These hidden things have never been known by a third person.

Li Xiaoxiao has been trapped in the room.

How did she find so much information?
Xiao Mang was also a little curious about this.

Li Xiaoxiao smiled slightly.

"Don't be surprised, these are actually my speculations."

"It's just that I haven't seen you guys be so unexploded, and you will be exposed as soon as you try."

If you want to blame, you can only blame these two people for being too stupid.

Don't know how to hide.

After reacting, Charles' face was very ugly.

"Are you blackmailing me?"

Li Xiaoxiao waved her hand and pointed to their backs.

"So what, the enemy you are going to face is not me."

Terrifying roars sounded all around.

An invisible pressure pressed on everyone at the scene.

Xiaomang's system was affected by this force.

Sound a warning.

'Host, what's going on? '

It was the first time for Xiao Mang to encounter such a thing.

Even encountering nixie or other powerful mutants will not sound a warning.

Now I don't know what it is that directly affects the operation of the system.

Li Xiaoxiao signaled to be oh, busy and don't panic.

The resentment outside is not aimed at her.

It was aimed at Prince Charles and Earl Charles.

Li Xiaoxiao is now the safest person among the three on the scene.

This can be seen from the "self" transformed by Chris.

Chrissy is a kind person by nature.

Otherwise in that little room.

She is extremely powerful.

Even if it is sealed, it can kill Li Xiaoxiao.

But she didn't do it.

Instead, he advised Li Xiaoxiao to leave quickly.

But now she has become a ghost.

Everything is hard to say. .

The pressure was getting heavier, Li Xiaoxiao had to take out some props to resist the pressure.

The other two have no props to resist.

Qiqiao began to bleed.

Charles knelt on the ground in pain, trying to use his emotions to awaken Chris to forgive him.

"Chris, I am the one who loves you the most."

"Hey, don't listen to this woman's nonsense, I never wanted to hurt you."

The chaotic black mist became more restless.

Chris didn't seem to believe what Charles said.

Li Xiaoxiao sighed softly, and took out a painting in the studio.

"Miss Chris, do you know what this is?"

The other two seemed a little shocked by Li Xiaoxiao's ability to take things out of thin air.

Charles turned black when he saw what was on the painting.

He wanted to step forward and snatch the painting.

Li Xiaoxiao avoided his snatch by turning sideways.

She threw the painting directly into the dark.

There are many unknowns there.

Charles had to worry about the danger inside if he wanted to get the painting back.

After seeing the painting, Chris's mood fluctuated even more.

Blood-red particles filled the air.

This particle seemed to be crystallized by Chris's resentment.

Li Xiaoxiao said softly.

"Chris, you have to wake up in time, for such a man, it's not worth risking your own future."

Chris' ethereal voice sounded all around.

"But it's too late."

"I've been waiting for someone to pull me out of the abyss."

"But now I have already merged with the abyss, how can you let me give up!"

The bloody particles were beating wildly, showing that Chris was not at peace.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to say anything more, but time was running out.

"Chris! Do you trust me?"

Chris hesitated for a moment, and the blood red particles stopped beating.

The two people on the side wanted to speak.

But frightened by Li Xiaoxiao's look, he dared not speak.

After a long time, Chris's voice sounded again.

"It's useless, the abyss and darkness coexist! The abyss and darkness coexist! The abyss and darkness coexist!"

Li Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and listened carefully to where Chris was.

The ethereal voice fluctuates from far and near, loud and small.

Li Xiaoxiao confirmed the direction and opened her eyes.

Throw out the Holy Light Bead in your hand.

Chris subconsciously caught it.

Screams sounded.

Li Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to mobilize the power in the Holy Light Bead.

This holy light bead has the effect of warding off evil spirits.

The resentment on Chris can be absorbed by this holy light bead.

When the resentment dissipated, Chris' power would weaken.

At that time, Li Xiaoxiao can kill Chris and escape here.

But Chris's resentment was powerful.

The power of the Holy Light Bead alone is not enough to absorb all her resentment.

Li Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at the two who were staring blankly.

These two are the root of resentment.

Maybe use them to distract some of the grudge.

Li Xiaoxiao used props to stun the two who hadn't reacted yet.

Then throw them in two opposite directions.

"Chris, these two are leaving."

Chris's attention was indeed distracted.

Li Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to speed up the operation of the Holy Light Bead.

Wait until Chris reacts.

Li Xiaoxiao has already used the Holy Light Bead to take away most of her power.

Li Xiaoxiao has no pressure in the face of this.

The pressure in the black mist disappeared as Chris's power weakened.

Li Xiaoxiao's actions are more convenient.

against such ghasts.

Ordinary physical damage is useless at all.

But Li Xiaoxiao found a good thing in the mall.

This thing can make the soul body take 60.00% damage.

Doesn't do much damage, but works.

Li Xiaoxiao nailed this thing to Chris.

Chris became weaker.

Li Xiaoxiao's task is to resolve her resentment.

