Chapter 77 Misty Prairie
The little cat in the iron cage was already exhausted, lying on its stomach a little weakly.

Li Xiaoxiao explained to the other two: "Special means, you can also understand it as cheating."

It is not a lie that Li Xiaoxiao said so.

After all, who would have thought that the secret consciousness would recognize a system as the boss?

Gao Xin lowered his head to hide his unclear emotion.

The other two were watching and thinking about how to use the cat to deal with the big rat.

He didn't notice Gao Xin's abnormality for a while.

"How can this small cat deal with such a big mouse?" Mu Bai questioned.

Not to mention that this cat is smaller than a mouse's paw, but it is so weak now.

It's still a question of being able to stand up, let alone deal with rats.

Li Xiaoxiao thought of her current blood being baptized with shields and blessings.

I don't know if it will be possible to recover this little kitten.

Thinking of this, she was a little ready to move.

"Want to try?"

After speaking, he took out a small knife from nowhere and pointed it at his arm.

Drip the blood onto the kitten.

No one knows why a ghost can still bleed.

Maybe they themselves don't realize that they are now back to normal.

A miraculous scene happened.

A faint golden light appeared on the kitten's body as the blood dripped.

The golden light gradually converges into a golden thread, flowing through the meridians of the whole body.

The green on the cat's body fades and eventually gathers in the eyes.

The kitten's eyes are golden on the left and green on the right, and its whole body is no different from that of a normal raccoon cat.

[Ding~ Congratulations to the player for signing the exclusive pet, Li Huamao. 】

[Sihuamao (mutation):

Attack: 30 (don't underestimate it, it can scratch your face)

Speed: unknown (it's faster than you can imagine)

Skills: to be developed]

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the recovered cat with bright eyes.

She wanted to raise a raccoon cat before, but she never did it due to the special reasons of work.

Get exclusive cat pets in the game now.

She felt that the game finally looked like a game.

The other two looked at Li Xiaoxiao's excited expression, and looked at the cat that had returned to normal.

I can guess a little bit in my heart.

Mu Bai: "Have you signed the contract?"

Li Xiaoxiao nodded happily: "Well! Now it obeys me, and its various attributes are not bad."

Li Xiaoxiao released the cat from the iron cage: "From now on, you will be called Mimi, are you happy~"

The cat nuzzled her chin with its head.

Although it can talk, I just want to complain about the name.

Fearing that she might say something wrong, Mimi had no choice but to pretend to be happy.

Li Xiaoxiao saved it, what else could it do?

It's just a kitten after all~
Li Xiaoxiao stroked the cat and put it down.

"Mimi, when the mouse wakes up, go up and scratch it, and be careful not to hurt yourself. We will find out its weakness as soon as possible, you just need to delay us for a while."

Mimi nodded.

Mimi still has mutated green eyes, and this mouse is also mutated.

The coercion on it has no effect on Mimi.

Mimi took the opportunity to run to its side and looked at the mouse that was bigger than it.

Is this the mouse in danger?
Why does it feel like bean curd residue, which can be solved with one paw?
Mimi jumped on the mouse and felt the squirming from the mouse's belly.

Li Xiaoxiao's heart was about to jump out.

The cat, who was so timid before, jumped on the mouse that was bigger than it.

I don't know if my own blood has changed its temper.

Mimi stomped hard on the wriggling place with her fleshy paws.

The things inside feel the resistance of the external force, and move more cheerfully.

Mimi squinted her cat's eyes and began to play with the little thing.

Li Xiaoxiao put her hand on her forehead helplessly.

Without seeing it, she forgot the cat's playful character.

The other two began to wonder if the cat could help them buy time.

They have never seen a cat that can play with the enemy.

I really don't know what to say.

As Mimi kept trampling and bouncing, the mouse showed signs of waking up early.

The big mouse slowly opened its eyes, shook its body and threw Mimi out.

Mimi stabilized her body with her strength.

It remembered that it had to delay time for its master, but it couldn't get hurt just because it was thrown out.

If this spreads out, can you still hang out in the future?
The big mouse opened his eyes.

Its eyes are green and faint, deeper than a pool of water.

The moment it woke up, it realized that there was an intruder in the space it was in.

squeak! ——

A sharp voice sounded, and the three of Li Xiaoxiao covered their ears to avoid injury.

But the rat's screech grew louder and shriller.

The corners of their mouths began to overflow with blood, and their vision began to blur.

Meow! ——

Another voice sounded.

Fear etched into DNA makes rats stop screaming.

It finally found Mimi who had been waiting for a long time.

The pain of the three finally eased, and they squatted on the ground panting for breath.

The mouse looked at the same kind in front of him curiously.

The big eyes are full of doubts.

It couldn't figure out why Mimi wanted to help those intruders.

Aren't these special existences created to drive away these invaders?

why?Does it betray the organization?

Thinking of this, the mouse's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He wants to deal with the traitor first, and then drive those intruders away.

The mice start attacking Mimi.

Its paws slapped Mimi directly.

It had a hunch that this claw of its own would definitely smash this traitor into pieces.

Bang! ~
Dust flew up, obscuring its vision.

The moment it took its claws away, it found that Mimi was not there.

Meow! ~
A meow came from behind it, and when it turned its head, it was greeted with a paw.

Instinctively closed his eyes.

But the expected pain did not appear.

It opened its eyes to check.

squeak! ~
This cat doesn't talk about martial arts ethics, but it actually makes a lot of noise!

Its eye was scratched, and blood blurred its vision.

Thinking of this, it began to attack Mimi angrily.

But Mimi's speed is too fast to catch at all.

There are more and more bruises on the mice.

It raised its head and screamed loudly.

Mimi scratched directly at its neck.

The practice is interrupted and the rat's sanity is lost.

Start the mouse chasing the cat in a small space.

The three watching the battle from a distance took the opportunity to find the Achilles' heel of the mouse.

Li Xiaoxiao saw the mice deliberately avoiding their stomachs when they were fighting.

Even if the neck and eyes were scratched by Mimi, the scars on the body became more and more.

It also doesn't let Mimi do damage to her own belly.

Li Xiaoxiao yelled at Mimi: "Attack the stomach."

This sound pulled the rat's sanity back.

It knows that it can't do harm to Mimi yet.

It needs to wait for the contents of its stomach to come out before it can deal with Mimi.

Thinking of this, the mouse gave up attacking Mimi, turned around and ran away.

Mimi couldn't just let the mouse escape.

It uses its flexible body to quickly get under the mouse's belly and just scratches it.

The mouse didn't notice Mimi's movement, and the stomach was cut directly.

The contents fall out.

It is a little mouse that looks exactly the same as it, and it can be said that it has nothing to do with it.

The little mouse seemed to lack nutrition or something, and was very weak.

Following its birth, the big mouse fell down and turned into a pool of green slime.

The little mouse lay in the green liquid and absorbed the green liquid in a very terrifying way.

A more powerful coercion descended.

The three of Li Xiaoxiao obviously felt that something very dangerous was coming.

Mimi ran back to them, using her energy to help them block part of the coercion.

Even so, this coercion is still very terrifying.

Mimi realized that she couldn't solve it, and shouted: "Run!"

(End of this chapter)

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