Chapter 29 Ocean Drifting (Life Crisis)
All the pictures were broken, and Li Xiaoxiao appeared in front of the altar.

The wizards of the Martinez United Clan who had already turned into monsters built this sacrificial altar, and powerful monsters could be summoned through non-stop sacrifices.

At the moment when the monster came out, several other people with divine power collaborated to kill Martinez and seal the altar.

In order to completely seal the altar, they exhausted all their divine power, and in the end everyone sacrificed.

The wizard kept a hand, he revived himself by absorbing the remaining divine power, and then moved to this island with the Martin family.

He built a new altar, and by constantly deceiving all who passed the island, he sacrificed them to this altar.

In order to prevent someone from destroying the altar, a highly toxic substance was also painted around it.

After 100 years, the accumulated blood is enough to give this altar a chance to start again.

However, it was sabotaged by Li Xiaoxiao and the others, which delayed the time to wake up the monster.

After reading all the stories, Li Xiaoxiao knows how to destroy the altar.But she is trapped in this frame and cannot leave.

She walked back and forth in front of the altar in the painting anxiously.

Now she can't contact Xiao Mang, her backpack is gone, and she can't take all her things.

She knew she had to go out quickly to stop Martin Luther King's plan.

Although they ran away, there was no guarantee that Martin Luther King would not continue to arrest others, or arrest them all when she passed out.

The current altar is extremely dangerous. As long as those people's plans are realized, they will have no chance of turning over.

Li Xiaoxiao walked back and forth, kicked up the altar in anger, but was bounced by a force and fell to the ground.

There was a stabbing pain on the back of Li Xiaoxiao's hand, and she looked thoughtfully at the holy light shield that had turned into a mole.

In the submarine.

Caroline found that Li Xiaoxiao's body temperature was getting lower and lower, and her breathing gradually became weaker.

She cried directly: "What to do, this poison is so powerful, Sister Hua will be fine."

Xiao Ran also walked back and forth anxiously: "If the poison cannot be cured, Xiao Hua's life will be in danger."

Fairclair had already come out of the cockpit. Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt a little restless.He opened the mall to see if there was an antidote pill.

He really let him find it, and he directly exchanged one for Xiao Ran to feed Li Xiaoxiao, but it didn't work at all.

Caroline opened the world chat and spent a lot of money on it to buy detoxification medicinal materials.

Xiao Ran was so anxious that she directly asked if her system could help.The system says nothing can be done.

Just when the few people were at a loss, a golden light flashed on Li Xiaoxiao's body.

Several people blocked the golden light with their hands, and then let it go after a while.

Caroline touched two handfuls of snot and tears, pointed at Li Xiaoxiao: "Hey, what's going on here?"

The other two did not know why.

Li Xiaoxiao opened her eyes to feel the surrounding environment, and realized that she had finally walked out of the screen, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xiao Ran hurriedly asked: "What's the matter with you? Is there any discomfort?"

Li Xiaoxiao was weak and took me to look at the three people who looked concerned, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "It's okay, I have a treasure to protect my body, and the poison has been cured."

Xiao Ran anxiously asked the system to test her, only to be relieved when she found that there was no abnormality in her body as she said.

"You scared us to death. I thought you were leaving us too."

Caroline nodded.Even Fairclair, who had always been taciturn, took a step forward and looked at her.

Li Xiaoxiao felt warm in her heart: "Thank you, but now is not the time to talk about this. We must go back immediately to stop Martin Luther King's plan, otherwise the crisis 100 years ago will reappear."

Caroline was puzzled: "What crisis?"

Li Xiaoxiao simply told them what she saw, and asked everyone to prepare more hot weapons.

This group of people lives in a closed island and has long been separated from high technology. Everything is still 100 years ago.

Judging from the battle with the wizard and his entourage, Martin Luther King and the others didn't know the power of thermal weapons.

As long as they don't summon the monster, they still have a chance to come back and take me.

Soon, a group of people escaped the inspection of the Martin family and quietly came to the altar.

Several people squatted in the grass.

Li Xiaoxiao: "I have a treasure to protect my body, I will put it on later, you guys play by ear."

The three nodded.

Soon those people caught a few people over, and Li Xiaoxiao pretended to sneak in behind and sneaked in.

A group of people walked into the altar, and Li Xiaoxiao tried to reduce her sense of existence and stood near the altar.

Martin Luther King Jr. did not find any abnormalities, and he learned how to sacrifice according to the previous steps.

He asked people to lift those people up to the sacrificial altar, and then asked everyone to step back and chant the spell.

Li Xiaoxiao would not let him recite the complete spell. She quickly took out her gun and shot Martin Luther King Jr., then quickly walked into the sacrificial altar, poured a glass of water and a bottle of potion.

Martin Luther King was hit on the shoulder and found Li Xiaoxiao: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and catch her!"

The attendants came to their senses, picked up wooden sticks and hit Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao had already completed the task, and took out a machine gun to shoot at a group of people.


Everyone fell, leaving only Martin Luther King and his subordinate Glenn.

Martin Luther King finally felt scared. He grabbed Glenn's hand and said, "Quick, find a way to catch her!"

Glenn was in some pain from being caught by him: "Don't worry, the patriarch, there is such a big commotion here, people outside will definitely come in to save us if they hear about it."

Li Xiaoxiao put away the machine gun and smiled evilly: "Give up struggling, I am not here alone, the people outside have already been dealt with by my partners."

After speaking, he tilted his head and pointed to the outside: "Look, my partner is coming."

The other three just came in from outside.

Martin Luther King Jr. was so frightened that his legs were weak: "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to arrest you, you let me go, and I will tell you how to leave."

Li Xiaoxiao didn't care about his begging for mercy, and had the two of them tied up, and then came to the altar.

The potion poured earlier had already taken effect, and the green light of the altar faded, revealing the original golden color.

Li Xiaoxiao asked Fairclair to carefully lift the person on it off, and then she sat on it.

"I never imagined that one day I would do something like this."

She took a deep breath, took out the dagger and slashed at the palm of her hand, blood flowed down the back of her hand and fell to the altar.

The altar emitted a blinding white light, blinding everyone in the basement.

After a long time, the light disappeared, and Li Xiaoxiao supported her body with a pale face.

Xiao Ran went to help her down: "Thank you."

Li Xiaoxiao waved his hand and asked others to put explosives near the altar. Only by blowing up here can we guarantee that these people will not have any backs.

In a few moments, all explosives were installed.

Fairclair had already carried those unconscious people out.He looked at the two people who were tied up: "What about these two people?"

Li Xiaoxiao didn't even look at it: "Just stay here. They have done so many bad things in their life, and I don't know if there is any backup after they go out. It's better to stay and destroy the altar together."

Martin Luther King was so frightened that he cried directly: "No, you can't keep me. Please, take me away!"

The four of them ignored his howling and detonated the bomb when they went out.

bang bang bang-

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the player for destroying the altar and getting 1000 million points, advanced gift bag x 1, bloody fragment x 1. 】

The entire crypt was destroyed, as were all the altars, and now only the prisoners have to be rescued.

(End of this chapter)

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