Chapter 58 Misty Prairie
Li Xiaoxiao and the others are now on the left side of the dividing line.

The two are ready to explore to the right, which looks more normal than the left.

Mubai found many Chinese herbs on the left, which seemed to grow better than those on the left.

The two walked straight along the road.

In less than a moment, Li Xiaoxiao found a treasure chest in front of her.

The two walked over and carefully observed the lines on the outside of the treasure chest.

There is a pattern on it, and Li Xiaoxiao looks familiar.

[Ding~ Congratulations to the player for discovering the treasure chest,... Please, player...]

Um?Why did Xiao Mang speak intermittently, could it be affected by the secret realm?
Mu Bai also received an answer from his own system that was convulsive.

The two soon understood why the pattern on the treasure chest was so familiar.

Items produced by the system have special marks.

This is to distinguish between system-produced objects and native map-owned objects.

Why do system-specific items appear here?
After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the treasure chest, Li Xiaoxiao opened it.

Inside are some food and two bottles of mineral water, which look like ordinary treasure chests for survival in the wilderness.

But why is there this here?
Mu Bai is quite familiar with this. When he first entered the map world, these treasure chests could be easily found.

There are not only a lot of food and water in it, but also some weapons.

It's just that these treasure chests became less and less later, and they were almost impossible to find later.

At that time, the system was upgraded and a mall appeared.

Otherwise, they would lose these basic materials and be eliminated from the game long ago.

Mu Bai told Li Xiaoxiao what he knew.

Li Xiaoxiao once again found that her game rules and game tasks were different from theirs.

No wonder Xiao Ran and the others had high points in the last map, but their strength and so on were not high.

It seems that the game has undergone some kind of change, which has made the tasks behind them more difficult and the rewards have become very rich.

Li Xiaoxiao speculates that this secret realm should have been a place for the players to experience the game.

It's just that something happened later and was taken away by the witch.

But the useful energy of the secret realm itself still protects it, and the witch and it are divided equally.

There should be treasure chests left over here.

Mu Bai also thought of this, but he didn't know as much as Li Xiaoxiao.

For the rest of the journey, the two paid special attention to whether there were any treasure chests nearby.

When it was getting dark, the two found five treasure chests and brought them back to the camp.

Lin Jiancong was the first to greet the two of them, and was very happy to see the familiar treasure chest: "You guys are amazing, you can still find this."

Gao Xin and Li Xiaoxiao are the same group of people who entered the game, so they are inevitably curious when they see the treasure chest.

Lin Jiancong finally found something Gao Xin didn't know, and explained it to him proudly.

As for Li Xiaoxiao and Mu Bai, let’s not compare them, the boss’s world is different from theirs.

Before entering the forest for the last time, Li Xiaoxiao confessed to others that she was the No. [-] Damanghua, and Mu Bai also confessed that she was No. [-] Lao Bai.

In this way, other people will let the two go into the forest to explore together.

This is the first time for Gao Xin to know that his experience is different from others. No wonder some people in the World Window always complain that the game is getting more and more difficult.

Several people used up the food and water they found, and even the three who joined later also had some.

Mu Bai said that as long as they work for the team, they will be treated differently.

A few people decided to explore the secret realm on the right tomorrow, which still belongs to the game area and is much safer than this side.

In the middle of the night, a few people were woken up by the notification of the system convulsions.

[Warning... Players appear nearby... Players please...]

[Warning...appear...protect...take back...]

【Warning... quickly find... escape...】

Three warnings in a row, played several times in a loop.

Even Li Xiaoxiao's waking up qi caused by lack of sleep was smoothed out.

After the system woke everyone up, it finally quieted down. Li Xiaoxiao tried to contact Xiaomang, but found that she couldn't get in touch no matter what.

She pulled Zhang Xiaomeng out of the tent, and the boy had already got up.

Mu Bai quickly analyzed the situation in front of him: "We must reach the right ahead of time, there is estimated to be some kind of danger that can interfere with the system.

There is no need for tents in this case, take away what you can take within 1 minute, and keep what you can't take. "

After Mu Bai finished speaking, he took his backpack first, and sprinkled some medicinal powder nearby.

Fortunately, everyone's things are basically in the backpack, just bring the backpack.

Several people left here quickly, while Mu Bai retreated behind him, sprinkled the medicinal powder along the way.

After walking for a while, several people heard strange screams from the station.

The voice reached everyone's ears and became very sharp, making people lose their movements for a moment and froze in place.

Li Xiaoxiao wanted to wake herself up with the tip of her tongue, and then slapped each of them awake.

"We have to speed up and go to the right, the monster will catch up soon."

The medicinal powder sprinkled by Mu Bai can only make the monster stay for a while, if the monster is not fooled, it will soon catch up.

Several people started running, but the speed of the monster was even faster.

It yelled loudly, and its sharp voice hit everyone's Tianling Gai directly again.

The speed of several people slowed down again.

The monster stood in front, glaring at them.

A cold breath rose from the soles of the feet to the heart, directly cooling the heart.

Li Xiaoxiao clenched the weapon in her hand, always paying attention to the monster's movements.

This monster is more dangerous than the water monster on the previous map, and they have no ability to destroy it now.

Now I can only fight it hard.

The monster attacked first, it opened its huge mouth, and the breath inside was like a septic tank, so that several people couldn't open their eyes.

This tone is comparable to a biological weapon.

Taking advantage of its inattention, Li Xiaoxiao threw a bottle into its mouth.

The monster's throat was stuck, and it swallowed it before it could check what it was.

Its eyes fixed on Li Xiaoxiao firmly.

The monster slapped the nearby people away and quickly ran towards Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao was fixed in place by its gaze, if Mu Bai hadn't pulled it away in time.

The monster swallowed her.

Two were also injured as a result, and a large amount of blood flowed from the arm.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't notice that her blood was absorbed by the shield on her arm again.

After a while, only Li Xiaoxiao and Mu Bai were left standing on the battlefield, and the others were injured by the monster and fell into a coma.

There were many wounds on the two of them, and blood was all over their bodies.

The monster has no other changes except for a few wounds.

The situation on the field is very unfavorable to several people.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the monster who was still staring at them, and slowly fell down.

Do you really want to die here?

Many images flashed through Li Xiaoxiao's mind. There are still many people waiting for her in the real world, and she can't give up!
Don't give up even if you get eaten!

Her firm will is getting stronger and stronger, and a golden light radiates from her body.

At this moment, she has only one thought in her mind, that is to kill the monster and return to the real world.

She didn't notice the change in herself, but Mu Bai who was standing beside saw it.

Who is Li Xiaoxiao?Why did it suddenly become like this?
The light on Li Xiaoxiao's body became stronger and stronger, until the monster's eyes couldn't be opened.

[Ding~ It is detected that the player is abnormal, the system will...]

【Analysis failed, player identity lost, kill immediately! ...]

[The kill failed, the player...]

[Ding~ Congratulations on successfully binding the host. 】

(End of this chapter)

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