Lost eight hundred million at the beginning

Chapter 222 Chapter 222 Lin Mengxi's Friend

Chapter 222 Chapter 222 Lin Mengxi's Friend
However, since Lin Ruoyan reminded her, Lin Mengxi actually used some hacking methods to reverse track the real location of that young lady.It turned out that it was indeed Miss Scientist at the beginning, and the chat address was at a scientific research institution, but later that IP changed its location and made multiple disguises, and the method was more advanced than Lin Mengxi's.

Lin Mengxi said with a small face, "Mom, that person may have lied to me. Her Penguin number should have been taken over by someone else, who is also a master hacker."

"Then do you still want to meet?"

"I don't want to go." Lin Mengxi continued to be angry.

Lin Ruoyan asked again: "I've signed you up for the Go competition, are you still going?"

"Can you not go?"

Lin Ruoyan diverted her attention: "After going there, there are all kinds of delicious food, and you will meet other children who are very good at chess. That competition is designed for children under the age of 18. If there are enough amateur 5-dan If you have more, you can give the champion a certificate of amateur 6-dan, don't you want to be promoted?"

Hearing this, Lin Mengxi became interested again. In addition to being promoted, he also wanted to make some new friends: "Then will they like the books I read? It's okay to go, is there any other activities besides playing chess?" ? I want to exchange book lists or impressions with them.”

Lin Ruoyan glanced at her son's favorite foreign tomes recently, feeling a little pain in her head, and said tactfully: "I think since you are going to play chess in a competition, let's take a few Go books with us, shall we? "

"Forget it, I will memorize all the chess books at home. I want to bring you the new version of the F language book that you mailed back from the airport in country F, okay?"

Lin Ruoyan finally complied, and got a sturdy suitcase to store those dead original foreign language books.In order to save her physical strength, she decided to bring Lu Wei with her. She took bodyguards with her when she went out to consider her own safety, and she could also help carry the suitcase. By the way, she urged her son to practice kung fu every day.

When they arrived in Yicheng, they lived in Lin's newly opened hotel in the urban complex in the old city.

After Lin Ruoyan checked in and settled down, Lu Wei found a time to report alone, saying that they were being followed after they came out of Yicheng Airport, and those who followed them followed them all the way to the hotel.

Lin Ruoyan was surprised: "Who is it? We haven't done anything strange in China, can't it be the paparazzi?"

The last time Lin Ruoyan met Wei Xu in Yicheng, the two of them were next to each other in the guest room, but it was actually arranged by tabloid reporters according to the lace news.This time, Lin Ruoyan made sure that Wei Xu was not arranged for the opening ceremony. He was not in Yicheng for the movie "Ambush".

The National Children's Go Competition was held here in Yicheng. The opening and closing sessions invited child stars or younger groups of the new generation. The young boys and girls that Lao Dai had recently promoted, those people Lin Ruoyan didn't have much contact with at all.The paparazzi should not be interested in her anymore.

Although people from all over the country who came to participate in the competition also checked into the hotel one after another, they didn't live on her floor.This is her prerogative as the boss. She asked for a special floor, and she brought her baby and Lu Wei to live alone, without being disturbed by other guests, and wanted to be private and clean.

If a guest from the hotel asks why they can’t live on that floor, they will reply in a unified way that there is a problem with the guest room equipment on that floor and they are being overhauled and maintained. It seems low-key.

Although her hotel was assessed according to the four-star declaration, it has actually reached a quasi-five-star hardware and management level.In particular, the elevator control is layer by floor, without the room card of her floor, it is impossible to enter this floor.

If you take the fire stairs, you must have a pass service personnel door card.The time of entry and exit and residence time of this card are monitored and traced.If the internal personnel lose the corresponding card, they will be punished. The management of the hotel is very strict.

However, Lu Wei reminded: "If GJ's security department is after you, all conventional controls will basically be useless."

Lin Ruoyan and Lu Wei talked about the ins and outs of Lin Mengxi's meeting with the young lady of the scientific research institution. Lu Wei's judgment is of course that there is a high probability that they will be listed as key targets by the security department.

Lin Ruoyan said, "They should have checked my identity and this hotel. Do they think it's me who contacted Miss?"

Lu Wei sighed: "Meng Xi is a child after all, people will most likely suspect that there is something wrong with you, Mr. Lin. You have also traveled abroad to so many places recently, which is actually a bit suspicious."

While talking, someone outside the guest room rang the doorbell.

Lin Ruoyan lived in a large family suite with two bedrooms, one for her and her son, another for Lu Wei, and a living room with sets of sofas for meeting guests and dining in the room.

When the two of them were chatting, Lin Mengxi was reading a book in the bedroom. He hadn't touched the computer recently, and he didn't connect to the Internet when he turned on the computer. He didn't know what he was doing secretly.

He vaguely heard the knock on the door, put down the book, and tiptoed to the bedroom door, trying to secretly see who was coming.He also seemed to realize that something was wrong.

The guests have just checked in, and it's not the time to go to bed at night, and the room service is not too abrupt.Although Lin Ruoyan thought so, she still expressed her position softly first: "Xiao Lu, I didn't ask for food to be delivered, and I didn't ask to prepare anything else to be delivered."

Lu Wei nodded, looked out through the cat's eyes, and found that the other party was wearing hotel work clothes and pushing a dining car with his head down.She was puzzled and asked, "What's the matter?"

The "waiter" replied: "The manager on duty ordered that every guest with a child will be given a fruit dessert and a small gift."

Why does Lu Wei think the voice and appearance of the person outside the door are so familiar?She frowned, and gestured to Lin Ruoyan, indicating that she should go back to her room first, and then opened the door of the guest room.

As soon as Lin Ruoyan opened her bedroom door, she found that her son was eavesdropping by the door, so she quickly locked the bedroom, pulled him away from the door, and looked at the bathroom in the room, thinking whether to hide in the bathroom.

Lin Mengxi comforted, "Mom, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Lin Ruoyan said helplessly: "Hey, be careful when making friends online in the future."

Lin Mengxi reflected on herself: "Mom is right. This time all the things in my computer were viewed remotely. I don't know if it was because of this that those people came here."

Lin Ruoyan worried: "What's in your computer?"

"It's just some hacking tutorials, and those small projects I used to do. It's really nothing harmful to society, I'm serious."

Seeing that her son's expression was wrong, Lin Ruoyan stared.

Lin Mengxi immediately made a move: "I found out that Uncle Hao's computer stored a lot of pictures of beauties in swimsuits and so on. Uncle Hao was very guilty, and then told me not to tell you. For this reason, he destroyed those pictures on the spot. Pictures, subcontracted some projects for me, in exchange for some pocket money.”

So, is this the truth about Hao Heshan's outsourcing project to Lin Mengxi?The son knows how to use extraordinary means to get the project at such a young age?So, what is the purpose of the people who hacked into Lin Mengxi's computer?Lin Ruoyan asked: "Is there really nothing in your computer?"

"There are a few photos, let's go out to play. I took them for my mother and uncle, and I saved them in my computer. The storage space of the digital camera is limited, so I have to save them for other photos."

"What else did you take?" Lin Ruoyan asked with a vigilant look.

 double update first update

(End of this chapter)

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