Chapter 46 Misty Prairie
Liu Yuedong turned around and saw that it was a tree demon.

The Dryad was covered in green bubbles, and the slime dragged all over the floor.

At this moment, it opened its mouth, looked at the two of them with empty eyes, and a branch rested on Wang Ziyan's shoulder.

Liu Yuedong's voice trembled: "This, what is this?"

Wang Ziyan turned around in fear, and fainted when she saw the appearance of the tree demon.

After Wang Ziyan fell, the tree demon looked at Liu Yuedong and made a hehehe sound.

Liu Yuedong also wanted to faint, but the tree demon directly wrapped the branch around his neck, as if if he dared to faint, his neck would be broken in a second.

"Ah... let me go..." Liu Yuedong clenched the branches with both hands, trying to break free.

The dryad tightened his mouth more and more, and his mouth grew bigger and bigger.

Seeing that something was wrong, Liu Yuedong bought a bomb from the mall and threw it into the tree demon's mouth, then took out a machete to cut off the branches.

The dryad's mouth was blown off, and its entire face became even more ferocious.

Liu Yuedong coughed violently on the ground, and he quickly sent a message to Zhang Xiaomeng to come to the rescue.

However, Zhang Xiaomeng didn't know where they were at the moment, so he could only be anxious.

She took Gao Xin and the others to an emergency meeting, trying to find a way to find the two of them.

Wang Ziyan was awakened by the sound of the bomb, she hurriedly got up and helped Liu Yuedong up: "Are you okay?"

Liu Yuedong took advantage of the situation and got up, took a medicine to calm himself down.

The two took out their weapons and looked at the tree demon warily.

The dryad moved its body, and more branches branched out from behind to attack the two of them.

The two avoided the attack, one left and one right, and cut off all the branches extending over them.

Branches soon piled up under the two of them.


The branches below seem to come alive, intertwined under the feet of the two.

Wang Ziyan was a little anxious: "What should I do? This branch cannot be cut off."

The lower bodies of the two of them could no longer move, Liu Yuedong cruelly took out the bomb and threw it at the tree demon.

"protect yourself!"

Taking advantage of the tree demon being bombed, the two quickly cut off the branches under their feet and fled the land.

After Liu Yuedong escaped, he threw a few more bombs at the tree demon: "Let's run away quickly."

The two of them ran for an unknown amount of time, and the tree demon behind them was finally thrown off.

Wang Ziyan turned her head and couldn't see the tree demon, so she grabbed Liu Yuedong who was running forward: "Stop...stop, the tree demon...was thrown off by us."

The two were so tired that they sat down on the ground to rest.

Liu Yuedong took out the water bottle and drank most of the bottle: "This tree demon is too troublesome, fortunately I am more clever."

Liu Yuedong babbled on and on for a long time without getting an answer from Wang Ziyan, he turned to look at her: " did you become like this."

Wang Ziyan's body turned green, and she looked silly, not at all as clever as before.

Liu Yuedong quickly took a few steps back: "You won't be replaced, don't come here."

Wang Ziyan stood up slowly, her stiff body approached Liu Yuedong step by step.

Liu Yuedong retreated again and again: "You...don't come here, or don't blame me for not recognizing my teammates."

Wang Ziyan looked at him stupidly, her eyes were sharp, and she flew up to attack.

Afraid of hurting her, Liu Yuedong put away his knife and blocked her attack with his bare hands.

The two fought back and forth fiercely.

On the other side, Zhang Xiaomeng took Gao Xin into the mist according to Mu Bai's method of saving Li Xiaoxiao last time.

The two entered the fog for the first time, and walked forward cautiously.

Suddenly, they heard an explosion ahead.The two looked at each other, realized that it was the movement made by Liu Yuedong and the others, and hurried over.

The two ran to the explosion site and found that the surrounding area was full of wood debris, but Liu Yuedong was not there.

"Let's look further ahead, maybe they will escape there." Gao Xin pointed to the road ahead.

