Chapter 21 Ocean Drifting (Dog Hole)
A few people ran to the back of the palace, but there was no trace of the shadow.

Fairclair looked around: "Where did you go?"

Li Xiaoxiao silently stepped forward and tapped against the wall, and the other three followed suit.

Li Xiaoxiao knocked for a while, and obviously felt that a stone brick was loose in one place, so she shook it.

A dog hole appears below.

Several people looked at the small hole in silence.

Caroline: "Can this pass people?"

Li Xiaoxiao wasn't sure: "It should."

Xiao Ran looked at her waist, and compared it with the other three: "I think only Xiaohua and Caroline can get in, and Fairclair and I can't get in."

Li Xiaoxiao pinched the fat around her waist, thinking that she might not be able to pass.

Fairclair raised a big hammer: "Why don't you hit it bigger?"

The three girls took three steps back together: "Please."

Fairclair slammed down on the dog hole vigorously, and it took more than a dozen times to make a crack.

Li Xiaoxiao stopped him: "Forget it, the wall is too hard, let's think of other ways."

Li Xiaoxiao touched the material of the wall with her hand, took out the mucus collected before and splashed it on it.

Smoke billowed from the walls.

She said happily: "It works."

Li Xiaoxiao poured another bottle up, and made the hole a size that everyone could pass through.After the mucus erosion was complete, several basins of sea water were poured up to clean the remaining mucus.

After finishing everything, she clapped her hands and put a layer of tarpaulin underneath: "Okay, everyone can pass now."

Led by Fairclair, the other three entered the dog hole in an orderly manner.

This is a long, narrow passage, and several people are almost crawling close to each other.Li Xiaoxiao could still touch some remaining stones and unknown bones on the road.

After climbing for a long time, several people finally climbed out.

This channel is connected to a small cave.There is a wooden bed, a desk, and an oil lamp in the hole.

Several people carefully observed the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no danger, they began to search for useful information.

Caroline and Xiao Ran were in charge of searching for the wooden bed, Li Xiaoxiao was in charge of the desk, and Fairclair was in charge of guarding.

Li Xiaoxiao rummaged through the table first, and found a suspicious substance in the oil lamp. She put on her gloves and dabbed a little: "Xiao Mang, test what it is."

Then I started flipping through the books on the table, and found a letter in a certain book.

She opened it to look.


On X, X, X, we were lucky to escape Martinez's tracking, but unfortunately we were trapped here.

Papuama asked me when I could go out, and I said I didn't know.

If anyone can find here, I hope it's not Martinez.I also hope that he can help me burn everyone together so that we can rest in peace.


After reading it, Li Xiaoxiao folded the letter and put it in her pocket, then continued to search.

Caroline and Xiao Ran knocked on the bed board vigorously, and heard a sound coming from below.

The two looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Xiao Ran directly took out the machete and chopped down.

Xiao Ran greeted everyone: "Come on, here's something."

Several people walked over to have a look, and found that there was actually a hole under the bed board.

Li Xiaoxiao raised her head and looked at the others: "I don't know if there is any danger down here. Now, Xiao Ran and I will go down here, and you two should pay attention to the surroundings from above."

"Hmm." Several people nodded.

The hole is not deep, about two meters from the top.Li Xiaoxiao jumped down with both hands, and Xiao Ran followed closely behind.

"I x!" Xiao Ran was shocked by the scene in front of him and directly yelled.

This burrow is about fifty square meters, and the densely packed bones almost fill up the entire burrow.

Li Xiaoxiao was also frightened by the scene in front of her: "What is the reason why so many bones are piled up here?"

The two people above heard the exclamation below, and hurriedly asked: "What happened? Do you want to help?"

Li Xiaoxiao replied loudly: "No, we are fine here."

The two avoided the bones and searched for anything left behind.

Li Xiaoxiao whispered: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend, please don't blame me."

After speaking, he directly pulled the clothes of the skeleton in front.

Xiao Ran found a diary in a corner. The words on it were incomprehensible, so she handed it to Li Xiaoxiao directly: "What is written in this diary? I don't understand."

Li Xiaoxiao flipped through a few pages at random, and found that the handwriting was a bit like the handwriting of the priest's believers: "Put it away for now, and take a closer look when you go up."

Xiao Ran nodded: "Okay, then I'll go over there and look for it."

Several people searched everything they could, and found a key except the diary.

The two came to the exit and motioned for the people above to pull them up.

Li Xiaoxiao asked everyone to find a place to sit down, and she read the contents of the diary.

On X, X, X, the traitor Martinez, he actually joined forces with those monsters to betray us. Fortunately, the priest saw through his trick and brought us out, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

On X, X, X, we found a suitable place where we would not be attacked by that monster.

... (unimportant life trifles)

On X, X, X, a traitor appeared among us, and the priest sacrificed himself in order to cover us, all because Ikap leaked our tracks.

On X, X, X, we have found a shelter, and we hope that there will be no more accidents.

... (unimportant life trifles)

On X, X, X, Martinez found us again, and we escaped after suffering heavy losses.I sneaked back to the Luminescent Hall to bring out the corpses of the others, but unfortunately I couldn't find the priest.

On X, X, X, Martinez really deserves to be damned for losing us another sanctuary, and one day we'll get rid of him and the monster behind him.

... (unimportant life trifles)

On X, X, X, this is our last shelter. There is a witch god and his believers who will cover us, and we can hide here.

... (unimportant life trifles)

On X, X, X, now only me and Papuama are left.But I feel like we won't last a few days.

X, X, X, today, Bapu Yama also left me, I put his body together with other people, I can't let Martinez get them.

On X, X, X, X, Martinez finally found him, and he became even stronger.I knew that he made a deal with the monster and would eventually become a monster too.

On X, X, X, X, God Gewu took his believers outside to protect me. He told me to hide. If there is a chance, I will avenge them.

On X, X, X, I dug this burrow, I can feel that I am going to the limit, sorry, I may not be able to fulfill the promise.

Hopefully I can stay here and not be found by Martinez.I also hope that someone can catch Martinez and give us peace.

This is the end of the diary.

Li Xiaoxiao speculated that these people should be the priest's believers.Their bones were originally taken away by this person, no wonder no bones were seen at the scene.

Xiao Ran: "This Martinez can't be the murderer behind the scenes, right? What does he mean by teaming up with monsters?"

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head: "Let's look for other clues."

Several people separated to look for clues again, Li Xiaoxiao came to the desk again, and she inserted the key into the locked drawer.


The lock is open.

Li Xiaoxiao found a letter inside.

 The following content is a bit difficult to divide into three thousand chapters. I will divide it into three chapters, and I will update six thousand every day.Favorite, thank you ()
(End of this chapter)

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