Chapter 5 Ocean Drifting (Red-Eyed Wild Pig)
Li Xiaoxiao walked along the river for a long time before stopping.

It was too dark, and I could only walk by the moonlight, and I didn't know where I was going all of a sudden.

"It should be safe here, and the smell of blood on the body should be cleaned up."

Li Xiaoxiao rekindled a fire, changed into a set of jackets, and applied medicine to the wound.

She washed the dirty clothes and dried them on wooden sticks, and took out the food that had cooled down and reheated it.

When the smell of food wafted up again, Li Xiaoxiao seemed to hear the sound of a wild boar again.

"Damn, I won't come again."

If you listen carefully, it's really the grunting sound of a wild boar.

She exchanged two high-efficiency mist potions from the mall this time, picked up the big knife and hid, looking around vigilantly.

Soon, a red-eyed hog appeared, smaller than before.

Li Xiaoxiao took advantage of it's inadvertent attack and shot two mist potions into the wild boar's body.

Just heard a bang, and the pig fell down.

"Fortunately, this pig is small, as long as the effect of two mist potions is effective, it will lie down directly. Otherwise, without rocks as an aid, it may not be possible to catch it."

Li Xiaoxiao went over and pulled out the needle, "Xiao Mang, take it back."

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the player for catching a live red-eyed wild boar and earning [-] points. 】

Li Xiaoxiao was shocked when she heard this, "Could it be possible to get double points by catching mutated animals alive?"

[Insufficient points, unable to answer. 】

This was originally just a guess, but upon hearing Xiaomang's answer, Li Xiaoxiao felt that her guess was right.

Maybe this is just like the novel, the unknown virus causes the animals and plants on this planet to mutate, in order to find out the reason or the solution, some people will be sent to explore in order to survive?

However, why did you find her, an alien?And why only live mutants are recycled, and dead mutants are not recycled?Is there any secret in this system?
Li Xiaoxiao thought quickly, and she felt that she was getting close to the truth, but it seemed that she was almost there.

"Huh? No, how could this pig be found so accurately? Could it be that this is their nest?" Li Xiaoxiao belatedly started to review.

This should not be their nest, after all, she had been gone for a long time just now.And looking at them, they seem to be attracted by something.

"I remember them appearing almost every time I was getting ready to eat. Is there something wrong with the food?"

Li Xiaoxiao hurried over to pick up tonight's food with a spoon.

She remembered that these were a kind of red wild fruit picked on the road, which looked a bit like snake fruit.Because it is a little sour and sweet, she added it as a seasoning.

"Is it really the taste of this fruit?"

In order to test this idea, Li Xiaoxiao put all the remaining fruits from her backpack into a pot, mashed them and cooked them together.

Then climb up the taller tree nearby and wait.

Sure enough, when the smell of food wafted up again, Li Xiaoxiao heard the grunting of wild boars.

Li Xiaoxiao carefully observed its movements.

This pig was bigger than the previous two, nearly three meters tall, with a fatter body and sharper tusks.

Even some of the bushes it passed were broken by its tusks.

Li Xiaoxiao held her breath and exchanged four high-efficiency mist potions from the mall.

The wild boar came to the pot with a grunt, knocked over the food with one front foot, and started to eat with its snout a few times.

Li Xiaoxiao seized the opportunity to inject four potions into its body in a row.

Peng!It fell down.

The nearby trees were shaken by the pig.

Li Xiaoxiao hugged the tree tightly to prevent it from falling.

After confirming that the wild boar was not moving, Li Xiaoxiao quickly went down: "Xiao Mang, take it back."

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the player for catching the red-eyed wild boar alive and earning 100 million points. 】

really!The pig was attracted by the fruit.

However, can this fruit be used to catch more red-eyed wild pigs?Wouldn't the points go up like this?Is this far from the transaction?

Li Xiaoxiao was very happy in her heart, she hurriedly cleaned up her things, and started looking for these fruits at dawn tomorrow.

What is most needed right now is rest. After tossing and tossing for half a night, Li Xiaoxiao's spirit began to become exhausted.

She climbed up a nearby tree as her bed tonight, and found a suitable place to tie herself to the tree with a rope.

The next day, Li Xiaoxiao collected a lot of fruits and boiled them, then squatted aside and waited.

A few days later, Li Xiaoxiao caught a total of four red-eyed wild boars.

She was going to exchange some mist potions, and then found that the price had increased, from [-] points to [-] points.

"Why did the price increase? It's still so outrageous." It's not worthwhile to catch wild pigs like this.

[This is a reasonable price increase to prevent players from relying too much on the products in the mall.Each item will increase in price if consumed more in a short period of time. 】


If this is the case, let's do it today, and wait until the strength rises before trapping the red-eyed wild boar.

Although the current points are enough, in order to prevent accidents, they are still not redeemed.

It is also necessary to speed up the opening of trading permissions, and then you can earn more points.

Li Xiaoxiao caught a rabbit and planned to make a roasted rabbit tonight.The coconuts in the backpack have been eaten, otherwise you can make a coconut bunny.

