Chapter 65 Misty Prairie
Several people opened the diary, wanting to see if there were any clues in it.

On X, X, X, Kela became pregnant. This is my preparation for the next plan, and Kela can't get pregnant at all.

On X month X day of X year, Kela unexpectedly gave birth to twins, damn it!
On X, X, X, the plan was going on normally, and Jin Qila was hated by the tribe, and now it was only necessary to kill Jin Mila's concern for her.With such a big gap between the two sisters, I don't believe Jin Qila won't be angry.

Kim Mira will always be like this on X, X, X, I don't need her kindness, and I knew I would have abandoned her at birth so she wouldn't ruin my plans.

On X, X, X, it took a lot of effort to destroy the relationship between the two sisters. Now as long as the monster is put in Jin Qila's room, her dark power will be affected. When the time comes, my plan It's finished.

X, X, X, X, tomorrow is a critical day. Jin Qila is indeed the representative of darkness, and her strength is stronger than imagined.

On X, X, X, why did Kim Mira do that?I will not allow anyone to destroy my plan!anyone!

This diary looks like the witch's father, and that Kela is her mother.

But which one is the real witch?

What is father's plan?Is it all led by him?Why?
After reading the diary, several people found more suspicious points, and it did not record whether the witch's father had any connection with the Martin family.

Could it be that the witch father himself is just a subordinate behind the scenes like Martinez?
Li Xiaoxiao sighed, only feeling that this task was more difficult to complete.

Mu Bai has some guesses, but he still needs to find more clues to support his guesses.

His hands tapped on the table rhythmically: "We still have to go to the witch's hut. This time it's me, Xiaohua, and Gao Xin. The three of us will go together, and the rest of you continue to search the forest. Missing clues."

Several people nodded in agreement.

An hour later, the three of Li Xiaoxiao came near the hut.

This time, the two monsters were directly guarding the door of the hut, and the witch didn't know where they were.

The medicine boiled in the kitchen was gone, and it was replaced with a pot of clean water.

The furniture in the hut has changed drastically, and it looks like an ordinary residential building.

Such a sight let the three of them know that it was the system that changed the hut.

The task is triggered, and the witch's powerful ability is not worth mentioning in front of the system.

She was forcibly trapped inside the hut.

The above pictures are the pictures transmitted in real time by the monitoring of mosquitoes and flies.

Seeing this, the three of them did not relax their vigilance, after all, the strength of witches should not be underestimated.

Mu Bai moved out the vines, covered the mouths of the monsters guarding the door to prevent them from making a sound, and then dragged them away.

In this way, they came to the witch's door again.

They've already broken up with the witch, and they don't need to role-play like they did last time.

Gao Xin pushed open the door and went in to check the situation, but found that the witch was not there.

Li Xiaoxiao had doubts in her heart. She remembered that the witch had a mirror and could see what happened in the forest. Now that they have made such a big noise, logically speaking, the witch should have discovered it long ago.

Why is there no movement now?Is there a fraud?
The three separated and searched all the rooms on the first and second floors, but they couldn't find the witch.

Mu Bai thought that there was another basement, and led the two of them to the door of the basement.

Li Xiaoxiao tilted her head to look at the secret door, recalling how she got in at that time, but unfortunately she didn't see it at that time.

Gao Xin didn't know what to look for in his pocket.

Mu Bai tried to use the newly acquired energy to destroy the door, but it didn't work.

"I found it." Gao Xin took out a golden plant card from his pocket, with spiked okra on it.

"This spiked okra's big move is like an electric drill. We can use this to open the door. This is the equipment that exploded from the plant mutant, and it should be stronger than the one produced by the system."

After Gao Xin finished speaking, he asked the two to step back, and he started to open the door.

The probability of triggering the plant card is relatively small. The spiked okra hits the door more than 20 times to trigger the big move, but the big move can't open the door.

Li Xiaoxiao asked Gao Xin to keep watching, and she went to find out if there was anything else that could open the door.

Li Xiaoxiao came to the witch's room. The decoration here was even more dreamy than what she saw the last time she came here. It was as pink and tender as a princess's room; there were three puppet toys on the bed.

Li Xiaoxiao began to search the room.

At this time, the puppet in the blue clothes chatted with the puppet in the green clothes beside him.

"Look, who is here? How can you flip through the owner's room at will? It's too rude."

"Hey, you can't say that. This person doesn't seem easy to mess with. We can't be discovered by her."


"Idiot, you are talking too loudly, she has already found us." The puppet in purple clothes couldn't help but make a sound.

These two idiots didn't know how to lower their voices, didn't they see that the woman stopped and walked towards them?

It's really a fool, it will be killed by these two fools sooner or later.

The puppet in purple wished he could move now and escape from here.

Li Xiaoxiao walked over and looked at the three talking puppets, feeling a little nervous.

It was the first time she had seen talking puppets. Could it be that these puppets were made by witches in some way?

