Li Xiaoxiao finished her breakfast.

People from outside came to spread the word.

Miss Chris is visiting.

Call to see Li Xiaoxiao.

The prince and Miss Chris were waiting for Li Xiaoxiao to go down in the living room.

Li Xiaoxiao simply tidied up and followed the maid down.

Chris finally saw Li Xiaoxiao's appearance clearly.

It is undeniable that Li Xiaoxiao is indeed prettier than her.

But his family background is much better than hers.

As long as the prince knows that he is good enough.

He will definitely break off the engagement with Li Xiaoxiao and be with him.

The prince patted the place beside him.

"Xiao, come here."

Li Xiaoxiao was very displeased with his doggy tone.

But now is not the time to lose your temper.

She sat down gracefully.

The maid brought a cup of coffee and set it in front of her.

Chris saw the two of them being intimate.

The resentment towards Li Xiaoxiao increased in my heart.

Chris took a sip of coffee and looked down on Li Xiaoxiao.

"I've wanted to visit Miss Xiao for a long time. When I saw you today, she is really as beautiful as the rumors."

The implication is that there is beauty in nothing.

Li Xiaoxiao pretended not to understand what she meant.

He smiled and replied, "Thank you for the compliment."

Chris was annoyed by her answer.

Turning to look at the prince.

"Your Highness, today I am here to ask you, is the promise we made when we were young still count?"

When they were young, they had agreed to grow up together.

Grow up to be each other's bride and groom.

Yet now spoiled by this sudden appearance of a daughter.

Thinking of this, Chris glared at Li Xiaoxiao fiercely.

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing out loud.

She kind of knew what Chris' resentment was.

It's just not the time yet.

"What are you laughing at?" Chris frowned.

Li Xiaoxiao continued to smile and replied: "I think of happy things."

The prince seemed to take a keen interest in the happy things she said.

"Oh? What's the matter? Tell us and let us hear."

Chris saw the prince evading her answer.

His face was very ugly.

Li Xiaoxiao took the prince's hand and looked at him very affectionately.

"We're going to get married soon, and I'm so happy just thinking about it."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head shyly, not daring to look into the prince's eyes.

It's like the shyness of finally being able to be with the person you like.

The prince was tickled by her appearance.

Like being lightly brushed by a feather.

Chris watched the two of them flirt.

Tooth itchy with anger.

"Prince!" She couldn't help interrupting the two.

The prince looked at Chris very displeased.

Why is this woman still here?

Li Xiaoxiao changed seats and sat next to Chris.

She couldn't stand the prince's dishonest behavior.

She took Chris's arm.

"Miss Chris, I don't know why, just by looking at you, you think we've met before.

I have a lot on my mind to say to Miss Chrissy.

Your Royal Highness, may I have a chat with Miss Chris alone? "

The prince himself had work to do.

Leave room for the two to leave to attend to business.

As soon as the prince leaves.

Chris pushed Li Xiaoxiao away and sat on the other side.

"Tell me, what do you want to tell me?"

With that arrogant look, it seems that if there is something to say, hurry up.

Li Xiaoxiao spoke slowly after taking a sip of coffee.

"Do you want to marry a prince?"


The two sat there, ate a little snack, and took a sip of coffee.

Li Xiaoxiao left under the pretext of being tired and needing a rest.

When she got up, she accidentally tripped over her skirt.

The whole person fell directly on Chris.

"Pay attention to it when you go home."

Li Xiaoxiao stuffed a ball into Chris's sleeve.

He stood up and stared at Chris displeased.

"what's wrong with you?"

Chris reacted and stood up directly.

"You're framing! I'm going to find the prince to judge."

After speaking, he wanted to turn around and leave.

Li Xiaoxiao shouted loudly: "Stop!"

Chris turned around reluctantly.

"Guess whether the prince favors you or his future princess?"

Chris didn't seem to expect that she would be so shameless.

Just pick up the bag on the side and leave.

