Chapter 52 Misty Prairie
Zhang Xiaomeng came to the exit and entered from here.

She saw that the two of them were made like sculptures by the mud, and she couldn't help laughing: "Haha, no, how did you become like this?"

Liu Yuedong said angrily, "Stop laughing, save us quickly."

Zhang Xiaomeng took out a high-pressure water gun, took out a large water tank and put it in to absorb the water in it for them to rinse.

"Hahaha, no, you guys are really going to kill me with laughter. Hahaha, the more I look at it, the more I want to laugh."

These two people played with the bear boy and fell into the mud pit, which was covered with mud. Not only that, they also had a few leaves on their bodies.

It looks very funny.

"Don't laugh, help us quickly." Gao Xin couldn't stand the mud on his body, if he couldn't move, he would have washed it with water.

Zhang Xiaomeng helped them wash off all the mud on their bodies, and then told them that all the mutants had been eliminated.

Now let's see if Li Xiaoxiao and the others can come back quickly.

By the time they come back, this first task has been completed and the rainy season has passed.

Now it depends on the situation of the second task, and then we can continue to form a team to complete it.

the other side.

Li Xiaoxiao hasn't found what the witch is spying on yet. The locks in the dungeon are made of special materials and cannot be opened with ordinary things, not even the things exchanged in the mall.

There were more and more leaves on Mubai's head, and his body had already started to become stiff, making it very inconvenient to move.

He needs a lot of time to research the antidote, but his physical condition does not allow it.

His head became confused, and his hands and feet began to feel awkward.

bump!Experiment failed.

Mu Bai was shocked.

He took out a handkerchief to wipe it clean, and slowly packed up his things.

Li Xiaoxiao hurried over to check: "What's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Mu Bai's voice changed from deep and magnetic to old and rough: "It's okay, the experiment failed. It seems that this witch is very powerful. I can't crack her special potion with my current ability."

Li Xiaoxiao took out a big bowl, cut her arm and put half a bowl of donated blood, then pushed it to Mu Bai.

"Try whether my blood is useful. My blood contains the power of Aegis and blessings. Maybe it can be used as a medicine."

Both the power of the priest and his wife can dispel evil spirits. I don't know if the special potion for witches will work.

Mu Bai glanced at her gratefully, took out the blood tonic and gave her: "Take some tonic."

Then take out the clean and tidy experimental equipment and start the experiment again.

Li Xiaoxiao took the medicine, took out the bench and sat aside to watch Mu Bai do the experiment.

I have to say that serious men are really handsome.

This move touched people's heartstrings.

Li Xiaoxiao is not an ordinary woman, she wants to move after watching it for a long time, and feels a little boring.

Mu Bai re-prepared the antidote based on his memory.

Li Xiaoxiao walked to the cell door and looked outside.

The witch and the monster had left here long ago, and there were only some strange-shaped plants beside them.

Looking at the plants in front of her that hadn't fully mutated, she could confirm that the witch was the one who created the mutants.

But why would she do this?
From the fact that she took them in for the night and put sleep potion in dinner to make them sleep, so as to prevent accidents at night, it can be seen that she is a good person by nature.

If they hadn't been found exploring the hut at night, the witch might have let them go.

What happened to the witch?

Why study these plants?

Li Xiaoxiao checked the photos taken during the previous exploration.

In order to prevent any omissions from being discovered, Li Xiaoxiao took pictures of every corner, even the toilet.

Li Xiaoxiao looked through each one carefully.

Found a similar photo in the living room and kitchen.

A beautiful woman is having a picnic with her two daughters. Begonia flowers are placed in front of them, and a puppet cat is playing beside them.

Based on the experience of the last map, Li Xiaoxiao felt that this painting must have some meaning.

She extracted the two photos separately, and then continued to search.

Mu Bai's experiment exploded again, but this time he got the antidote he wanted.

Both are very happy.

Mu Bai drank the antidote, the leaves on his head began to disappear, and his body returned to normal.

He tried to speak: "Okay?"

His voice turned back to low and magnetic.

The two looked at each other excitedly.

However, Li Xiaoxiao's smile disappeared in a second, and she touched her nose in embarrassment.

Mu Bai instantly sensed something was wrong, and asked cautiously: "What's wrong? Is there anything on my body that hasn't recovered?"

Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to hurt his heart, so he took out a mirror silently: "You can see for yourself."

Mu Bai looked over slowly, seeing the two leaves reappearing on his head, his heart broke down a bit.

This green leaf is hard to get through, is it?
Li Xiaoxiao patted him on the shoulder to show him to be stronger, there is no hurdle to overcome, just ignore it.

As long as it is impure, there is no such thing.

"Thank you for your comfort." Mu Bai nodded silently, took out a hat and put it on.

What Li Xiaoxiao said makes sense, as long as you can't see it, it doesn't exist.

"However, does your antidote succeed like this?" Li Xiaoxiao thought that if she didn't succeed, she would draw some blood, and she would always find the right antidote.

Mu Bai seemed to see what she wanted to do, and hurriedly stopped him: "Forget it, let's do it this way, it's good to be able to recover to this level, no matter how much blood you put, it's useless."

Li Xiaoxiao withdrew her arm regretfully, and she still wanted to study more to avoid being tricked next time.

Mu Bai put away all the things, he left a little antidote, and took it out to study after returning to safety.

He always felt that the reason for the failure was a little bit closer, but he still didn't know what it was.

Li Xiaoxiao showed him what he had just discovered, to see if he could find something different, after all, he had more experience than her.

Mu Bai took the photo, he had never encountered a similar pattern, so he didn't know what is special about the crabapple flower and the puppet cat.

However, he found a difference between the two paintings.

The two paintings are very similar, but if you look closely, you can see that there is a black spot next to the cat's ears in the left kitchen painting, and the cat ears in the restaurant on the right are pure white.

The flower on the left has one more plum blossom than the one on the right. The girl on the left looks like a forced smile, while the one on the right is obviously more sincere and happier.

Mu Bai pointed out these differences one by one, and Li Xiaoxiao expressed that he was shocked.

"How do you tell? I can only see that their smiles are different."

"I am a doctor by profession. In order to distinguish the difference between traditional Chinese medicines, I have exercised the ability of subtle observation since I was a child."

"Also, the petals and flower cores of crabapple flowers and plum blossoms are different. Take a closer look. Begonia flowers have more petals and larger flower cores, while plum blossoms are the opposite."

"The two are hard to tell apart unless you're familiar with them."

Mu Bai explained clearly to Li Xiaoxiao, and successfully caught the eyes of the fan girl.

"But why do you do this, have you found any clues?"

"No, I only know that these two paintings may be useful, but I haven't found anything else." Li Xiaoxiao shook her head, feeling a little frustrated.

They have been imprisoned here for a long time. If they can't get out sooner, the witch will use other means to deal with them.

Mu Bai thought of the diary that he didn't have time to read, and took out the photos from his backpack.

"I found this from the witch's room. I don't know what secrets are inside."

Li Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up: "Is there a solution to the poison in it? Or other clues."

The two arranged the photos in order to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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