Chapter 88

Countless huge tentacles grabbed people near the edge of the ghost gate bridge.

With screams, they were dragged into the abyss.

"No, there are real monsters!"

I don't know who shouted.

Panic arose in the ranks.

Everyone subconsciously grabbed the hands of the people around them.

Li Xiaoxiao approached the edge and cut off the tentacles when they were about to touch her.

Even though those tentacles were moving very fast, Li Xiaoxiao could still tell that they were vines.

These vines were exactly the same as when Gentiana Qin dragged her into the underwater world.

Is there also world consciousness here?

Li Xiaoxiao guessed.

No, if it's world consciousness it won't hurt people.

Is it a variant?

Only mutants can achieve such an effect.

Wait a while.

The vines seemed to give up their attack and never reappeared.

The team took the opportunity to move on.

This time, everyone's pace was significantly accelerated.

So people walking in front can't see the cracks in the bridge at all.

Everyone ran forward in a swarm.

Until someone falls off the bridge.

The ones in front haven't had time to tell the people behind them.

They were knocked off the bridge by people behind them.

Go through these two hazards.

There are 17 fewer people in the team.

Some of those who remained wanted to run back.

So a few took the opportunity to turn around and run away.

With a scream, several people were sent away.

Lin Dongqiang looked at the remaining eight people and told everyone to be vigilant at all times.

If this continues, their team will really be wiped out.

Li Xiaoxiao felt a little strange looking at those cracks.

She wanted to go forward to check carefully, but was stopped by the enthusiastic brother.

"What are you doing? It's so dangerous ahead and you're still moving forward."

Li Xiaoxiao pointed to the crack and said, "Don't you think this crack is a bit strange?"

When Lin Dongqiang heard this, he went forward and knelt down to check.

He felt the gap with his hand, and then reached into the gap with his hand.

His hands couldn't fit through the crack.

"This is a strange phantom array!"

Li Xiaoxiao curiously asked Big Brother Enthusiastic: "What is a strange magic array?"

Is it the same as the illusion written in the novel?
The eldest brother explained: "The strange magic formation is a kind of formation, and this formation is very domineering.

Entering the formation, if you fear something in your heart, it will conjure up your fear, and then kill you in fear.

This formation should be damaged in some way, otherwise it would not let outsiders see the flaws. "

Li Xiaoxiao nodded half understanding.

She has a little interest in this formation.

I don't know if Xiaomang can reproduce it.

Xiaomang seemed to know what Li Xiaoxiao was thinking, so he poured cold water on it.

'Host, there is a certain power in this formation, and I cannot reproduce it. '

The implication is that I am not a printer, and I cannot copy everything.

Li Xiaoxiao was a little disappointed.

If you can master this formation, you can save a lot of battles.

Li Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, wanting to step forward to see what she was afraid of.

Brother Enthusiastic grabbed her again: "I told you about the danger of the formation, why do you still want to move forward?"

Li Xiaoxiao patted her head in embarrassment.

"I want to see my own fears."

Knowing the fear can prevent encountering it in advance.

The latter sentence was not uttered.

Li Xiaoxiao was afraid that her elder brother would treat her as crazy.

After all, this formation is to use fear to kill people.

Who would want to enter the formation just to know the fear in their hearts.

Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out after you go in?
The elder brother persuaded patiently: "Although you are weak, it is not your fault, so you should not take risks. Be good, listen to elder brother, lean back, and elder brother will find the way for you."

After speaking, he took Li Xiaoxiao's hand and let her walk behind.

Want to break the strange phantom array.

Those who enter need to abandon their inner distractions.

Distracting thoughts will let the formation take the opportunity to enter, and then it will be the time of death.

The two were the last to enter the formation.

Earlier, Lin Dongqiang suggested that everyone hold the hand of the person in front.

This avoids being trapped in the phantom array and can be pulled back in time by others.

Li Xiaoxiao was the last one.

She really wants to know her inner fears.

As a result, those who died had many distracting thoughts.

There are scenes of wanting to go home.

He lost control of his body and was manipulated by a mysterious person.

He was locked in a dark basement.


Eventually, these scenes fall apart.

Li Xiaoxiao came to that mysterious place again.

The war has devastated the world, and there are corpses everywhere.

Blood stained the ground red.

A man in a black robe raised his staff and chanted a spell.

Those five people were still lying on the ground.

Li Xiaoxiao ran forward desperately, trying to stop the man in black.

This time, Li Xiaoxiao seemed to notice something.

A person lying on his stomach in front suddenly looked back.

Li Xiaoxiao saw a face that looked exactly like her own.

Li Xiaoxiao felt the pain from her arm.

She opened her eyes.

The enthusiastic brother's voice rang in his ears.

"What's the matter with you kid? I told you not to have distracting thoughts.

If you have to refuse to listen, this is all right, you have fallen into the trick of the phantom array.

If I hadn't pulled you back in time, you would never have come back. "

The eldest brother talked a lot.

Li Xiaoxiao's consciousness gradually became clear.

She suppressed the desolation in her heart, and looked back at the direction of the magic circle.

Although I don't know who left this magic circle here.

But it let Li Xiaoxiao know what her inner fear is.

Lin Dongqiang counted the remaining people.

Confirmed a total of nine people including myself.

No one died in the formation.

He walked near the formation, found the eye of the formation and destroyed it.

Li Xiaoxiao saw that he seemed to be very familiar with this formation.

She asked curiously: "Brother Qiang, I think you seem to have some understanding of this formation. I wonder if you can arrange this formation?"

Lin Dongqiang shook his head: "Hahaha, I also read some records in an ancient book, and I don't know much about it."

Li Xiaoxiao felt a little regretful, thinking that she could learn this formation from Lin Dongqiang.

Several people continued to move forward.

After they left, the formation reappeared strangely.

But the power above seems to be weaker.

Xiao Mang reported to Li Xiaoxiao what he learned in time.

Li Xiaoxiao clasped her hands together, and had some guesses in her mind.

This formation showed a flaw, and it is estimated that the formation eye was destroyed after the previous pass.

If the eye is destroyed, it will lose its function.

This formation can actually recover by itself.

That means it cannot be destroyed.

The person who set up the formation is very skilled.

Li Xiaoxiao continued to follow the team.

This ghost gate bridge is really too long.

After several people cut off the unknown number of vines, they finally saw the stone exposed in the distance.

It looks like they could get to the other side soon.

The nine people cheered up in an instant, and the pace of walking increased.

But in this case, unexpected accidents often occur.

The ghost gate bridge broke again, but it didn't fall.

Just like that, it was suspended in mid-air strangely.

This time, Lin Dongqiang checked and found that the front was neither a formation nor an illusion.

The bridge is really broken.

This distance is a bit far, and there is no way to escape.

Li Xiaoxiao tried to take out the props from the backpack.

But something about the system is sealed again.

For a time, the team fell into a dilemma.

(End of this chapter)

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