For example... No, for example, when she thought of the methods used by some elderly people to get cold, she felt even more nervous.

Li Xiaoxiao took out a wooden stick to poke the green clothes, in exchange for a meal of abuse.

Li Xiaoxiao directly replaced the wooden stick with a big knife: "You scold again!"

The green clothes shut up instantly.

Li Xiaoxiao transferred the big knife to the front of the purple clothes.

She remembered that this puppet was smarter and more stable than the other two.

Sure enough, when the broadsword was transferred in front of Ziyi, Ziyi instantly begged for mercy.

"Don't touch me, I can tell you what I know." It was afraid that it would speak slowly, so its voice was sharp.

The woman took out a big knife when she disagreed with each other, who knows if she will directly chop the big knife over.

This knife is very dangerous at first glance.

Li Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows and moved the sword away: "Okay, then tell me, where is the witch?"

Ziyi wanted to shake her head, but thought that she couldn't move: "We don't know where she went, the only confirmation is that the last time she appeared was in the basement, after that the house began to change, we seem to have come here from a long time ago. "

"A long time ago? What time?" Li Xiaoxiao directly grasped the important time.

Ziyi thought for a long time but did not hear when they came here.

"I remember that there was some chaos in the village at the time, and the fire burned the whole village."

"No, no, there was no fire at that time. The house has not been built yet." Blue Clothes spoke.

"You are all wrong. At that time, the witch was still in her mother's womb, and a man created us to accompany her baby." Green clothes stopped scolding Li Xiaoxiao, and said what she knew.

"No, you remember correctly. At that time, the fire was so fierce that we were almost burned by the fire."

"At that time there were no cottages."

"We've only just been made."


The three puppets have their own timelines, and they are all different.

In order to prove that what they said was true, they quarreled directly.

Li Xiaoxiao's head was about to explode from these three quarrels, she hurriedly stopped: "Stop, stop, we have something to talk about."

She put the big knife in front of them again, and the three puppets shut up and didn't speak.

"You said that your timelines are different, so does it mean that you came here from different times? Think carefully and don't quarrel."

The three puppets recalled obediently, but they couldn't remember anything.

Their memory seems to be sealed by something, and the memory of the past is blank.

Ziyi: "We can't remember."

Seeing that she couldn't get the information she wanted from them, Li Xiaoxiao put them away.

There was nothing special in the room, so Li Xiaoxiao took the three puppets back to the basement door.

The two of them took a sizing puppet one by one.

"What's so special about this puppet?"

"Not sure, but I feel like it will be an important clue."

At this time, the spiked okra finally opened the door.

It was so white inside that I couldn't see anything clearly.

Gao Xin took back the plant card and held on to the puppet tightly.

The three walked into the door one by one.

bang bang bang——

After feeling dizzy for a while, Gao Xin came outside a village.

He only had the blue puppet in his hand, and Li Xiaoxiao and Mu Bai didn't know where it was.

He put away the puppet and walked into the village.

Along the way, the villagers were very curious about him, a foreign guest.

Gao Xin's clothes are different from theirs, and his appearance is also different.

Gao Xin didn't have a big nose, nor long fingers, nor a black robe.

At a glance, he was an outsider who was ugly and weak.

All the hot people in the village have very long noses, and they measure a person's beauty by the length of his nose.

Like the patriarch, his nose is longer than that of Pinocchio, and he is the most beautiful and magical man in the village.

The villagers quickly lost interest in Gao Xin, and turned to busy with their own affairs.

Gao Xin looked at the weird village and guessed that he came to the village where the witch was.

Just don't know where she is now?Li Xiaoxiao, where are they?

Mu Bai casually found a place where he could have some food.

The restaurant owner didn't want to receive such ugly guests, but he thought that the village was struggling to make money.

So he let him in and sat down to eat.

Sun Art doesn't have their currency and can only exchange points for some.

When he sat down, he only needed a piece of food that could fill his stomach and a glass of water. He didn't know if the food and drink in the village were the same as that of normal humans. After all, this is where the witches lived.

Soon, the boss brought the food.

is normal food.

Gao Xin secretly tipped the boss and asked him if he knew where Kela lived?
He didn't ask the witch's name. After all, he had never seen the real appearance of the witch. He only remembered the appearance of the witch's mother.

The boss accepted the tip with a smile, and only told him to look for it in the west of the village.

There is the richest part of the village, and Miss Kela lives there.

Whether he can find it depends on Gao Xin's personal ability, after all, the people there hate everyone except those who live there.

Gao Xin went to the west of the village after lunch.

The other two also entered the village, but the timing of the three of them was the same.

The only thing in common is that they all go directly to the witch mother to see if they can find the witch through the mother.

 I couldn’t post yesterday’s chapter, so I revised the details overnight, so I can only save the witch in other ways, my head is bald~
(End of this chapter)

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