Chapter 60 Misty Prairie
Li Xiaoxiao and his party stayed away from the witch area on the left and entered the safe secret area inside.

A few people were a little tired, so they found a place at random and sat down to rest.

Lin Jiancong was still a little worried, panting heavily: "There shouldn't be any monsters here, should we escape?"

No one answered his question, even Li Xiaoxiao and Mu Bai were not sure if there was any danger here.

After all, there are still too many unknown things in this secret realm.

The advantage of Li Xiaoxiao's binding to Xiaomang directly is that she can directly contact Aegis.

Aegis' power becomes hers.

Li Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and spread the power of the Aegis.

Her current strength is good but not strong enough, she can only detect anomalies within one meter.

But this distance is enough for her to escape in time when she finds danger.

Li Xiaoxiao found no danger within this range, so she opened her eyes immediately.

"There should be no danger nearby. Let's rest and hurry."

Even so, the group didn't dare to stay for too long, and wait until their physical strength recovered and they would no longer be tired.

A group of people began to explore the area on the right.

Compared with the left side, the risk factor here is much less, and occasionally a small animal can be seen walking by.

Several people gradually relaxed their vigilance and began to search for treasures.

Li Xiaoxiao has been turning on the Aegis domain to monitor the surrounding environment.

Several people found the treasure chest one after another, but the things inside were very strange.

A sock that has not been washed for a long time, it is said that eating it can relieve constipation, so use it with caution.

A broken bowl that can hold things, anything.

A wooden stick that serves no purpose, but is strong enough to be used as a crutch.

A seed can germinate with soil and water, and no one knows what kind of plant it will grow.


"Why are these treasure chests so strange? Could it be that the system has gone into trouble?"

Lin Jiancong flipped these things curiously, but was soon persuaded by the smell of socks.

"Yue~ These socks stink."

Li Xiaoxiao looked at these supplies thoughtfully, and didn't know what to think of for a while.

Mu Bai whispered in her ear: "I feel that these things will be the key items to escape from this secret realm."

Although half of the secret realm is occupied by witches, the consciousness of the secret realm cannot prevent players who come in from getting out.

So there must be some kind of meaning to these items.

Li Xiaoxiao asked Lin Jiancong to put these things in a treasure box and take them away.

Lin Jiancong looked disgusted and didn't want to touch him, looking at the second and third child from the corner of his eye.

He walked over and whispered to the two of them, not knowing what to say.

The second child and the third child even offered to take the treasure box away with them.

As long as you bring these things with you, Li Xiaoxiao doesn't mind who takes them away.

Besides, the boss of the two of them didn't say anything, so she has any opinions.

Several people soon came to the central area on the right.

There is no lake here, only a round platform.

Li Xiaoxiao asked the others to rest nearby, and she and Mu Bai went up to check.

There is a huge pattern on it, which is somewhat similar to a magic circle.

There is a small animal in each of the four corners of the round table.

To the east is a caterpillar, to the west is a bird, to the south is a snake, and to the north is an eagle.

These four animals can form a food chain.

But what do these animals have to do with the round platform circle?

Mu Bai thought of a very strange oil painting in the witch's room.

At that time, he was afraid of missing information about traditional Chinese medicine, so he also took pictures of the layout of the entire room.

Mu Bai took out the photo, and found that it was this round platform.

But now I can't see the whole picture of the round platform, only some of the heights overlap.

Li Xiaoxiao turned around and returned to him, saw that he was holding a photo in his hand, and looked over curiously.

"Huh? I also found a similar oil painting in the kitchen."

Li Xiaoxiao took out a photo of the witch's family playing. When she saw the two sisters, she thought there was something wrong with their clothes.

The two sisters stood one on the left and the other on the right, the pattern of the clothes on their bodies was exactly the same as the pattern of the photo in Mu Bai's hand.

It's just that the food chain on Li Xiaoxiao's side is different.

They are goosegrass-little caterpillar-little bird-snake, and there is one less eagle than on the round platform.

It seems that this is a complete food chain, but what does this alcohol represent?
"Could it be that we have to find all these things before we can activate the round table?" Li Xiaoxiao muttered softly.

But Mu Bai heard it, and he looked around the entire round platform: "Try it and you will know, anyway, this place is safe for the time being, we will look around here."

The two returned to the team and told everyone what they found.

And group to find these things.

Small caterpillars usually attach to the grass to eat, so if you are looking for small caterpillars, pull the weeds by the way.

The other four may not be so easy to find, so they searched separately.

Li Xiaoxiao and Mu Bai searched for the most difficult eagle, and the others grouped themselves.

The two quickly left and set off to search, and the remaining few were also grouped quickly.

The three bosses don't know the strength of the whole team, so they are a little curious to see Li Xiaoxiao and Li Xiaoxiao so brave.

"Aren't they afraid of accidents with just two actions?"

The three of them followed Gao Xin to look for the snake and followed him closely.

Gao Xin didn't reveal too much information, and smiled at them mysteriously: "You will know in the future."

Are you kidding, these two are big shots.

Even if there is an accident, you can come back safely.

The monster before was so powerful that it was completely beyond the capabilities of these people.

The two were also able to kill the monster and save them all.

So it is not unreasonable for some people to be called the leaders of the team.

They quickly gathered what they needed from the surrounding area, and returned to the round platform to assemble.

But Li Xiaoxiao's side is not so easy.

They searched the area to the right without finding a single eagle, now standing near the dividing line.

"How about we look to the left?" Li Xiaoxiao asked cautiously.

Don't blame her for being cautious, it's because the left side is covered with fog at some point.

The two tried to climb up to a high place to check, and found that everything on the left was shrouded in fog.

These fogs are blocked by the dividing line and cannot enter the area on the right.

When Li Xiaoxiao saw these fogs, she knew that they were not ordinary fogs, and they felt very dangerous.

She was considering whether to expose the mall's secrets and took out the protective clothing, but Mu Bai took it out first.

"I didn't tell you before, I have a mysterious space, the items in it are not restricted, and they are directly bound to my soul.

Now we are in the same boat, and I believe you too. "

Li Xiaoxiao took the protective clothing and was moved by the sincerity in his eyes.

She had an urge to tell him the secret, but fortunately Xiao Mang woke her up in time.

Li Xiaoxiao shook off the strange thoughts in her mind and thanked him.

The two put on protective clothing and returned to the left area.

Blocked by the fog, the sight of the two was blocked, and they could only see things within five meters.

But Li Xiaoxiao has the Aegis domain, so she can see more things.

She led Mu Bai forward, avoiding many detours.

A few people walked to the end on the left, and the cries of eagles could be heard far away.

Moreover, the two could feel that the nearby fog seemed to be thinner than other places.

Close to the eagle, the two can clearly see the surrounding things.

The two felt a headache when they saw the eagle's body.

The eagle spread its wings and flew in the sky, as if to fan away the nearby fog.

No wonder the fog is thinner around here.

That eagle is too big and fast to be straight up.

The two squatted aside and waited for the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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