Ran also recognized it: "Isn't this the pair of stone statues outside?"

Li Xiaoxiao: "Indeed."

Caroline was a little curious: "Then why is it in this box? This box looks so new."

Li Xiaoxiao was also a little puzzled, she thought it was some kind of ore that kept the box so new, it seemed that it was because of the box itself.

She also took out the box she found later, and miraculously, the golden key could also be opened.

Inside this box are several crystal stones and a letter.

Li Xiaoxiao translated it for everyone to listen to.


Hello stranger, if you picked up this chest and opened it, then you have found the Temple of Gewu.So please remember and abide by the following three points.

First, you must find a suitable place to hide before the brazier goes out, and you can't come out until it is rekindled.

Second, find that nasty cat and get rid of it before you can leave.

Third, you must not touch anything in the palace.

The above is what you must know, as for how to find the cat?Don't worry, it's been watching you.

good luck.


Caroline: "Who wrote this? It's a good thing we didn't come across anything here just now."

Li Xiaoxiao saw the pale faces of the two behind: "No, I bumped into the seat when I picked up the keys just now, and this cat is watching us."

Xiao Ran looked around nervously: "Doesn't that mean that the cat is still here?"

Fairclair looked up and found that the fire of the brazier was gradually weakening: "No, the brazier is about to go out."

Caroline: "Then what should I do? There is no place to hide in this palace."

Li Xiaoxiao looked around anxiously, forcing herself to calm down.

Only this seat can hide one person here, but the problem is that there are four of them, and there is no way to hide in other places.

Li Xiaoxiao made a simple analysis: "Let's go back to the water now and play by ear."


Several people quickly put on their diving suits, and before leaving, Li Xiaoxiao asked everyone to put a high-definition camera in every corner.

plop ~ plop ~
Several people jumped back into the water and kept a certain distance from the exit of the palace.

The brazier was completely extinguished.

A catastrophic meow came from the palace, judging by the sound it was not just a cat.

(End of this chapter)

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