Zhang Xiaomeng nodded.

The two quickly caught up, and as soon as they came, they saw Liu Yuedong pin Wang Ziyan to the ground.

Wang Ziyan's whole body turned green, which was abnormal at first glance.

Zhang Xiaomeng couldn't help exclaiming: "What's going on? How did Xiaoyan become like this? What happened to you?"

Liu Yuedong tied Wang Ziyan tightly, and after confirming that she couldn't move, she explained to the two: "I don't know, we only found out that she became like this when we ran here."

"It took me a lot of effort to catch her. I guess she was poisoned by the tree demon."

"Dry demon? Is it the scum we saw on the road we came from?" Gao Xin pointed behind him.

What kind of dryad poison would make a person like this, almost like a zombie.

Liu Yuedong nodded, at the moment he has no strength at all.

After running for so long, he still wants to subdue Wang Ziyan. He just wants to rest now.

Zhang Xiaomeng stepped forward to check on Wang Ziyan's status, and was almost bitten.

Liu Yuedong reminded her to be careful, and stuffed a towel into Wang Ziyan's mouth.

Not only did Wang Ziyan's whole body turn green at this moment, her hair began to fork and grow leaves, and her eyes began to become hollow and lifeless.

Zhang Xiaomeng took out a detoxification pill from the backpack and fed it to Wang Ziyan, temporarily suppressing the spread of the poison.

"This is the antidote pill that I managed to get from the previous map. I don't know if it will be effective against the poison of this dryad. Let's go out and think of a solution."

After Zhang Xiaomeng finished speaking, she helped Wang Ziyan up, tied a hemp rope around her body, and led her away with the other end.

Liu Yuedong tremblingly helped Gao Xin's hand to stand up: "You have to support me, I have no strength."

The four of them walked back along the way they had just come. After passing the place where the tree demon was blown up, Zhang Xiaomeng squatted down to pick up a piece of debris.

Take it back to Sister Hua for inspection, maybe she will think of a way.And Mu Bai, he is a doctor, maybe he can save Wang Ziyan too.

The four went around and went around, finally returning to the outside world.

When they came out, they were attacked by monsters again.

Gao Xin couldn't help cursing: "Are these monsters after us? Why do they always want to make trouble."

Leaving the weak Liu Yuedong to keep an eye on Wang Ziyan, the remaining two quickly joined the battle.

This time it was a mutated python that came to attack, fortunately there was only one.

With the two joined, the boa constrictor was quickly killed.

Li Xiaoxiao routinely stepped forward to collect the useful parts, and then looked at the two who came slowly: "Where have you been? Why can't I see you?"

Zhang Xiaomeng explained: "We found Liu Yuedong and Wang Ziyan disappeared, so we went to look for them, that's why we left."

"What about the two of them? Did you find it? Do you want us to help you?"

"No, no, we found it, but the situation is a bit complicated." Gao Xin waved his hand hastily, and then brought them back to the off-road vehicle.

Li Xiaoxiao saw that Wang Ziyan was poisoned at a glance, she looked at Mu Bai: "What kind of poison do you see in her? Can it be cured?"

Mu Bai is a doctor and knows about many diseases. Besides, he got a bible of medicine and poison in a certain map. I don't know if there is any record of this poison on it.

Seeing them coming back, Liu Yuedong simply told what happened to them, and told Wang Mubai that Ziyan was poisoned by the tree demon.

Zhang Xiaomeng also took out the pieces he picked up and handed them to Mu Bai, hoping to help him detoxify.

Mu Bai took the broken pieces, and first did a simple inspection for Wang Ziyan to confirm that the toxin was suppressed, then looked at the broken pieces in his hand.

"The poison of this dryad is difficult to cure. I have never encountered it before. Now I can only suppress her toxicity. I can only save her when I develop an antidote."

Several people simply modified the off-road vehicle and made an isolation iron cage to lock Wang Ziyan inside.

There are two girls who take turns taking care of her daily life.

(End of this chapter)

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