Chapter 116 Chapter 116

Although Lin Ruoyan was very optimistic about the chain of medical examinations, since other people wanted to proceed steadily, she did not insist. After all, she did not have more energy to take care of this business.

No matter how promising this business is, the speed of making money is still not fast enough.A physical examination costs hundreds of RMB 1000. Even if there are customers 300 days a year, 100 people come every day, and each customer spends an average of RMB 500. That’s only RMB 500 million. Rent, labor costs, and taxes are all deducted. , multiple shareholders get one point, a whole year of hard work is not as good as selling a luxury house.

But this is a long-term business. Everyone may not buy a house in their lifetime, but they will definitely pay attention to their own health. There are too many potential customers for physical examinations, and the probability of repeated consumption is also high.

In the end, several people negotiated and decided that Lin Ruoyan only needed to pay for the decoration of the flagship store. The business methods she mentioned could be regarded as technical shares, and the price accounted for 40.00% of the shares, and the rest was divided between Uncle Tong and Mother Liang.

After discussing the matter, Lin Ruoyan assigned the job directly to Zhao Xingxing, the director of the design department, to arrange it. Positioning and cost control were dictated on the phone, and Zhao Xingxing did everything else by himself. This is the privilege of being a boss.

After seeing off the guests, Zhang Huanyu said to her, "Mr. Lin, I have already thought about the resort's 'crowdfunding' project. If you have time, I can report to you now."

"Of course it's good, tell me." Lin Ruoyan didn't expect Zhang Huanyu to reply so quickly.

Zhang Huanyu said: "I came up with the idea of ​​the project. I want to use the advantages of the founder to maximize the benefits. The company I envision is a joint-stock company with major shareholders and small and micro shareholders. The same shares have different rights, that is to say, the small The funds in the hands of micro-shareholders can be exchanged for those profits and vouchers, and they cannot vote on the development of the company. Only a few major shareholders have decision-making power. Those who can become major shareholders can use technology to invest in shares, or they can You can invest your own energy in operating the shares, or you can use funds to invest in the shares. But the funds will be used for special purposes..."

Zhang Huanyu methodically described his project territory.

In his vision, all benefits can be quantified and subscribed.Nor does he seek to control all the details.In other words, if he has money, he will directly choose to invest money into shares, so as to minimize his time occupied by future operations, so that he can spare time to do more projects.Those who worry about working hard to invest in shares will be tied to this project for the next few years.

The more Lin Ruoyan listened, the more she felt that Zhang Huanyu was indeed expected to be an investor, not a certain project leader.He has many new ideas in his mind, he is not limited to a certain industry, and he is also very good at accepting new things.

For example, in today's medical examination center project, Zhang Huanyu's core contribution is the calculation of return on investment.He is able to quickly quantify industries that he has not been in contact with before, apply the formulas he is familiar with, and coordinate everyone's data. This is a kind of ability.

In the future, there will be many new projects, and he will use the same logic to explore the profit points of the projects. The profit he needs is to invest as little time and energy as possible, and to continue to collect more stable money and worry less in the future.

For example, today, he allows himself a variety of choices, but he will not put himself in the status of a small and micro shareholder who only invests [-] to [-], he wants to choose a status for himself that maximizes benefits.For this reason, he needs precise planning in the early stage, and in the subsequent transfer of power, he also chooses someone he can trust.

"I suddenly thought of a person, Professor Qiao Yizhi, who designed this courtyard house. His studio must be fine for resort design, and his cousin also has a skilled construction team. If they use design and construction as shares , What benefits do you give them?"

When Lin Ruoyan said this, it wasn't that she didn't like the position of the major shareholder of this resort project, but that her company's current staff were busy with many projects, and it was difficult to take care of foreign projects.She can ask Zhang Huanyu to write a project plan and present it at the company, so that the people in the company can judge for themselves the degree of participation, and everyone's choices can also see their own ambitions and attitudes towards life.

Professor Qiao's side is different, and design can be done anywhere in the country.Construction does not necessarily require his cousin's team, but he has the strength and connections, and the skills to control the construction team.In fact, this can be transformed into an EPC project. How can you make more money doing construction than simply doing design?If you want to do it, you can do the general package, from design to construction turnkey.

In addition, just talking about the present, in the designer circle, if you can build a completed project in such a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, your reputation will spread quickly. In the future, you will create a check-in spot for Internet celebrities, and people and students in the circle will flock in an endless stream Never stop, don't worry about the source of customers.

In fact, the cost of design and even construction can be even lower. A competition is held in the university. The architecture department will make a plan, and the people from the School of Civil Engineering will do the construction. Not only domestic, but foreign architecture students can also be fooled into participating in the construction. , Students are the labor force and can advertise for free.

Zhang Huanyu didn't expect Mr. Lin to provide such a good idea to expand publicity and reduce costs with a few casual pointers, which was more brilliant than he thought at first.The potential of college students is endless. Since he has come to Beijing to study, although there is no architecture department in this school, there are so many colleges and universities around him that he can always get useful ones.

Some of his fellow countrymen were admitted to Qingbei, and through the introduction of the fellowship association, he contacted teachers of related majors. He came up with this plan and planned the activities carefully. Maybe he could achieve greater success than expected.These are his resources and his convenience, and he must make full use of them.

A week later, Lin Ruoyan had already received the project promotion materials prepared by Zhang Huanyu.

This material is a computer typesetting document with pictures and texts, and it is not a long essay, but very concise.This is not a prospectus, but a plan for a national design competition. The design competition in the book is different from the traditional one that only draws blueprints. It also gives the construction period and site, and the final inspection of the finished product needs to be completed.

Of course, the main part of the homestay that really needs to be lived and operated in the future must be formally designed and constructed. This design competition only needs to build a few small landmark buildings in the whole project, such as public toilets, cafes, landscape pavilions, bus stations, parking lots, etc. wait.

The organizers of this competition are several well-known colleges and universities in the national architecture department, and the organizer is the teachers and students of the architecture department of a well-known university in Beijing.The main co-organizer is naturally the student union of the university where Zhang Huanyu is.It seems that the organization is very thorough and things are clearly stated.

The design drawings are drawn by professionals, and the construction of small buildings is not professional. Everyone upholds the attitude of social practice and volunteers to participate in labor on site.

The technical guidance is the teachers of these schools, and the external consultants are set to be Professor Qiao and his cousin who is doing construction, who can guide both design and construction.And the role of Lin's real estate is the only designated sponsor, simply put, it is the big sponsor who pays the bottom line.

"Sponsor?" Lin Ruoyan smiled, "Are you planning to white girls for my resources?"

 double update first update

(End of this chapter)

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