Chapter 43 Misty Prairie
"Wait." Li Xiaoxiao woke up from her sleep.

She glanced at the shield on the back of her hand. Not only was it red at the moment, but the tingling was so intense that she had to wake up from her sleep.

This kind of strong reminder made her quickly understand that there was a very dangerous existence nearby.

The team stopped, and Gao Xin, who was flying in the sky, didn't know why, so he circled in the sky.

Li Xiaoxiao stood on the roof of the off-road vehicle and looked into the distance with binoculars.

Zhang Xiaomeng was a little curious: "Sister Hua, what are you doing?"

"There is danger around here." Li Xiaoxiao asked them to be vigilant around, and by the way, asked Qin Geng to notify the leaders to pay attention to their surroundings.

"But around god!" Before Zhang Xiaomeng could finish his sentence, the weeds beside him grew rapidly, and suddenly they grew taller than the off-road vehicle.

The blades of those weeds are serrated and look like a sharp sickle.

Fortunately, in order to hurry, Li Xiaoxiao let all the animals walk on the road, and none of them were missing or injured at the moment.

"Xiao Mang, is there any weapon that can form an enchantment?"

There are so many animals, they can't protect them alone.Moreover, these weeds are so sharp that they will be cut into two if you are not careful.

【No, but Gentiana Qin can do it. 】

Little genus?By the way, when I first saw Gentiana Qin, she was protected by a protective cover.

Li Xiaoxiao immediately called Qin Gentiana back: "Little Gentiana, can you open the protective cover to protect these animals?"

"Okay, it's just that so many animals consume my energy, I'm going to go back to sleep for a while." Qin Gentiana was a little embarrassed, if she fell into a deep sleep, she couldn't come out to play.

Seeing her tangled appearance, Li Xiaoxiao thought it would be harmful to her body.

She patted Xiaojiao's head distressedly: "Is it dangerous for you to do this? If it hurts you, forget it. I will think of other ways."

"No, I just need to sleep to regenerate energy." Xiao Gentian puffed up her chest, she is so powerful that opening a barrier can't hurt him.

"it is good."

Gentiana Qin flew over the animals, chanted a spell, and soon, a huge energy shield protected all the animals.

After finishing all this, Gentiana Qin weakly flew back to Li Xiaoxiao's hand: "This protective cover can only last for an hour, you have to fight quickly." After speaking, he disappeared.

Li Xiaoxiao said softly to the void: "Little Gentle, thank you."

She turned around and shouted to all the animals: "Please don't come out of this protective cover, we will find a way to quickly get rid of these grasses."

After Li Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out the sickle and stepped out of the protective cover to chop the weeds, but the weeds grew back after being cut.

Li Xiaoxiao angrily took out the weeder and shoveled it all the way, but still couldn't get rid of these weeds, instead they grew taller and stronger.

Li Xiaoxiao's operation was noticed by others, and they couldn't help but worry that these weeds would go crazy and attack her.

"Wild fires are endless, and the spring breeze blows again. It seems that the only way to get rid of these weeds is to remove their roots."

Li Xiaoxiao asked Gao Xin to take a group of photos in the sky and post them in the community to see if he could find something special.

It can be seen from the picture that only the weeds near them grow taller, and there is no change in other places.

Li Xiaoxiao squatted down to look at the roots of the weeds, and found that they were connected together.She directly pulled one out, lowered her head and walked in the direction.

"Why is Huahua gone!" Zhang Xiaomeng kept looking at Li Xiaoxiao, but she disappeared in the same place in an instant.

She went back to the car to wake up Mu Bai, and contacted Gao Xin to see if Li Xiaoxiao could be seen.

Li Xiaoxiao kept her head down and followed the direction of the grass roots. After walking for some time, she found a lot of fog in front of her.

"You..." Li Xiaoxiao turned around to remind everyone to be careful, but found that they couldn't be seen, and she didn't know where they were at the moment.

The surroundings were eerily quiet, only her and a lot of fog, and even the weeds had returned to their original size.

At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao noticed two figures appearing in front of her, who seemed to be planting something.

Li Xiaoxiao held the sickle tightly and approached the two cautiously, but found that she couldn't get there no matter what.

A strange wind blew by, the two figures disappeared, and a huge tree appeared in front of them.

"Help me, save me!" A faint voice sounded.

"Who?" Li Xiaoxiao looked around suspiciously.

"Help me, he...he's going to hurt me."

"Who are you? How can I save you?"

There was another strange wind, the big tree disappeared, and the weak voice also disappeared.

Li Xiaoxiao's hairs stood on end, she rubbed the back of her hands, and sped up her steps to escape from here.

But no matter how long you walk, you can't get out of this fog.

On the other side, after waking up, Mu Bai simply asked Zhang Xiaomeng about the situation at that time, confirmed the place where Li Xiaoxiao disappeared, and took her up to check.

He found the weeder that Li Xiaoxiao had left in place, and looked at the state of the nearby weeds. "What's wrong, why is this grass stronger than the ones outside?"

Zhang Xiaomeng tore off a leaf, took a closer look, put it in his mouth, took a bite and spit it out: "Bah, bah, what is this, why is it so bitter?"

"Bitter?" Mu Bai took a sip, and it was indeed so bitter that he doubted life.

But why is this weed so bitter?This is obviously a reed, its taste is a little sweet and a little bland, it can't be bitter.

Unless these grasses are not reeds, are they bitter bamboos?
Mu Bai took a sip uncertainly and savored it carefully.Bitter and a little pungent.

It is confirmed that it is bitter bamboo grass, but what is the effect of these bitter bamboos appearing here?

"Brother Bai, look, the roots of these grasses are connected together."

Zhang Xiaomeng's call pulled Mu Bai out of his thoughts, and he followed her hand to look at the roots of these grasses.

Could it be that Li Xiaoxiao's disappearance has something to do with these grasses?He took out a bundle of fishing lines, tied one end to a rock, and put the other end in Zhang Xiaomeng's hand.

"Hold it, I suspect there is something wrong with these grass roots, if you find anything unusual, you can pull it, I can feel it."

Zhang Xiaomeng nodded, watching Mu Bai walk around the grass roots, and then disappeared in front of his eyes.

She hastily pulled on the line.

Mu Bai was pulled by the fishing line, he stopped and looked around, and found a fog.He turned around and couldn't see Zhang Xiaomeng. If the fishing line wasn't still there, he might have thought he was in another dimension.

He walked back along the fishing line, and found Zhang Xiaomeng after two steps.

"Brother Bai, where did you go just now? Why can't I see you? Just when I was about to look for you, you suddenly appeared." Zhang Xiaomeng asked worriedly.

The moment she couldn't see Mu Bai just now, she felt very scared, if he disappeared too, how could she save Li Xiaoxiao back.

Mu Bai briefly explained the situation to her, and asked her to hold on to the fishing line at all times, so that it would not break or cause accidents.

After explaining everything, Mu Bai lowered his head and followed the direction of the grass roots into the mist again.

Li Xiaoxiao went from brisk walking to running, until she squatted down to rest after exhausting all her strength.

"Huahua, save me!"

"It's all your fault! Why did you ask me to do this! I hate you!"

"Huahua, save me. I'm afraid."

"Why didn't you save me, you clearly saw me! Why!"


Waves of dizzying conversations kept ringing in Li Xiaoxiao's ears.

She was so disturbed by the sound that she had a headache and fainted on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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