Before leaving, leave a harsh word.

"You wait for me!"

Li Xiaoxiao watched her leave, then turned and went back to the room.

On the other side, a maid told the prince all this.

The prince said that he knew it, and waved her away.

Go back to the room.

Xiaomang asked Li Xiaoxiao curiously what was written on the paper.

When did she write it, why didn't she know anything.

Li Xiaoxiao sat on the wicker chair in front of the window, looking out at the gardener who was busy pruning roses.

They didn't seem to notice that the woman in the room was dead.

As far as I know, no one has reported this matter to the higher authorities.

Li Xiaoxiao evoked a smile.

"You'll find out on the wedding day."

Time passed quickly, and the wedding arrived as scheduled.

Early in the morning, Li Xiaoxiao was pulled up from the bed by the maid to dress up.

The wedding officiant finished the opening remarks.

Several maids helped Li Xiaoxiao enter the venue.

The prince had already been waiting for Li Xiaoxiao's arrival on the stage.

A smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

It seems to tell others that he is in a very happy mood today.

Soon, Li Xiaoxiao walked up to the prince.

The prince took her hand and kissed her lightly.

"Wait a moment!"

The door was pushed open.

Chris came in with two confessions.

The prince's face became very livid when he saw the appearance of the two men.

"What are you doing! Interrupting the wedding is a capital offense!"

The prince was a little annoyed and called the guards to come over and pull Chris down.

Li Xiaoxiao let go of the prince's hand and stood up.

"Wait a moment."

All eyes were on Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the prince: "Your Highness, Miss Chris is the person I invited, as a princess, she should have this right."

Seeing the playfulness in Li Xiaoxiao's eyes clearly, she understood that she was not as innocent as she appeared on the surface.

And have no feelings for myself.

From this point of view, his plan may fail.

But he won't let that happen.

He had a lot of time to make this woman like him.

Li Xiaoxiao ignored the changing expression on the prince's face.

Turning around and looking at the guests in the audience, he cried: "I only recently found out that the prince and Miss Chris are a couple, and I was very sad when I found out about this.

So I decided to make a marriage contract with the prince! "

The prince looked at her in shock.

I want to ask someone to stop this farce.

Yet he found himself unable to speak.

He looked at Li Xiaoxiao in shock.

Before he couldn't speak, he only had contact with Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao left the stage, and walked to Chrissy regardless of the shocked appearance of others.

She whispered to Chris: "I said, I will do what you wish."

After speaking, she left the venue very sad.

Leaving Chris to confront the prince.

She ran to the vacant room next to her to change her clothes.

Xiao Mang looked at her puzzled.

'Host, what are you going to do? '

Li Xiaoxiao explained briefly.

'Remember that woman who was locked up? '

The real identity of the woman is Chris.

What happened here was nothing more than a scene formed by her resentment.

Even if it wasn't Li Xiaoxiao, someone else would marry the prince.

The two people Chris brought today were left to her by her mother.

When Li Xiaoxiao talked with Chris that time, she put the mosquito monitor next to her.

So knowing everything her mother did for her.

It is also known that she is currently the lover of Earl Charles.

The story is very bloody, Li Xiaoxiao simply said a few words to Xiao Mang and skipped it.

40 years ago.

The Earl was still an ordinary man.

He and Mrs. Ke Yela were lovers, but the family objected.

The two were forced to separate and marry someone arranged by the family.

After that, the Charles family released a big event.

This event allowed the Charles family to become earls and their status rose.

Afterwards, the two gave birth to a child.

They thought they would meet again in this lifetime.

However, their children like each other very much.

Just two days ago, the real Prince Charles secretly sent a letter to Li Xiaoxiao.

The letter told Li Xiaoxiao to regret the marriage today.

Leave the rest to him.

Li Xiaoxiao was naturally happy, and that's why today's big show happened.

Of course, she has more important things to do.

Disaster is coming.

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