Chapter 48 Misty Prairie
27 days passed quickly.

In the past 20 days, several people built a house near the community to store grain and grass, and built a solid shelter for all the animals.

What's interesting is that some carnivorous animals and some scattered other animals seemed to know what was going to happen in the grassland, and came to seek refuge with Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao thought about putting them all into the barrier.

Seeing their abnormal movements, those leaders blocked them several times, and finally realized that they would be in danger if they left the barrier.

The leaders gave up their plan to go out and led their teams to quiet down.

There is a shelter built by Li Xiaoxiao and the others, and there is endless dry food.

It's not a bad thing to stay like this.

For more than 20 days, Li Xiaoxiao and the others had nothing to do to explore along the grassroots Jinrun foggy space.

They encountered all kinds of plant mutants. When they met a tree demon, they got the antidote for the toxin on Wang Ziyan's body and successfully detoxified her.

The toxin on Wang Ziyan's body was detoxified, but her whole body has not recovered, so she had to stay in the hut to take care of the animals.

One day while feeding the animals, she discovered fog lights hidden in the animals' homes.

The adventure team on the other side also found a large number of fog lights in the foggy space.

According to Xiao Mang's prompt, everyone hung fog lights on the walls of all the buildings. The huts, animal shelters, and animal food houses each had ten fog lights.

They found a lot of these things, and if they really didn't have a place to hang them, they would have wanted to hang more.

After all, this light will come in handy in the future.

[Ding~ The grassland has entered the rainy season.There is some kind of mysterious substance contained in the heavy rain, which causes all kinds of plants on the grassland to grow wildly and become very dangerous. 】

【Players, please protect the animals and find out the secrets in the rain. The task time is not limited. 】

Boom!Boom! ——

Crackling, crackling——

The heavy rain fell as soon as it was said, the sky outside was gloomy, and the entire grassland was plunged into darkness.

Occasionally, lightning appeared to illuminate the surroundings. Several people put on raincoats and lit up the hung fog lights.

This fog lamp is not affected by the weather, and still emits this light to illuminate the surrounding area.

Several people sat in the living room, discussing the next move.

Li Xiaoxiao expressed her thoughts. She felt that after the rainy season, the entire grassland would not be bright unless the mysterious substance in the heavy rain was solved.

Moreover, the rainy season usually lasts for a long time. If they don't find out the mysterious substance quickly, the heavy rain might keep falling.

Now they have found a lot of plant cards in the foggy space, plus the rewards for completing the task, they have more than 100 cards.

The function of the plant card has not yet been announced. Today is the first day of rain, and they decided to stay in the hut to observe the situation first.

Li Xiaoxiao took out a basin and took some water to let Xiaomang test the ingredients.

But Xiaomang said that it would be cheating if it helped to detect, and refused to help.

Li Xiaoxiao and the others could only rely on Mu Bai for research, after all, he was the only one present who knew how to conduct experiments.

It rained heavily for a week, except that the animals and plants in the enchantment were not affected, and the grass around the hut became two meters high.

In order to prevent the danger from seeing the surrounding situation clearly, several of them took turns to go out every day and cut off the nearby grass.

However, they will still grow the next day.

If it wasn't for the rain that would dilute the medicine, Li Xiaoxiao really wanted to get rid of them with a bottle of herbicide.

However, hand harvesting also has the benefits of hand harvesting.

Li Xiaoxiao tried to feed these tall grasses to animals and found that there was no problem with them.

In this way, their food and grass can be kept fresh every day.

After a month of heavy rain, Li Xiaoxiao and the others mastered the functions of plant cards.

They have the same effect as the plant cards in the Plants vs. Zombies that I have played before, but the health value, power, defense, etc. are all stronger.

This is when Lin Jiancong accidentally dropped an okra card when he encountered a mutant dryad while mowing the grass. The okra attacked the dryad frantically.

The piercing effect was higher than the damage they could do with bombs.

Each of these cards can only be used ten times, and each time lasts for 24 hours.

In order to get more effective information, several people picked out some plant cards that were not very useful and planted them.

Under the constant monitoring of high-definition cameras, several people finally knew the secret of the plant card.

They also discovered a mysterious substance hidden in the heavy rain during a battle between the pea shooter and the prickly mutant.

It's a very tiny electrical current that occurs when the electrons reach some sort of impact.

Several people watched the clip repeatedly and came to several conclusions.

When plants turn into monsters, only plant card attacks are the most effective.

When plants attack the hut, the protective enchantment will fluctuate.

When these plants have mood swings, the substances hidden in the heavy rain will provide them with energy and make them stronger.

Leaving all the plant cards and others to guard the hut, Li Xiaoxiao and Mu Bai specially put on raincoats made of insulators and flew to the sky to observe.

They found that these heavy rains only fell near the hut, and no rain fell five kilometers away from the hut.But it was still dark all around.

The two landed in the darkness and explored with fog lights.

In this silent environment, they only heard the sound of their walking footsteps, and the surrounding plants were as motionless as if they had pressed the stop button.

There is no sound of mosquitoes, rats and ants around.

"It's too weird here, even weirder than in the foggy space." Li Xiaoxiao said to Mu Bai in a low voice.

Mu Bai imitated her and lowered his voice: "Shhh, I feel something looking at us in front of me."

The two fell silent, and continued walking forward with the fog lights in hand.

There are two roads ahead, and there are weird willow trees on the side of these two roads.

It looks similar to the big tree near Big Big Wolf's Castle.

The ferocious appearance is scary to look at.

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help getting closer to Mu Bai: "Is what you just noticed these tree demons?"

Mu Bai hesitated for a while and nodded: "I feel that they have been watching us."

Li Xiaoxiao nodded to show that she saw it too.

There were too many tree demons here, but they didn't attack the two of them at all, they just looked at them with empty eyes.

The two felt that they should take the left path, and then explore the right side after exploring the left side.

The two were vigilant around and walked into the left road.Mu Bai left a sign at intervals to prevent getting lost.


A burst of birdsong startled Li Xiaoxiao, she held onto Mu Bai's arm tightly: "There will be no ghosts, I'm most afraid of that thing, you have to protect me."

Mu Bai heard her trembling voice due to fear, and patted her head to comfort her: "Don't be afraid, it's just a few birds."

The two continued to move forward, and found a bright hut in front of them.

The two turned off the fog lights, walked to the neighborhood and hid to observe.

Soon, an old man in long-distance running clothes came out and poured a basin of water.

"Witch?" Li Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice.

Mu Bai also felt strange, why this game is getting more and more outrageous, and there are still witches appearing.

The two decided to stand still and continue to observe.

After a while, there was a lightning strike in the sky, and the two saw a wisp of green smoke coming from the witch's chimney.The smoke disappeared after flying into the sky.

The strange thing is that the smoke is a bit like the mysterious substance in the heavy rain that Li Xiaoxiao and the others saw before.

"How about we go into the house and have a look?" Li Xiaoxiao suggested.

Mu Bai nodded: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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