Chapter 101 The twisted melon was also twisted raw
"Mother, why are you still in a daze, dad is back, and he is very angry to know that not only did you not cook, but you are still sleeping here."

Ah Ci's little fleshy hand shook twice in front of Su Suizhu's eyes, with a troubled expression on his face.


Su Suizhu frowned as he searched for past memories that did not belong to him.

It's fine to marry and have children, but you still have to serve your husband, do laundry and cook?

What kind of irrelevant role relationship is this, and what does it have to do with the task she wants to complete?

"Isn't there a servant cook at home? If I don't cook, can he starve to death?"

Besides, it's none of my business if he gets angry!

Su Suizhu pursed his lips, stretched his waist lazily, and glanced at the environment in the room. The furnishings were quite simple, and even the bed was covered with a slightly rough blue-gray quilt.

Looking at the table again, there wasn't even a plate of snacks, just a plain gray kettle.

It's not as good as my original life in the village.

What a sin.

Originally in this world, she could be regarded as a lady who had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child, but her family fell into ruin, and there was nothing left overnight.

The Lin family and the Su family made a marriage contract between the children of the Lin family and the Su family on purpose because of their friendship with the previous generation.

It stands to reason that the family has fallen, the Su family failed in business and lost all their property, and the Lin family pretended to be dumb and refused to admit it.

However, this master of the Lin family is a man of faith, not only honesty in the business field, but even the marriage contract is so stubborn that he insists on fulfilling the original agreement.

The Lin family has two sons, but generally speaking such good things are picked up by the older ones, and she married the eldest son of the Lin family.

Two people who have no feelings are tied together by marriage.

On the wedding night, the eldest son of the Lin family didn't want to have sex with her, so he stayed alone in the study without any scruples.

Seeing that more than a month has passed, the two of them have almost no intersection, not even an eye contact.

Later, it was Mrs. Lin's family banquet, and a jug of good wine became a good thing for the two of them, and the twisted melon was twisted by it.

To say that this body is really competitive, a good thing happened in the future, and she became pregnant soon.

However, the child was also born, and the relationship between the eldest son of the Lin family and her has changed from indifferent to hatred and resentment.

Every time, it seems that there is endless anger, and there is a feeling that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet.

Afterwards, Eldest Young Master Lin used the excuse of some small punishments to make troubles repeatedly, and moved her to this side room.

The original owner was submissive by nature, and because of his family's decline, he probably also felt humbled by others.

From then on, no matter what the husband said, he obeyed, and he even complied with unreasonable demands for washing and cooking.

In name, she is the eldest wife of the Lin family, but in essence she is not much different from a maid.

The memory is not particularly complete, there are only some scene transitions, many of which are fleeting and somewhat blurred, and Su Suizhu can only see a rough idea.

"Mother? You... don't have a fever?"

Ah Ci jumped and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to touch Su Suizhu's forehead.

"No, it's strange, mother, why don't you listen to daddy all of a sudden?"

Su Suizhu held his soft and fleshy little hand in his palm, and patted his head.

"Why do I have to listen to him?"

Ah Ci fixedly looked into Su Suizhu's eyes, suddenly smiled brightly, and nodded vigorously.

"Well, mother, in fact, Ah Ci doesn't want to see you working so hard every day. After persuading you for so long, you finally figured it out. That's great!"

Then, as if remembering something, she frowned slightly, "However, Mother, if Daddy takes the opportunity to punish you, don't easily admit your mistake and bow your head.

In fact, you did nothing wrong!It's all about dad and him, I hope mother can have a better life every day. "

Su Suizhu was a little surprised, this little bun is too considerate.

In his memory, Eldest Young Master Lin always treats this child slightly better than her, and occasionally shows a little paternal love, but not much.

With a "cuckoo", Su Suizhu rubbed her stomach, she didn't care if others ate or not, she was really hungry.

"Come on, Ah Ci, let's go eat."


Su Suizhu smiled and didn't answer, got out of bed and rummaged in the closet, and found a water blue brocade skirt at the bottom.

The fabric is not new, and the style is not fashionable at the moment. The flying crane and auspicious cloud embroidery pattern on it is more elegant, and it is still much better than the current Jingchai sarong.

There's no need for her to be willing to bow her head and lower her eyebrows, wrong herself, and obey everything in order to win back a stinky man's heart. She's really nothing!
So when Su Suizhu suddenly appeared on the dining table at home holding Ah Ci's little hand, Master Lin and Mrs. Lin were somewhat surprised.

"Sui Sui, you. Hurry up and sit next to your mother. My mother told you earlier that you should not wrong yourself. It's great that you can figure it out now."

Mrs. Lin came to her senses, and immediately put on a benevolent smile, beckoning Su Suizhu to sit beside her.

The man in the blue shirt beside him fluctuated for a moment, then lowered his eyelids and got up consciously, making way for Su Suizhu.

Lin Qinghan?The second son of the Lin family?
In my memory, the eldest son of the Lin family has always been angry because his family forced him to marry a wife and match them up. Except for the New Year, he almost never sat with his family.

This will be able to sit here, and he is a man, so there is no need to say more about his identity.

Su Suizhu suppressed the surprise in his heart, and sat down obediently.

Wang Siqing reminded her that the rule of the trial world is that they cannot verify each other's identities, and she can only be the eldest wife of the Lin family at the moment.

"Your mother is right, you just stay in the Lin family with peace of mind. Although my Lin family is not a famous family, we still keep our promises, and we will not treat Ming Media's daughter-in-law who is marrying into my Lin family!"

Su Suizhu's heart is like a mirror, and Master Lin's words are reminding her of her poor daughter-in-law.

To put it bluntly, the pain and grievances I suffered before were simply self-inflicted.

If your husband doesn't like it, you can just ignore it, and you have a child, so you can have enough food and clothing, but she still wants to look bitter and wants to atone for her sins. I really don't understand it.

Su Suizhu didn't want to understand either, since she was the one who took over this role to live on, she would be as comfortable as possible.

"Well, remember the teachings of your parents every year."

Su Suizhu responded with a smile, and then he didn't care too much about the image, and started to eat happily under the intentional or unintentional exploration and scrutiny of several people.

Soon, most of the meat and meat dishes on the table were eaten by her.

This can't be her fault, the main reason is that the feeling of hunger is too strong, Su Suizhu even has the idea of ​​wanting to swallow a pot.

Why doesn't this cruel and inhuman Mr. Lin simply starve her to death!
"What? Can't pretend so soon?"

The handsome figure suddenly appeared at the door, covering the half-sprayed sunlight at dusk. He was dressed in a black shirt that was cold and clean, and his whole body was covered with a burst of warm yellow brilliance, as if a god descended suddenly.

Su Suizhu raised his head, the astonishment in his eyes was only momentary, but was replaced by astonishment.

Because those deep and cold eyes were looking at her, and they were so familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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