Not to destroy her.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't make a move, but asked Chris if she had any regrets.

Chris looked at the two who had fainted on the ground and remained silent.

Li Xiaoxiao also looked over and said nothing.

After a long time, Chris spoke first.

"I've been bred to be a prince and concubine, but all of this is fake!"

"Your guess is only half right."

At that time, Mrs. Koyela did use some tricks to conceive a child with her husband.

But the child died before it was born.

Mrs. Koyela dared not declare to the outside world.

So they colluded with a mysterious person who didn't know where they came from.

The mysterious man possesses a potion.

This potion can bring Koyela's fetus back to life.

Koyela didn't believe it at all.

Later, the mysterious man directly used the potion on Ke Yela.

Magical things happen.

Aborted fetus regains heartbeat.

Ke Yela was very happy and wanted to pay a large amount of wealth to the mysterious person.

But the mysterious man wanted nothing but the child.

Ke Yela did not want to lose her child.

So he kept avoiding the mysterious man.

Know the day she gave birth.

Her child was still taken away by the mysterious man.

While Ke Yela was grieving, she didn't want others to know about it.

So a child was brought in from somewhere else.

Ke Yelajian didn't know that she was actually giving birth to a boy.

But it was a girl who came back.

Fortunately, only the person who delivered the baby knew about it.

That man died not long ago.

Tell Chris about it before you die.

Because Chris is her child.

At the beginning, she stayed as a nanny because she wanted her children to live a superior life.

The purpose is to observe closely whether their children have a happy life.

But Charles and Charles swapped souls to complicate all this.

Chris can't stand her lover's change of heart.

Mrs. Ke Yela in order to keep her position.

Contact the mysterious person again.

What Koyela didn't know was exactly what she had done this time.

Her real child was turned into a monster by the mysterious man.

The monster lost its own consciousness and only listened to the orders of the mysterious man.

And the real purpose of the mysterious man is very crazy.

He wanted the Charles family to be destroyed.

He also did the soul swap.

The purpose is to magnify the evil in Charles' heart.

The purpose of turning Koyela's child into a monster is to have a helper who obeys his orders.

His purpose of destroying the Charles family is also very simple.

Because what he liked was Charles's mother, Mrs. Charles.

He knew the real cause of Charles' mother's death.

So he wants revenge.

Since Charles cares so much about his old lover Ke Yela and the whole family.

Then he would destroy everything Charles cared about.

The whole thing seemed most innocent to Chrissy.

Chrissy's resentment isn't just a test of her feelings for cheating.

More to that mysterious person.

The power possessed by the mysterious person is very powerful.

Even if she turned into a demon, she is no match for that person.

That man could easily crush her to death.

"Do you think I'm stupid, even if I know I can't take revenge on that person, I still want to take revenge?"

Chris had tears in her eyes.

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head: "You are a victim, not stupid at all."

"It's just the wrong way."

Chris choked up: "I know it's not the right way, but I just can't help myself."

So she trapped Charles and his son in the environment she created.

Let them fall into the pain of the past again and again.

Experience despair again and again and start again.

In this way, I can absorb their negative emotions from it and strengthen myself.

She wouldn't like to if she could.

Li Xiaoxiao stepped forward to stroke her hair.

"Do you trust me? I can help you."

Chris looked into Li Xiaoxiao's eyes.

From there, she saw a firmness.

"Okay, but if you lie to me, you will also be dragged into this abyss by me!"

After Chris finished speaking, her whole body turned into a trace of green smoke and was painted on Li Xiaoxiao's arm.

This is her remaining resentment.

A powerful white light illuminates.

Li Xiaoxiao closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again.

She returns to the bottom of the cliff.

Touch the marks on your hands.

Although Li Xiaoxiao didn't understand why Chris' resentment appeared here.

But this desert map seems to hide a lot of secrets.

Maybe that rumor is true.

This underground palace hides the reason why this place became a desert.

If this reason is found.

Perhaps a large oasis will reappear here.

Li Xiaoxiao walked along the stone wall.

Through a stone cave, there are stairs in Qian'an.

Li Xiaoxiao walked up the stairs.

Familiar voices can be heard arguing from afar.

"She is not dead, since we have found a way down, we should go down and save her!"

"Akanu, there are many vines below, I can't let the whole team go down to take risks."

"If you don't go, I will go by myself!"


The quarrel stopped when Li Xiaoxiao appeared.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at these people in front of her in surprise.

Seeing Li Xiaoxiao, Akanu excitedly stepped forward and hugged her.

"You'll be fine!"

Akanu was the warmhearted elder brother before.

What Li Xiaoxiao saw was his former teammates.

See how they look.

Apart from being a little tired, there should be no other dangers after crossing the Ghost Gate Bridge.

Lin Dongqiang was a little curious when he saw Li Xiaoxiao who was not injured.

"What have you encountered down here these days? How can you come back safely?"

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