Li Xiaoxiao gave up the idea of ​​rebuilding the house since the last time the house she had worked so hard to build was destroyed by wild boars.

Unless a hidden cave is found, any house built may be destroyed.

Li Xiaoxiao ate roasted rabbit legs, thinking about the road she had traveled in the past few days.

This small island is not big and can be visited in one day.But there is great danger.

When she was squatting on the wild boar, she found several snake holes. According to the size of the hole and the traces nearby, she could guess that this snake was at least [-] centimeters thick.

Now she has captured six wild boars, probably breaking the biological balance of the island.

Maybe you can try to challenge the general to catch a few big snakes, so that you can balance the biological chain of this island.

But that thing is too disgusting, I haven't met it yet, I don't know where to find it.

"Mang, can you help me detect the traces of those snakes?"

[Insufficient points, unable to detect. 】


"What's the use of you."

Li Xiaoxiao decided to give up catching snakes first, and start catching the sea tomorrow.

She calculated the time, thirteen days had passed since she came here, and she still had more than half a month to complete the task issued by the system.

The first open chat panel has been completed, and there is still a purple aurora shell to be found.

"Tomorrow, look for it on the nearby coast first. If you can't find it, then dive to a deeper place to look for it."

Peaceful night.

Li Xiaoxiao came to the beach early in the morning.

The rising sun shone warmly on the sea, forming layers of waves.The water and the sky are the same color, so beautiful.

Li Xiaoxiao admired the morning light for a while and then walked along the coastline.

After half a circle, the sun rose to the top.

Li Xiaoxiao found nothing but some clams.She walked into the nearby jungle to rest and process the clams she picked up for lunch.

"Mang, do you know what that purple aurora shell looks like? I haven't found a purple shell after picking it up all morning."

[Insufficient points, unable to inform. 】

Li Xiaoxiao was a little helpless: "Is that all you can say? Really can't reveal a little bit?"

[Insufficient points, unable to inform. 】


Li Xiaoxiao was a little discouraged, but then thought that maybe she could ask other people for help.

Li Xiaoxiao opened the world window and entered what she wanted to say.

"Has anyone seen a purple aurora shell?"

A bunch of useless information drifted by.

Just when Li Xiaoxiao was about to give up, she finally saw a piece of useful information.

"The purple aurora usually lives at a depth of 20 to [-] meters. If you want to pick it up, you have to rely on luck to find a fluorescent green boa. Its bile can reveal the purple aurora."

The first half of the sentence is understandable, but what is this fluorescent green boa?
Li Xiaoxiao continued to ask: "Where do fluorescent green boas usually live?"

After a while, the man did not reply to her.

But at least there is a trace of clues, so it is not ignorant of this purple aurora shell.

Li Xiaoxiao quit the chat, thinking about what this fluorescent green boa is and where to find it.

[Players can go to the snake cave discovered a few days ago to try their luck. 】

"Huh? Is that snake the fluorescent green boa?"

This time Xiaomang didn't give any more hints.

Is it really a fluorescent green boa?However, how can we effectively grasp it?
There is a saying that does not mean that a snake becomes a python, and a python becomes an anaconda.Although they are all snakes, they are different families, and anacondas are bigger than pythons.

It is said that anacondas can grow more than ten meters long, weigh more than 200 kilograms, and have a torso as thick as the waist of an adult man.

What if you really encounter such a big anaconda?
Moreover, when you hear the name of the fluorescent green boa, you feel that it is unusual.Wouldn't it be another mutant?Otherwise, how can I explain that only when this anaconda is mentioned, Xiao Mang will give a reminder.

Xiao Mang would not have reminded him when he met an ordinary creature before this, and only gave a little reminder when he talked about the anaconda just now.

After eating lunch, Li Xiaoxiao went to those caves, and brought all the herbs that could detoxify along the way. What if the snake was poisonous?
Soon, Li Xiaoxiao came to the entrance of one of the caves.

A long trace was drawn from the entrance of the cave. Li Xiaoxiao touched the trace with her hand, looked carefully, and confirmed that the snake had been active nearby recently.

She fixed two stakes on either side of the hole, and then tied a slipknot with a rope around the two stakes, making the knot the same size as the hole.

She took out some bird eggs and some wild fruits she picked up on the road from her backpack and put them at the intersection.

Finally she ducked aside and waited vigilantly.

It was getting dark soon.

"Is the snake not there?"

In desperation, Li Xiaoxiao could only choose to leave here.

The next day, Li Xiaoxiao first went to see the trap made the day before, which was used to catch small mammals.

If you can catch a pheasant or a hare, you can use it as bait to lure the snake out.

I didn't find any after checking several traps, but several of them were triggered, indicating that there are still small mammals active nearby.

"There is only one last trap left, and I hope to gain something."

Li Xiaoxiao got closer and closer to the trap, and found feathers around the trap.

It seemed to be the feather of a pheasant, she ran over excitedly.

At this moment, she felt a strong gaze locking on herself from behind.

She turned around stiffly.

(End of this chapter)

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