Immortal cultivator lay down and won, the cold demon emperor brought his cubs to chase me down

Chapter 185 Is This The Double Cultivation The National Teacher Said?

Forget it, the national teacher bit the bullet and planned to take care of the big ones first.

The subordinates tried their best to carefully apply the medicine to her, but the girl still hid when she was touched, and the crying became obviously rhythmic.

"Don't move around, it will be fine soon."

The national teacher was a little helpless, and unconsciously his tone softened a bit, he could only secretly slander, how could a woman cry so much, and when she cried, it was ugly and ugly, and it went on and on.
Su Suizhu's eyes were dim with tears, and he couldn't help complaining, "You can't be gentle."

"If you cry again, the national teacher will be more important, and you will only suffer more."

The national teacher was focused on talking to her, and when his subordinates didn't pay attention when they touched her, they let out another cry of pain.

"National teacher, please be gentle! Ah Ci is angry!"

Ah Ci yelled in the hands of the national teacher, and then let out bursts of barking sounds, looking like he was blowing his hair.

The national teacher glanced over, Ah Ci immediately put away his teeth and grinned, obediently stood the snake head still, and then he lowered his head and continued to deal with it.

Su Suizhu didn't expect that he could really do it, but he stopped his voice immediately, and his eyes fell on the wound on his arm.

Why are you still there?
"Didn't you say that the wound can be transferred? Why hasn't your wound healed at all?"

Su Suizhu sobbed and wiped away his tears, and reached out to touch the wound of the national teacher.

The national teacher gently opened her hand, without raising her head, she replied casually, "It's just a casual remark, whoever knows you will take it seriously."

"What did you say?"

Su Suizhu looked at him in disbelief.

The next moment, he looked at the wound that he had almost bandaged, and was still throbbing with bursts of burning pain, and even burst into tears of grievance.

"You lied to me, do you know how much pain I had just now?"

Although she lied to him for the mission, she also hurt him without knowing it, but he clearly intended to take revenge by doing this!

Aside from her violent temper in the past, she might have already given him a good beating, but now she can't even scold him at all, the more she thinks about it, the more wronged she feels in her heart.

Seeing this, Ah Ci immediately started crying together, one after another.

"Okay, the stabbing of the southern echinacea just means that the wound heals slowly, so it doesn't matter!"

It doesn't seem to work as before
The national teacher reached out and covered Su Suizhu's lips, and said in a low voice, "Don't cry, otherwise the national teacher will be killed."

The delicate face with pear blossoms and rain, as well as the softness and warmth in the palms that are close at hand, unknowingly arouse the slightest tenderness, and the national teacher leaned even more under the wrong circumstances.

Su Suizhu was stunned, his heart beating wildly.

The national teacher slowly put down his hand, gently stroking his palm, past the fingertips, he seemed to be bewitched, and subconsciously lowered his eyes and leaned forward.

Su Suizhu immediately reacted to the touch of the tip of his nose and the coldness of the corners of the silver mask, and hurriedly raised his hand to push him away.

"My lord, I'm not feeling well, so I'm going back to my room first."

Su Suizhu hurriedly got up, lowered his head and turned around as if running away.

The national teacher secretly clenched his fingertips and frowned, watching her disappear.

Suddenly, I was a little annoyed by the impulsive action just now, it was like a ghost was obsessed, how could I treat her inexplicably.
"Master, what were you doing just now?"

Ah Ci stared at the national teacher with two big watery eyes, with a puzzled and thirsty look on his face.

The national teacher's face couldn't help becoming a little hot, and he avoided A Ci's gaze unnaturally.

"It's nothing, it's just that the tip of her nose is sweaty, just wipe it off for her."


Ah Ci looked at his side face, looking thoughtful.

Night falls.

Although his room has always been a decoration, but in today's situation, Su Suizhu still wants to stay here alone.

But without the order of the national teacher, Su Suizhu couldn't directly dismiss A Ci from being on duty because of his status. Besides, this little guy had been guarding her for most of the day.

In desperation, he could only take it back to the big room.

There was a faint figure behind the screen, Su Suizhu couldn't help but paused and became nervous.

"Not coming in yet? Do you still want my national teacher to invite you?"

He had already opened his mouth, and Su Suizhu had no choice but to bite the bullet and go in.

The national teacher was sitting on the side of the couch, with a graceful figure, and half of the mask could hardly hide the glamorous and beautiful look. Su Suizhu hurriedly lowered his head after just one glance, not daring to meet his gaze again.

"Master Guoshi, it's getting late, why don't you go back to bed earlier."

Not going to sleep at night, and sitting on the side of the bed waiting for her, it's hard not to let people think about it!

At that time, it was said that marrying him was just a strategy to complete the task, but if he was really eager to close the relationship between the two, Su Suizhu would not accept it.

"come over."


Su Suizhu was still holding A Ci in his hand, and he couldn't move his feet when he stood there.

"Xue Nu, the national teacher let you go, what's wrong with you?"

"No nothing."

Su Suizhu forced a smirk, collected himself, and moved his feet a little to the side of the bed.

The national teacher couldn't stand it any longer, so he got up and took her by the wrist in three or two steps to the side of the couch.

"Go up."

Su Suizhu glanced at the bed behind him, his body froze, is it so direct?

"This is the bed of the Holy King, Xuenv dare not."

"Su Suizhu, don't think that I don't know, you are occupying Ah Ci's bed every day, why do you dare not go up today when the national teacher asked you to go up?"

Su Suizhu pursed her lips. Now that she was exposed, she couldn't refute anymore.

But now being invited so blatantly by the national teacher, and still in front of Ah Ci, she really couldn't move, she bowed her head and pretended to be dead.

"Xue Nu, go up if the national teacher tells you to go up, and we will lie on it in the open and bright from that day on."

Ah Ci was quite happy.

Su Suizhu was quite envious of its simplicity.

But this is not a matter of lying down at all, the national teacher is standing by the bed, how can she lie down?
"My lord, what is the meaning of this?"

It's better to ask clearly!
"Double cultivation."

"Ah? No way!"

Su Suizhu immediately turned his back and refused mercilessly.

"I have a sweetheart, and I haven't completely forgotten him. I can't do it now!"

There was silence behind him.

After a while, Su Suizhu turned his head, only to see the national teacher sitting cross-legged on the bed, with his eyes closed.

His thin lips closed slightly, and his mellow voice flowed out slowly, "I haven't come up yet, I won't be able to keep up later, my national teacher will not repeat it a second time."

There was a burst of faint light flowing and converging at the fingertips of the national teacher, which is clearly similar to the operation of the method of adjusting breath and entering concentration!
Su Suizhu suddenly seemed to understand, but he was even more confused.

"Master Guoshi, are we just sitting opposite each other to practice?"

"Then what else do you want to do? Your head is full of messy things!"

The national teacher slightly raised his eyelids, and gave her a sharp and cold look with disdain.

Su Suizhu pursed her lips and roared inwardly, what was she thinking!
Immediately lifted the skirt, immediately took off the embroidered shoes, and sat face to face with him in the same posture of meditation.

"Jun Ling's head at dusk, the wind at its end"

Su Suizhu hurriedly followed his formulas to adjust his breath and move his palms, concentrating his energy.

It's strange, although it's the first time I heard these clumsy formulas, but they seem to be very smooth and can be mastered and used immediately.

However, this is the double cultivation that the national teacher said?

But isn't the double cultivation that Lin Qinghan said about combining yin and yang?

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