Chapter 39 Misty Prairie (Dinner)
Lin Jiancong smelled the aroma of the food, so he didn't care about the hot hands, so he picked up a spare rib and started to eat it: "It smells good, it's delicious."

Li Xiaoxiao touched her hungry, growling stomach, picked up a piece with chopsticks and put it on a plate for Gentiana Qin to eat.

When the six people saw the villain who suddenly appeared, they were a little curious.

"Where did this villain come from? It's so cute."

Gentiana Qin took a bite of the meat and was very satisfied: "I am Xiaojiao, the elf of Huahua."

"Elf? Can it do magic?" Lin Jiancong looked at Qin Gentiana with interest.

It was the first time he had seen an elf in his age.

Gentiana chinensis is a bit small, but this piece of meat is a bit big, and after two bites, it was covered in oil.

Li Xiaoxiao had no choice but to take out a wet tissue to wipe her face, and chopped up the meat before returning it to her.

Qin Gentiana: "What is magic?"

"You don't know. It seems that you don't know magic." Lin Jiancong was a little disappointed. He thought he could see the elves cast spells.

Li Xiaoxiao explained softly to Xiao Geng: "Magic is a magical spell formed based on spells."

Qin Gentian tilted his head and thought for a while, the spell should be like the one made by Ge Wushen, as long as he stretched out his hand and waved the magic wand, he could change various things.

If I knew her earlier, I would learn a little bit, so that I can show it.

After dinner, the group sat by the campfire to digest food.

Mu Bai took this opportunity to discuss tomorrow's plan with everyone.The task is to help animals migrate, and the next step is to find animals that need to migrate.

Now that all members are assembled, it's time to find the animals that need to be migrated.

Li Xiaoxiao found some traces before coming here, and shared them with everyone: "I found some traces of grass being trampled on the way here. It seems that it should be the task object we are looking for."

"Where did you find it, and what are the characteristics of those traces?" After finishing speaking, Mu Bai took out his notebook, intending to record the clues Li Xiaoxiao said in real time.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the notebook in his hand silently, and took out the high-definition camera from the backpack: "Is there a possibility that the video is clearer and more accurate than the sketch?"

Mu Bai was stunned, he really didn't pay attention to these things.If he had met a teammate like Li Xiaoxiao earlier, he would not have to rely on his laptop to complete tasks on various maps.

Lin Jiancong smiled awkwardly at the side: "Hahaha, you are still smart."

Lin Jiancong took the camera from Li Xiaoxiao and projected the video.

Li Xiaoxiao photographed some horseshoe prints and some elephant footprints.These are presented very clearly.

"Sorry, I'm used to it." Mu Bai put the notebook away as if nothing had happened, and he decided not to write notes in the future, and there is no need to use the camera.

According to these footprints, Mu Bai analyzed that these footprints came from three different animals.Among them, the horseshoe prints are the most.

Wang Ziyan praised exaggeratedly: "Xiaohua, you are really amazing, you can think of these methods. Why can't I form a team with you earlier."

Li Xiaoxiao felt a little helpless: "There are all these shopping malls, as long as you have seen them, you will know."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "No, there is nothing in my mall."

Now it was Li Xiaoxiao's turn to be shocked, aren't all malls the same?They haven't upgraded yet?

[The mall will unlock the corresponding materials according to the player's points. Now only you have the most points here, so you can exchange the most types. 】

So, she thought that these people didn't know how to use these things.

Several people concluded from the video that there are three kinds of animals they need help this time, namely wildebeest, buffalo and zebra.It is estimated that there are other types of animals that are relatively small.

Based on the video data he had watched before, Mu Bai chose an excellent route on the map.

"However, we cannot guarantee the dangers encountered on these routes. The migration of so many animals will attract accompanying carnivores." Wang Ziyan raised her own doubts.

Li Xiaoxiao: "We can divide into two teams, one team explores the route, and the other team looks for animals."

"No, this task is a collective task, what if we are separated and encounter danger without rescue." Liu Yuedong didn't want to be separated from Mu Bai, after all, this is a big boss.

And there are three girls in the team, if the combat power is not enough, they have to be distracted to rescue.

Gao Xin also disapproves of forming a team. His personal strength is relatively weak. Wouldn't it be very dangerous to meet a lion and a tiger?

At present, he knows that Mu Bai has the highest combat power, and he wants to be in his team.

Mu Bai thought for a while, Li Xiaoxiao's method is really good, it can save a lot of time.But Liu Yuedong's concerns are justified.

For a while, it was difficult for him to make a decision.

Li Xiaoxiao saw his doubts: "Why don't we choose our own team?"

Seeing their thoughts, Wang Ziyan took the initiative to make the first choice: "I choose Xiaohua, I think what Xiaohua said makes sense."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "How about we girls team up and you guys team up?" She was the only girl left with no choice, she didn't want to team up with boys.

Lin Jiancong: "This is not good. You are all girls, it is not safe to be alone in a group."

Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to mess with this group of people: "It's okay, I can protect the other two girls. We're going to explore the road tomorrow, and you guys go find animals. Let's fly a plane, it's safer."

In the end, everyone passed through this group. Before going to bed, Mu Bai chatted with Li Xiaoxiao alone for a while, confirming what needs to be prepared tomorrow.

The next day, the two groups went in different directions to find their targets.

Li Xiaoxiao took the two girls and flew into the sky in a helicopter.She will operate the aircraft, and the other two will record in real time with high-definition cameras facing both sides.

The whole plain looked like grass, and there was only one main road for them to drive behind the fauna.

From the hut to the end, a total of [-] kilometers, need to cross two big rivers.

Looking down from the sky, no dangerous animals were found along the way. In order to avoid the discrepancy between what they saw at high altitude and the reality, the three decided to drive back.

"Wow~ If you don't do any tasks, how nice it is to just drive around the grassland like this!" Wang Ziyan leaned half of her body out of the car window and spread her hands to feel the wind.

Zhang Xiaomeng held her feet, afraid that she would fall if she got excited.

After walking for a while, a few people came to the second river. The water in this river was relatively slow, and the way down was difficult.

Li Xiaoxiao got off the station and walked for a while by the river, then squatted down to feel the softness of the soil.

Wang Ziyan followed suit, and she suggested: "The soil is loose and steep, which is not suitable for animals to climb up. Our shovel will dig a passage, which will be more convenient."

Li Xiaoxiao clapped her hands: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, let's just dig it with the excavator, and then use the bulldozer to crush it a few times."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "But we don't know how to drive."

"It's okay, I'll come." Li Xiaoxiao exchanged the excavator from the mall, and asked the two to watch.

Soon, a spacious slope was completed, and in order not to cause congestion, Li Xiaoxiao dug a few more from the side.

Li Xiaoxiao watched with satisfaction that there were suitable paths on both sides.

Wang Ziyan said weakly: "Actually, let's just build a bridge directly, it will save a lot of trouble."

Li Xiaoxiao turned her head and stared at her, Wang Ziyan hid behind Zhang Xiaomeng in fear and poked her head out.

Li Xiaoxiao: "Don't be afraid, I just think that next time I have other ideas, I will talk about it earlier, so that I can save more time and don't have to do so much useless work."

Wang Ziyan nodded quickly: "Okay, I understand."

The three found a suitable place, exchanged the materials for making the bridge, and put them directly into the synthesis blueprint to wait for synthesis.

It takes 24 hours to build a bridge. Several people decided to go back first, and then take out the bridge when they come with the fauna.

(End of this chapter)

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