Chapter 82
Li Xiaoxiao looked at the two warily.

The look in their eyes made her very uncomfortable.

"What do you want?"

Seeing the fruit in Jin Ya's hand, the two guessed that Li Xiaoxiao had other food or treasures on her body.

"We saved you, you have to repay something, after all, water is very precious now."

After Guo Jindong finished speaking, he gave Li Dongqing a look.

The two blocked Li Xiaoxiao's escape route from left to right.

Li Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes, raised her head for a moment, her eyes were wet: "But I really have nothing, the only fruit I have given to Sister Yaya. Can the two big brothers let me go?"

Li Xiaoxiao knew that today's matter would not be easily exposed by these two people.

Head-to-head is the stupidest way nowadays.

The two men looked at each other, thinking about the truth of what Li Xiaoxiao said.

Li Xiaoxiao continued her efforts: "Brothers, I know there is a water source not far ahead, and I can help you work to pay off your debts."

Li Xiaoxiao spoke so that smoke came out of her throat, but the two of them remained silent.

She wondered if the two of them wanted to rob directly.

Li Xiaoxiao stretched her hand behind her back.

If these two people are strong, then she will not be polite.

Li Dongqing thought for a while, pointed to Jin Ya and said to Li Xiaoxiao: "Okay, then you follow up and help us work with that woman."

Li Xiaoxiao was very touched, and thanked the two of them repeatedly.

It's not that Li Dongqing and Guo Jindong didn't think about grabbing Li Xiaoxiao's resources directly.

In this game, even novice players can gain something.

They saw that Li Xiaoxiao was able to maintain her current state for so many days.

There must be a lot of resources on him.

It may be possible to get resources by grabbing directly before finding the water source.

But this will cause a rapid decline in physical fitness.

They still have to hold on until they find the next source of water.

Li Xiaoxiao followed the team for five days, and finally saw a cactus nearby.

There are also some low shrubs.

That means they find water.

The two men raced toward the water source.

Li Xiaoxiao took a step behind and followed unhurriedly.

Jin Ya was a little curious: "Why don't you go faster?"

Li Xiaoxiao smiled weakly: "I'm running out of strength, you go first."

"Whatever you want." Jin Ya dropped a sentence and hurriedly caught up with the two in front.

Taking advantage of their inattention, Li Xiaoxiao put away some ripe cactus fruits.

I pulled out some edible tender tips.

These can be used as bargaining chips to leave the team.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to stay with these people.

Li Xiaoxiao came to the pool in a leisurely manner with these things in her arms.

This pool is not big, and it is still stagnant water.

There are also some traces of animals walking nearby.

Li Xiaoxiao secretly scolded these people as idiots.

The water in this pool is stagnant water, and it is unknown how many bacteria and viruses are in it.

They actually drink it without boiling it.

Not afraid of infection.

Li Xiaoxiao put the food she found on the ground, and said weakly: "I collect some edible food, how about I cook for everyone?"

Jin Ya glared directly at Li Xiaoxiao.

He shouldn't have saved this woman in the first place, but now the more satisfied the two of them are with Li Xiaoxiao, the worse it is for him.

In the past few days of looking for water sources, Jin Ya tried to trip Li Xiaoxiao overtly and secretly.

But she avoided them all.

On the contrary, he seemed like a small chicken belly and dragged down the team.

Now Li Xiaoxiao secretly collects these foods.

But she seemed more and more ignorant.

How could Jin Ya not hate this in her heart.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't know what was on her mind, and if she knew it, she wouldn't take it to heart.

She just felt that Jin Ya's hostility towards her came out of nowhere.

If it wasn't for the sake of her saving herself.

He dragged her aside and beat her up.

Li Dongqing moistened her dry skin with water, and drank some water to relieve her thirst.

Now I feel very comfortable.

He is very satisfied with Li Xiaoxiao's conscious behavior.

Guo Jindong was also very satisfied. Looking at Jin Ya, who was relatively useless, he felt disgusted in his heart.

Li Xiaoxiao collected some dry grass and dead branches nearby as firewood.

Jin Ya walked up to her and bumped into her: "You are the only one who can, hum!"

Li Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at her back.

You can leave this team tonight, no matter what kind of temper Jin Ya is throwing.

Li Xiaoxiao started cooking after finishing these.

She specially adds some herbs to her food.

This is the prescription taught by Mu Bai, which can make people fall into a deep sleep.

It was dark after Li Xiaoxiao finished cooking.

She distributed the food to everyone, and everyone had a hot meal for the first time.

After eating, eat again until you can't eat anymore.

After the three of them finished eating, they began to feel sleepy.

They didn't care too much, they just thought it was a continuous rush and relaxed at this moment.

So being sleepy is normal.

Li Xiaoxiao saw that they wanted to sleep but did not dare to sleep, so she hurriedly said, "Go to rest when you are tired, and I will keep watch. If there is any danger, I will wake you up."

The three of them couldn't hold on any longer, so they nodded and turned into the tent to sleep.

Li Xiaoxiao waited for a few minutes and heard their snoring.

Get up and check one by one to make sure that they are really asleep and start to work on their own things.

She set up three large pots and poured water into them to boil.

She needs to collect as much drinking water as possible before dawn.

Then just leave before these people wake up.

You can also keep vigil for these people by the way.

She thought about leaving the team at night.

But in this way, the water resources here will be lost, and these people will be put in danger.

It is not sure whether there will be small animals coming here to drink water at night.

Although these people are bad, at least they saved themselves.

A man cannot repay kindness with hatred.

At night, the temperature drops sharply.

Li Xiaoxiao put on a military overcoat, and it was acceptable to be close to the fire.

But the people who slept in it didn't feel so good.

Li Xiaoxiao thought about it and decided to cover the three with thick quilts.

This counts as repaying their kindness.

At dawn, Li Xiaoxiao wiped out all traces.

Except for the quilts that covered the three of them.

She needed to create signs that she had escaped overnight.

After a night of collecting, Li Xiaoxiao not only got a lot of water, but also a lot of cactus fruits.

These are enough for her to last for a while.

She walked in the opposite direction of these people, leaving behind a letter and a small pot of cold water before leaving.

As for what the three of them thought, she didn't want to know.

The desert map has four main cities.

They are Jinxi, Crescent Moon, Crooked Bridge, and Dry View.

This is the information that Li Xiaoxiao got out of the mouths of those three people.

In addition to looking for water sources, their main purpose is to go to the nearby Crescent City.

Crescent City is more than 100 kilometers away from here.

Walking alone is not enough, this map also restricts the use of transportation.

In addition to walking, there is only riding a camel.

Li Xiaoxiao found a camel nearby last night.

She is looking for them now, to see if she can tame one or two to use as mounts.

If it weren't for the restrictions on transportation, Li Xiaoxiao would have flown away by helicopter.

How can I fall to the ground because of lack of water.

Li Xiaoxiao soon discovered that there were six camels ahead.

These camels are eating.

Li Xiaoxiao slowly approached them.

They found Li Xiaoxiao's trail, but did not escape.

Li Xiaoxiao walked up to the camel with a smile and activated the animal intimacy bonus.

This is the reward after completing the Great Migration of Animals in the last map.

With this power saving, the animals' affection towards her will increase.

Li Xiaoxiao easily rode on the camel.

After the camels were full, Li Xiaoxiao controlled their speed and walked in the direction of Crescent City.

She is not afraid of those three people finding herself now.

She had already changed her clothes and cut off her excellent hair.

Now when people look at her, they will mistake her for a man.

This saves a lot of hassle.

(End of this chapter)

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