Chapter 243 Chapter 243
Lu Wei saw that Lin Ruoyan's expression didn't look like she wanted to talk about feelings, so she changed to a business-like attitude: "I heard from Chen Jun that there may be opportunities for projects in Africa."

Chen Jun is now in Bowa, staring at the project there, and at the same time, he has also met many people who have experience in overseas projects.Engineering, machinery and equipment, shipping and foreign trade, etc., all kinds of people, the information is very well-informed.He seems to want to make overseas projects bigger.

If Bowa has only one or two projects, or is busy for three to five years, where will the focus of the overseas sector be shifted in the future?

Lin Ruoyan didn't talk to them that much before, firstly, she was not sure that she could live that long, and secondly, overseas business was just testing the waters first.Now that Chen Jun is so concerned with overseas affairs, the concept of the country's future trade with the mainland and economic development along the Belt and Road needs to be instilled in advance.Based on such an analysis, countries such as Africa or East Z actually have a lot to do.

"Why didn't Chen Jun tell me?" Lin Ruoyan was curious. In fact, she also knew that Chen Jun was relatively calm and determined before moving. She didn't mention it to her for the time being. It must be that there are still various undecided situations in this project. I said it in advance but didn't make it, so I was happy.

Lu Wei said: "I heard from Chen Jun that there is a slippers brand supplier named Cui Xuan in Lin Zong's hotel business, right? That person has a factory and many stores in Africa. When Chen Jun came to Bowa, he helped promote slippers. The sales of the product are not bad. After all, the local climate is quite suitable for wearing slippers.

Later, Cui Xuan also mentioned some project information to Chen Jun.For example, there is a country in Africa that has just quelled the war. They want to build a trade city to do business with Southeast Asia. Cui Xuan came into contact with that project and the company that built the trade city, Nanwai Construction Africa Company.I happened to know that Chen Jun is cooperating with NFLS, so I inquired about NFLS.They also talked about doing other housing construction projects in Africa and wanted to find investors.

Through Chen Jun's chat, it turns out that the construction companies on both sides are really a family, and they are all teams brought out by President Liu of the Bowa Kingdom. "

That Mr. Liu, Lin Ruoyan remembered, when NFLS was willing to take over the housing construction project of Bowa State and gave them a lot of discounts, it was Mr. Liu who had a plan.Liu always wanted to retire and return to China at the age of 60, and take a second job in Lin's real estate to earn a few more years of money.

Lin Ruoyan knew that Mr. Liu had done a few projects in Africa in the early years, so it is not surprising that the team there has drawn a strong direct line.

"What Chen Jun actually wants to ask from me is whether Mr. Lin chooses a place for overseas projects. The Bowa country was developed before, and the Lion City is the economic and financial highland in Southeast Asia. As for Africa, most people don't think so when they hear it. There is a chance." Lu Wei said very tactfully.

Lin Ruoyan knew that Lu Wei's experience and vision were different from ordinary people, so she asked, "Then what do you think of Africa? Is there a chance?"

Lu Wei has also been to Africa during her mission, and after thinking for a while, she replied: "If there are no wars in some coastal countries, they will be similar to Bowa. Especially those countries with resources, they used to be enslaved colonies, and they fought for their own interests after independence. There are also a group of rich people in the development of the economy. But it seems that the real estate is not enough to make up the scale, right?"

Lin Ruoyan knew that Africa has always been an important part of my country's overseas development, but considering the scale of projects in Africa, she still said pertinently: "I think Chen Jun may compare the project in Bowa to find a suitable place in Africa to replicate the new city. The concept. Indeed, only when the scale is up can there be big profits, and projects that are too small have thin profits.

However, the stability and prosperity of Africa are affected by various aspects, and there are too many uncontrollable risks.

Most of the local wealthy people there have immigrated to Europe and the United States. The remaining middle-class people or people from my country who go there to do business, although they also have housing and office needs, whether they can support a large enough market and profits need further research. "

As soon as the project was mentioned, Lin Ruoyan didn't feel sleepy for a while.Lu Wei has a higher understanding of international relations and the current situation than ordinary people, but when it comes to making money in business, she is not good at it.Lin Ruoyan could only do her best to find information to prove her own thoughts.

After putting her son to sleep, she connected to the hotel's network with her laptop.I have to say that the Internet here in S Island, the Lion City, is much faster than the current domestic ones, and there is no need to go over the wall, you can access the external network, and you can search all kinds of information in Y language.

For example, whether the newly settled African countries mentioned by Chen Jun have security risks? This information can be found on some European and American websites that cannot be found in China.

In addition, after Lin Ruoyan has made a rough check and has a direction, the prodigal system can further assist in the judgment.For example, where she wants to spend money, which man to spend money on, whether it is reliable, etc. Sometimes the prodigal system can still give some insightful insights.

After all, Lin Ruoyan did spend money on investing in many men, and they all had different feelings such as gratitude to Mr. Lin.

Lin Ruoyan is used to checking her work mailbox between checking information.The group company transmits information through the OA system, and this kind of corporate mailbox receives some documents from the cooperative unit.

In particular, some external units that she has cooperated with recently often send some documents. Even if she is on a business trip, she still checks her mailbox every morning and evening.

This time, I saw Zhang Huanyu's email, which is relatively rare.

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Huanyu only communicates with Hua Mengmeng's level. He will politely write some emails during the holidays to report his academic and internship progress to Mr. Lin.It is almost the Spring Festival now, but the email seems to come a little early.

Opening the email, what Lin Ruoyan saw was news about a certain project in Africa.It turned out that Zhang Huanyu was exceptionally allowed to participate in a project of the company's European headquarters because of his excellent performance during his internship in an international consulting agency.

That project is in a country in Africa that has just ended a war, and it is a local bid to develop a copper mine.The local hope is not just to build a copper mine, but to solve various local employment problems and exchange resources such as copper mines for economic development.

This time, the local managers hired a well-known international consulting company at a high price to provide advice and formulate a tender statement.

Zhang Huanyu feels that this project is not only attractive to Western developed countries, but perhaps domestic construction companies also have opportunities to engage in large-scale infrastructure construction.After all, the mine is located in a relatively remote place in the local area, and it is a copper mine that was only explored after the country's independence.The country does not have the technology to mine by itself, and it is difficult to even build a road to go there.

Therefore, this project is not only a copper mine, but also accompanied by the construction of various infrastructures, and even a new city built around the mine. The industry is not just an industry, but it must have a sustainable development idea.

No matter where Zhang Huanyu practiced, he already regarded himself as a member of the Lin Group in his heart. He always paid attention to the projects of the Lin Group, and naturally knew that Mr. Lin had opened up the overseas project market.

Then you must tell Mr. Lin about the project opportunities in Africa.This opportunity was fleeting, so he deliberately wrote an email because he was not on New Year's Day.If Mr. Lin hadn't read the email, he might still call to bother him.

Lin Ruoyan was hesitant to decide whether to do an African project, but after receiving news from Zhang Huanyu, she made up her mind and planned to participate in this African project.

 double update second update
(End of this chapter)

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