Kiss!The paranoid clings to me every day and is addicted

Chapter 136 He really couldn't hold back the violent factor in his heart that night

Chapter 136 He really couldn't hold back the violent factor in his heart that night

The hotel's underground car park.

"Cheng Qingyi."

The boy in front didn't seem to hear the shout, and kept walking.

"Cheng Qingyi, can you stop walking so fast?"

Panting heavily, Tong Rou ran to stop the person.

"what's up?"

There was no trace of patience on the boy's face.

His eyes were as dark as night, and the coolness of an ancient well without waves made people feel chills.

Tong Rou's heart is beating non-stop.

Resisting the fear in my heart, I took out the things in my pocket, "Cheng...Cheng Qingyi, I like you, can you accept me?"

He said and handed over what was in his hand.

Something very familiar, obviously the watch that was dropped last time.

But the outer box is gone.

After the watch was stolen last time, her father never returned it to her, but this time she took the opportunity to steal it.

"Cheng Qingyi, this watch is for you."

Tong Rou handed the watch forward again.

"Sorry, I don't like you."

The boy took two steps back, wanting to stay away from the girl in front of him.

The words were also rejected very quickly.

It seems polite and polite, but in fact it has obvious indifference.

"Cheng Qingyi, is it because you saw my disgusting parents yesterday that you don't like me?"

"They just look like that, and I won't pay attention to them, you don't care."

"I don't like them at all, and I certainly wouldn't go with them."

"I like you and want to be with you."

"Give me a chance, I will definitely be a good girlfriend."

Tong Rou's voice was trembling.

"And do you really not like me? You probably don't know that you like me?" Tong Rou's words became more and more strange.

Cheng Qingyi's voice was low and crisp:
"I think you misunderstood."

"Don't like me, and don't pester me."

"I don't like you, and I won't like you."

It was the first time a boy had spoken so many words to her, but he was rejecting her confession.

He said he wouldn't like her.

Tong Rou suddenly rushed forward desperately, trying to hug Cheng Qingyi.

Cheng Qingyi dodged sideways, his face dripping black, and he sternly cursed "Get out".

After finishing speaking, he looked like he didn't want to stay for a second.

The boy's voice was like the cold wind mixed with ice balls hitting the face in the twelfth lunar month.

Tong Rou sat on the ground stiffly, as if frozen by the boy's voice.

"Cheng Qingyi, why don't you like me, obviously you saved me, obviously you saved me."

The girl's voice was very loud, the words seemed to remind her, but also seemed to grasp the last straw.

"Cheng Qingyi, you obviously like me."

"Why do you save me if you don't like me? If you don't like me, why do you look so crazy when you save me? Why..."

"Yes, you like me, you just like me."

The boy who was about to leave suddenly stopped, turned around and asked, "Shall I save you?"

"Yes, Cheng Qingyi, have you forgotten? You saved me before."

That evening self-study and school, she was stopped by a few vocational high school gangsters in the alley on the way home.

Just when some fuckers wanted to bully her, Cheng Qingyi suddenly appeared.

The boy's eyes were slightly red, and he was so violent that he beat up those who bullied her.

That was the first time she saw Cheng Qingyi's appearance.

Usually others said that Cheng Qingyi was cold and ignored others, but she was the only one who saw Cheng Qingyi's crazy appearance.

It's for her.

This realization made her secretly happy.

Listening to her description, Cheng Qingyi seemed to recall some bad things.

During that time, Nan Qiao had an affair with a male artist in the industry. That night, he really couldn't hold back the violent factor in his heart, that's why...

"you misunderstood."

"That time it was because of the person I like, not because of you."

"Don't bother me in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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